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What's YOUR opinion...?

2006-10-22 04:00:09 · 28 answers · asked by gokart121 6 in Politics & Government Immigration

28 answers


I personally think it is a real problem in certain states and expecially over here on the West Coast where I live in California. We have a lot of migrant workers in the fileds out here that are illegal, but now that they are cracking down on the laws about renting to illeglas I will be interested to see where they all go and how many other states will pick this up and inforce it too.

2006-10-22 04:05:34 · answer #1 · answered by hehmommy 4 · 1 1

Number 4 on my list.

1 government reform. We can't accomplish anything until we get the corruption out and bring back the will of the people.

2 get out of Iraq
3 global warming electric cars now. No half step hybrids
4 immigration. Its so simple to fix this. Fine employers of illegals so much that they cannot risk the chance of employing illegal. No jobs = no illegals. Close the boarder those who are in can stay. those here with criminal records, see ya.
5 Standard health care. Major medical needs only. Cap the age. Government medical school for 10 years public medical work.

2006-10-22 04:22:31 · answer #2 · answered by brooklyn 4 · 1 1

Just an opinion........IT'S BIG!!!Do you have a relative who is in need of any kind of Government assistance? Do you pay insurance on anything other than an automobile? Are you covered by health insurance that you contribute to? Do you find yourself complaining about how these last two(2) are going up every time you turn around? Now ask yourself that question again friend. There's a jail in my county that's relatively new...........seven years, which is still considered new, capacity, seven hundred forty(740) inmates. Three(3) years ago the county got the INS contract for the Southwestern portion of my state, before that time the thing was never even close to full,since that time, it's over crowded constantly......ninety(90) percent illegal immigrants. Until that time, there wasn't one(1) case of HIV, now......three(3) to five(5) percent of the jail population is HIV positive. In February, there was a case of Ebola. Now ask yourself that question again friend. Do you have children? Do they go to public school? SO DO THEIRS! Don't get me wrong, I'm not throwing it on those baby's......Lord knows, their just innocent VICTIMS, yet those precious angels have HEPATITIS C. Ask yourself that question again friend..LATER

2006-10-22 04:38:59 · answer #3 · answered by veteranpainter 4 · 2 1

Considering how much money our government spends between trying to stop people from coming over, jailing those who do get over and stopped or jailing those who come here and commit crimes, and all the money our government spends on health care and welfare for immigrant women who come here and then have babies (which, because they are born here are considered citizens even though the parents are illegals) and providing free education for immigrant children and all the money spent on making everything bilingual and firing people who are not or refuse to become bilingual... I would think that we are spending more on all of this than the US government spends on social security and most domestic policies combined.

Illegal immigrants put a huge strain on our govenrment's resources. Although I feel concern for the lives they lead in their own country, which are often deplorable, I feel no duty to welcome them here for our government to support.

If you come here and follow our rules to become a citizen, I welcome you. Come and work with us to make America an even better place to live. But if you are here illegally, you need to go back to your own country and work to make your country a better place to live rather than becoming a parasite on the American economy.

Short of being in a war that the US has no hope of winning in its present course, the immigration problem is the second largest that we as Americans face.

2006-10-22 04:11:49 · answer #4 · answered by Onegoddess 2 · 4 1

It is a very disturbing problem. Disturbing meaning I don't see the light at the end of the tunnel, so to speak. I am very concerned about it, because it seems like the government is not doing anything but just talking. We need action on illegal immigration...., and we need it NOW. It seems like their only addressing the problem, but doing nothing about it.

2006-10-22 06:36:23 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

Illegal immigration is a HUGE problem.. first of all its ILLEGAL, secondly the illegal immigration is ran by corporate america, so they can keep their profits going up, which puts more money in the pockets. It is taking jobs from people here, which then forces them to stay on welfare, which taxes our healthcare , crime rate goes up.. so yes it sia HUGE problem and one that should have been cured years ago

2006-10-22 04:09:17 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 5 1

It's A GROWING Problem

The Impact Is Showing Itself
And Is Proving To Be Compounding Exponentially

We MUST Address This Issue

2006-10-22 11:20:16 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

It is HHHUUUGGGEEE!!!!!!!! I have no problem with legal immigration!!! But it makes my blood BOIL at the way illegals are abusing our country and it's generosity!! In my opinion, I don't care what country you come from, If you want to come to the USA, do it legally. Pay taxes and obey the laws like everyone else!! I understand why people want to come here! But I despise the idea that my tax money pays for free medical care - free childbirth - free schooling etc. for people who come here with no respect for our country and it's laws!!
If I was to move to Mexico - God spare me - Would anyone learn English for my sake? NO, I would need to learn Spanish. So, why can't people who come here learn our language??? I get so irate that everything you buy has the label in both English and Spanish!! You asked for my opinion - you got it.

2006-10-22 04:15:36 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 4 1

I think illegal immigrants are the biggest problem our country has faced in it's history...excluding nothing! This bunch of criminals have entered our country illegally and our government backs them making Americans pay for their very existence! In my opinion, the mexicans are are much bigger threat to the USA than any middle-eastern terroriist - the mexicans are killing our middle-class lifestyle which affects millions of us...a middle-eastern terrorist kills a few thousand of us....so which is the biggest threat ...killing millions of us or a few thousand?

2006-10-22 04:10:46 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 4 1

It is a chief problem.
The working Americans are supporting these illegal aliens and paying for their medical care.
Face it, many Americans have no health insurance for their families!
Does that seem fair?

2006-10-22 05:10:10 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

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