Very few people marry the people they dated in high school. You have to pick the very best college for your future and not worry about a boy. Maybe that sounds harsh, but it would be downright stupid to pick an inferior school close by just to be by some guy. You need to head into the future fearlessly and say to yourself if it was meant to be with that guy that it will work out. and if not, at least you aren't shooting yourself in the kneecap by dumbing down your college choices.
2006-10-22 03:08:20
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Ask him what his plans are with regards to college and let him see the information from the colleges you have been looking at.
Whilst most long distance relationships don't work, the most important thing is for you to get the eductaion that you want in the college that you want.
Boyfriends come and go but your education is forever and will effect your job prospects in later life - which is more important?
2006-10-22 10:10:25
answer #2
answered by Witchywoo 4
If you two have been together for 3 years, then you probably have discussed the fact that you are going to college and what you plan on studying. If not, why not? With that in mind, he should be understanding that you want to improve your education...and if the cards have a more productive member of your future home.
2006-10-22 10:08:59
answer #3
answered by IGH3Rat 5
Just tell him you have to go to college. It's a day you both know is coming. He knows it too.
Then ask him, "can we try a long distance relationship?" Remind him you care about him, and you want to give it a shot.
Of course, as someone who knows, I think the relationship will fizzle out surprisingly rapidly once you leave. But when it finally ends, the good news is, it won't hurt half as bad as it would have if you had have broken up before leaving instead.
2006-10-22 10:09:19
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Do whatever it is that u want to do. My daughter's boyfriend went away to college for 3 years. It was two hours away. He's finished now and they are still it can work and will work if you both want it to.
Ask yourself this question: In 10 years time, would you regret NOT going?
Then you'll have the answer.
2006-10-22 10:08:25
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Don't limit what you want to do in your life based upon a relationship. If someone wants to make it work, even in that type of situation - it will work. Sometimes life is about taking a chance and this is a risk, you could lose something, but you could gain something even more valuable. Don't let him guilt trip you either because you don't want to look back 20 years from now full of regrets. Do what feels right to you!!!
2006-10-22 10:23:46
answer #6
answered by Michaela 4120 3
If he really loves you he will understand that getting your education is a priority right now.If he doesnt want to wait then sweety its his loss, but you will be gaining much more by educating yourself .Dont give up your dreams for anyone.There is no guarantee on any relationship, but an education is forever.Good luck.
2006-10-22 10:08:31
answer #7
answered by vinny d 2
do what ever YOU need to do.. if you have a great relationship with this guy he'll be supportive and if, in the future, you are not together.... it was probably never meant to be... and if he truly loves you, he'll be there for you.
2006-10-22 10:07:58
answer #8
answered by tampico 6