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I found this in "My Documents" folder. I will delete it if it isn't important.

2006-10-22 06:41:47 · 2 answers · asked by ElmerFudd 1 in Computers & Internet Software

2 answers

Do not delete the file until you remove it's program from ADD/REMOVE programs. Of course, to do this, you'll need to know the program. Do this: Go to the file 'v28_b020.ex' and Right-Click it. Then Click SCAN or SCAN FOR VIRUSES. If it comes up clean, continue with below: Click on it as if you were going to install it. When it pops up it will tell you what the program is. You can then CANCEL your installation with no harm done. Don't do this if you DO NOT have a virus scan and scanned it first. Now, if it is indeed a program you no longer want, then go to CONTROL PANEL, then ADD/REMOVE PROGRAMS and Remove the program from there. After that is complete you can THEN go back to your 'my documents' folder and delete the .exe file. Then, optional, Right-Click your START button and Click EXPLORE. Click PROGRAM FILES and you can remove anything the program left behind there. It will have it's own folder, which you can now safely delete. Remember to never ever delete ANY associated files to a program UNTIL you remove the program from ADD/REMOVE programs OR the Uninstall icon in the programs, Program Files folder. Programs have to have the installation files to uninstall so you don't won't to delete them until they're no longer needed. Good Luck To Ya :-)

2006-10-22 09:09:46 · answer #1 · answered by Army Of Machines (Wi-Semper-Fi)! 7 · 0 0

As far as I can tell it's an ancient installer for an application to check your website for webtv compatibility. If you aren't wanting to check your website for webtv compatibility, it's probably perfectly safe to delete it.

2006-10-22 16:18:07 · answer #2 · answered by ? 2 · 0 0

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