Hi, I'm a vet technician...here is the info...Theobromine, a component of chocolate, is the toxic compound in choclolate. Caffeine is also present in chocolate, but in much smaller amounts than Theobromine.
Theobromin can effect the central nervous system(stimulant), is a cardiovascular stimulant and sometimes increase blood pressure...Baker's chocolate is the worst (most Theo.), white chocolate has the least Theo. Milk chocolate is in the middle...
Factors of concern are size of dog to the amount eaten, age of pet, current health...do they have heart problems, GI problems, other medical conditions that would be worsened by Theo. But for a healthy dog, the following: An 80 lb lab eats a hand full of M&Ms...chances are...he will be fine...but, he eats a plate of baker's chocolate...we have a problem...need to make him vomit and watch for nerological signs...he may start to stagger, fall, vomit on his own (if you did not induce vomiting right after he ate the chocolate....). The caffeine is also a concern...may cause heart to race, blood pressure to increase, fainting, falling over...
One Hershey's kiss (they are milk chocolate, not baker's chocolate) is not a concern unless your dog is less than 1/8 of a pound! Rule of thumb is 1 oz dark chocolate /lb of body weight (milk chocolate 2-3 oz/lb)...if over that then may have gotten a toxic dose...so a 80 lb dog = 80 oz dark chocolate to reach poss. toxic dose...so he would need to eat close to 10 cups of dark or baker's chocolate to be near toxic level...
The effect of chocolate is not accumulated over time...as I see others have written, and your dog may eat chocolate ever day, but I'm sure he is not eating a plate of baker's chocolate every day, so we have to keep it in prespective...
If you have questions about toxic foods or plants please visit an ASPCA site, please don't just take the opinion of any Jo Blow that is willing to give an uneducated opinion...that is how mistakes are made and lives are lost...
2006-10-22 07:24:51
answer #1
answered by luszoo3 1
That sounds like a 12-ounce kit. a great sheltie weighs approximately 40 kilos. For a dogs of that length, there's a 50/50 threat that TWENTY kilos of milk chocolate would be deadly. different than your dogs could no longer consume twenty kilos of milk chocolate. That lots fat and that lots sugar, the adverse ingredient may well be barfing all of it up. The pooch might have a situation with diarrhea and vomiting besides, from each and all the fat. If he absorbs all 12 oz, the chocolate might make the dogs a splash extra agitated. I used to have a sheltie. God, she exchange into ideal, and affectionate, and clever. yet all we've been elevating on the farm exchange into grain. The adverse cats did no longer like being herded each and all the time, and whilst human beings might stop on the farm, the dogs might attempt to herd them, too, which puzzled them. I had to pass right into a small place for a mutually as and my cousins took the dogs, and that they raved approximately what a stable dogs she exchange into. that they had sheep. yet earlier i might desire to get her returned, she tried herding a pickup truck sooner or later, and alter into killed. Scratch your dogs in the back of the ears for me, and tell her that she has a pal she's never met. And tell her that chocolate is a undesirable theory. it incredibly is the situation with intelligence. It makes them so *curious*.
2016-10-15 07:38:31
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
I don't think that you need to panic. It is a small amount of chocolate, and though a large amount can be deadly, I think that the worse that it can do is make Dog here a little sick. But it does depend on the size of the dog. If we're talking a teacup poodle it's a rather large amount, in which case you should probably see a vet. Good luck!
2006-10-22 06:28:25
answer #3
answered by Bored. 3
How big is the dog? If its a bigger dog, just keep a VERY close eye on it. If it starts acting funny in any way, go to the vet or emergency clinic.
Once my beagle got into the easter dish and ate about 5 or 6 small chocolate eggs, foil and all, she was fine.
But we were on high alert for 2 days.
2006-10-22 06:28:13
answer #4
answered by nixie 2
The darker the chocolate, the more theobromine (the part that is bad for dogs) it has. The size/weight of the dog is a factor, also. With a small amount of milk chocolate like a Hershey's Kiss, your dog may have no reaction, or he may have an upset stomach or diarrhea. That will most likely be all.
2006-10-22 06:28:49
answer #5
answered by mustanglynnie 5
I do not think your dog has had a toxic dose; I will list two links for you to give you the correct information, as you need to know what to look for.
I do hope these links are helpful to you, and good luck. Your dog should be fine. But if you are still concerned after reading these two links
Contact your veterinarian or one of the Animal Poison Hotlines (listed below) if you think your pet may have accidentally received or been given an overdose of the medication.
**ASPCA National Animal Poison Control Center
1-900-443-0000 ($55.00 per case. The charge is billed directly to caller's phone.)
1-888-4ANI-HELP (1-888-426-4435. $55.00 per case, billed to caller's credit card only.)
Follow-up calls can be made for no additional charge by dialing 888-299-2973.
There is no charge when the call involves a product covered by the Animal Product Safety Service.
**Animal Poison Hotline – a joint service provided by North Shore Animal League America (NSAL) and PROSAR International Animal Poison Center (IAPC).
1-888-232-8870 ($35.00 per incident. The charge is billed to caller's credit card only.) Staffed 24-hours a day, 7 days a week.
2006-10-22 06:33:31
answer #6
answered by pinkpiggies336 4
Chocolate is toxic to dogs, but one Kiss isn't going to kill yours. I doubt it will even make your dog ill. The old family dog once managed to scarf down an entire bag of chocolate chip cookies....nothing happened. Basically, chocolate works on a dog over time. If a dog is allowed regular chocolate treats it will, over time, destroy the liver.
So no, one Kiss is nothing to worry about.
2006-10-22 06:27:52
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
There isn't enough real chocolate in one of those to matter for starters.
Second, I had a Golden who was a mster at getting things out of pockets - particularly the mini-Snickers bars that my sister ad n her coat pockets. Those few little candy brs didn't kill him - I thought about doing it when I ha to ante up my pocket money to repay my sister ...but the cndy wasn't the risk
2006-10-22 07:05:14
answer #8
answered by ann a 4
I've heard this depends on the size of your dog. The smaller the dog, the greater the risk. I would call the vet now.
2006-10-22 06:43:22
answer #9
answered by paperorplastic 2
no, a couple of pieces of chocolate are not lethal to a dog, but you should still watch them for the next 24 hours just to be safe. It is more dangerous if they eat dark chocolate rather than milk chocolate because it is more pure.
2006-10-22 06:29:57
answer #10
answered by fritz987321654 1