Yes, it is terrible. Your sneeze will have to come out some how and it may just burst out of your ears. Or worse yet your nose along with some snot. Ugh.
2006-10-22 06:22:01
answer #1
answered by BlueSea 7
I have actually heard of people having aneurysms because of holding in their sneezes. It may just be a wives tale but it's something to consider. You sneeze for a reason, usually to get something out of your respiratory system that it foreign to it. It's best just to go ahead and sneeze, while covering your mouth and nose, and then saying 'excuse me'. As long as you're semi-delicate about it the teachers won't say anything, after all it's only human.
2006-10-22 13:25:20
answer #2
answered by i have no idea 6
the reason you sneeze is to clear dust, debri, or anything you might be allergic to, so by not sneezing and not clearing out the cause of the sneeze you will probably continue to sneeze, but there are no bad effects that i know of, but maybe an allergy medicine would work.
2006-10-22 13:25:55
answer #3
answered by jcmikemoni 1
sure its bad....i dont know what r the effects but dont hold it after 2day cause sneezing is a natural thing ..i mean its ok 2 sneeze but u should keep some tissue with u l0o0ol
2006-10-22 13:24:30
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Sneezing is your bodies MAJOR way of eliminating toxins, bacteria and viruses from the lungs and throat. If you don't sneeze the toxins/bacteria/viruses will stay inside you. If you have a cold and don't sneeze when you want to, for example, you'll have the virus for longer and it will be more severe!
In fact, that's the ONLY REASON you sneeze - becuase there's something inside you that the body doesn't want!
2006-10-22 13:23:56
answer #5
answered by Dudeberry 2
The effect is a headache. I don't think it will have any serious effects though. Why would you hold your sneeze anyway?? Just cover your face when you do it and blow your nose and carry on. It's only nature, i'm pretty sure no one will hold it against you.
2006-10-22 13:23:02
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
well if it is quiet then it is not a bad thing because that can be very distracting but other wise i dont think that there is a real effect to holding your sneeze because i do it sometimes too
2006-10-22 13:23:01
answer #7
answered by hostess 1
lots of times i begin to get a headache... I ussually don't get to keep it back either... You know how your heart stops for a milisecond when you sneeze? If it feels bad when it stops, usually heart aches for me... but thats just me you know...
2006-10-22 13:24:07
answer #8
answered by ... 2
I do it all the time and have done it for years. 30 years later and I'm very healthy. This is a question to ask an ears, nose, and throat doctor. He is the only one who will know for sure.
2006-10-22 13:23:03
answer #9
answered by SHELTIELUVER 3
yes its bad it keeps the germs in you when you sneeze you let out germs but ya i hate sneezing to
2006-10-22 13:22:07
answer #10
answered by Nightchild 4