My thirteen month old had less than an ounce of milk before nap, then when he woke up two hours later, he had apple juice, now he is spitting up curddled milk. Why? It's nothing serious, not vomiting. Just wondering if maybe milk is too hard on his stomach? He doesn't like drinking milk.
11 answers
asked by
Pregnancy & Parenting
➔ Parenting
He's not allergic. He's been on milk since 11 months and he just went to the doctor. He is only "spitting" up. He doesn't have diarhea, vomiting, hives, swelling, upset stomach.
Source babycenter
08:24:22 ·
update #1
Apple juice will curdle the milk in his tummy. He probably didn't digest it yet
2006-10-22 08:36:47
answer #1
answered by R C 5
if he is over a year old, and still not tolerating milk, go talk to your pediatricians. He could have an allergy. If this is the first time happening..maybe he has a bit of the flu?..the acid in apple juice could be hard on his stomach too.
Are you warming the milk up before he drinks it?..That could help too.
I would talk to the Dr if it is a constant thing that is happening.
2006-10-22 08:21:59
answer #2
answered by ? 6
the apple juice might have been too acidic on top of the milk. try some water when he wakes up, then give him some apple juice after his body has woke up and adjusted. if that doesn't help, then i'd check with his doctor to see if he is lactose intolerant ar if there is another issue to be addressed. good luck!
2006-10-22 08:30:58
answer #3
answered by Karen M 2
The acid in the apple juice has curddled the milk, in his stomach...
2006-10-22 19:13:10
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
when u give a child milk and then he takes a nap thats not
good b/c the milk is just sittin in his tummy try not to give him
a nap. they sleep alot better at nite without a nap during the day
i have 2 kids i've been through the same thing
2006-10-22 09:36:52
answer #5
answered by Jennifer P 2
It kindof soiunds like hes allergic. I say try and get him off milk for a couple of days, if he still does it, maybe try going to a doctor.
2006-10-22 08:16:42
answer #6
answered by lil_danca06 4
He could just have reflex. My 4 month old has been spitting up his milk lately, never had that problem before.
2006-10-22 18:29:42
answer #7
answered by T 2
talk yo your doctor, I didnt have that problem with my daughter but my friend did and her child it turned out was allergic to milk so just call and ask him. Good Luck
2006-10-22 08:22:17
answer #8
answered by Alyssa C 2
He may be lactose intolerant or there is also a disease called GED that is similar to adults who have indigestion. Call your doc. It could be that he just spit it, no big deal at all...
2006-10-22 08:17:15
answer #9
answered by rae_lee9 2
take him to the doctor
and the milk wasn't expired
2006-10-22 08:19:59
answer #10
answered by gousa1991 4