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The ingredients are: Crab meat, Chopped Cabbage, Ramen Noodles, and Almonds with a dressing of oil, vinegar, and sugar. I think that these are all of the ingredients. If someone has this recipe please share it with me. Thanks.

2006-10-22 05:32:36 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous in Food & Drink Cooking & Recipes

1 answers

Could this be the one?

Japanese Crab Salad
1/2 large head cabbage, cut into thin strips (1/4 in. x 2 in. app.)
3 green onions, sliced, including green tops
2 pkg Top Ramen noodles, uncooked, any flavor
2 cans (5-6 oz each) white crab meat, drained
4 Tbsp sesame seeds
4 Tbsp slivered almonds

1 1/8 cups vegetable oil (lite is fine)
6 Tbsp red wine vinegar
4 1/2 Tbsp sugar
1 1/2 tsp salt
3/4 tsp black pepper
3/4 tsp Accent

Cut up cabbage and onions into large bowl. While still in pkg, break up block of Ramen noodles. When fully broken, discard seasoning packet and pour noodles into bowl w/ cabbage and onions. Drain crabmeat, squeezing in paper towels to remove as much liquid as possible. Add to other mixture. Lightly toast sesame seeds and almonds. (Only takes a minute in toaster-- don't burn!) Add to mixture in bowl. In separate bowl or jar mix dressing ingredients, mixing well with whisk. Pour over salad. Marinate overnight in refrig, stirring a few times.

2006-10-22 05:57:19 · answer #1 · answered by Smurfetta 7 · 0 0

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