She is insecure of where she is, so she goes to her mom or dad for comfort. Are you expecting too much of her? She can not sit quiet, she is 3!!!..She has to be able to run around or play. Bring toys along for her..books..crayons and paper. Make sure she is settled and happy before you visit whoever you are visiting. Don't expect she will be content for hours, that is not possible at the age.
2006-10-22 04:30:28
answer #1
answered by ? 6
If she's 3 1/2 years old she's acting like a typical toddler. This might be just a phase;however, she also might be testing you to see how you react. Toddlers love to try new things and explore and this is her way of doing it. Try a reward method, where if your daughter isn't behaving propertly, offer to give her a treat or surpise if she is good and can sit in a seat rather than your lap. By her sitting on your lap she is becoming more comforatable and feeling like it's okey. It could be okey once in a while but I wouldn't make it a habit. As she gets older, she'll be going to elementry school and she won't have a lap sit on but rather a desk or table to sit at. The reward or sticker method worked for me with my child.
2006-10-22 04:36:18
answer #2
answered by taf3781 1
She is a child. Children are born without conscience, appreciation, respect, gratitude, or self confidence. Your job as a parent is to teach them all that. You act like you didn't expect it, and it annoys you. It was your choice to have children, not hers. Maybe you need to socialize her more, encourage her creativity and her inquisitiveness. Encourage her to explore more and experience more. Maybe she onle feels safe and secure in your arms because she doesn't get enough stimulation or interaction outside your home.
2006-10-22 04:33:33
answer #3
answered by pandora the cat 5
she is 3 1/2 years old and out of her comfort zone. make her feel more comfortable or get a sitter. she's your toddler. pestering you is her job.
2006-10-22 04:22:34
answer #4
answered by kajunprincezz 3
Teach her at home how to behave in public, and stand by those rules and teachings and punishments when out of the house.
You have to talk to her at home and teach her how to behave in public, and expect her to do so when out.
2006-10-22 04:37:20
answer #5
answered by amosunknown 7
let her be close to you just let her she need to be a good girl and if she is reward her with one M&M
2006-10-22 04:31:37
answer #6
answered by Chantelle D 2