No, you're right, evolutionary scientists don't try to make life out of non-living material. However, there is a new branch of engineering on a molecular level that has, in fact, managed to create genes out of inorganic materials. There was an article about it ("Engineering Life") in one of the summer issues of Scientific American, so you can check it out if you don't believe me. Furthermore, other scientists think they have learned about the beginning of life which occurred deep in anaerobic areas of the ocean where inorganic carbon compounds were able to react and form organic compounds. Interesting huh?
No, evolutionary scientists don't try to prove that God doesn't exist. It's merely a pleasant side benefit.
Evolution and natural selection are merely terms that refer to the ability of life forms to change. Basically, genes can be mutated. Natural selection refers to the fact that if these mutations help the organism to live longer or reproduce more effectively, then the organism will survive longer and have more offspring. Evolution is the general process of species changing and new species forming because of the positive changes that become a part of the population by natural selection.
No, while most atheists do believe in evolution, it's certainly not a prerequisite to being an atheist. Besides, proving evolution is true doesn't really disprove god, it just makes the need for the myth much less pressing, especially for those who actually have common sense and listen to logic.
Plenty of people who believe in evolution still believe in god, although personally I think their arguments are pretty weak. (One of god's days was a billion years? Yeah ... sure.) It's just that they've grown to want to believe in god because of the promise of a wonderful afterlife no matter what they do on earth, as long as they repent before they die (even seconds before they die). So they try to make it seem as though the two fit together. Newsflash: the "theory" of evolution doesn't need the myth of god to fill its empty cracks ... there's not enough room for a deity in there!
I'm not really sure what you mean by your last question. Is what really all on nothing? Huh? It makes absolutely no sense to me.
2006-10-21 16:45:40
answer #1
answered by maypoledancer 2
Does evolution tell us that man descended from the monkeys or apes?
No. It tells us that the apes we know now and the monkeys we know now and the humans we know now are descended from a common ancestor more directly than the common ancestor of all mammals, which is more direct than the common ancestor of all vertebrates, etc.
Who told you that?
Isaac Asimov.
Do evolution scientists try to make life out of non living material?
Who told you that?
Well, it's creationists who consistently bring the issue up.
Do evolution scientists try to prove that God doesn't exist?
No, you cannot prove negatives.
Who told you that?
I think it was my junior high math teacher.....
What, in short, do you think that the Theory of Evolution by Natural Selection is trying to establish?
Greater understanding of the world around us, in order to be more effective in living in the world around us.
Is it an atheist agenda?
Not that I know of.
Do you think that if you learned about evolution and believed it that you might not believe in God anymore?
I do believe in evolution, and it has no effect on my beliefs in God. I believe that God and Goddess created existence in such a way that evolution is one of the ways that beiungs develope over time.
Is it really all on nothing?
There's always a 3rd, or a 9th, or a 27th, or an 81rst alternative.
2006-10-21 23:38:48
answer #2
answered by raxivar 5
This question is limited to Earth only. You should look at a broader spectrum. Universal. As far as your questions go, here are my answers:
1. Scientists at Cal-Tech & MIT have created life from amino acids.
2. Evolutionary scientists do not try to disprove GOD. The simply state a tangable fact that evolution exists.
3. People believe what they want. Some believe in an all mighty creator, others take the scientific approach. I've learned about both, The Bible and Evolution. My opinion is that evolution is a fact. The Bible is a book written by many people with no tangable facts whatsoever. Just stories.
2006-10-21 23:41:30
answer #3
answered by Stymie 1
That's a LOT of questions. Monkeys and apes? No. A common ancestor? Yes. Does this prove God false? NO! Life from non-life? Not yet, but life components, yes. The TOE is just trying to develop a Unified Field Theory. Atheists would like to use parts of evolution to push their agenda, but the data is double edged. God is bigger than Science. I am not worried.
2006-10-21 23:36:26
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Evolutions says that we share a common ancestor with apes and monkeys. I don't think the theory claims how life began, but I'm not sure.
Natural selection is trying to build a scientifically based model of how life on earth developed from the most primitave forms to what we have today, and ATTAMPT to see what changes might come in the future.
I don't think that evolution and God are mutually exclusive, but that's a matter of belief.
2006-10-21 23:34:23
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
The Theory is not based on facts. It is a guess or assumption and speculation. There are no records of monkeys or apes changing in any way since man has been keeping records. Why do the apes of today not evolve? Why can we not teach them to be a human today? Just shave them and put a suit on them and then they are human. We can be a separate species apart from apes. One could just as easily say in theory that man is evolving into apes and the ones that are here today are descendants of humans. I think that the Theory indicates that we came from an extinct ape. That is their assumption.
2006-10-22 00:04:34
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
Evolution is a proved concept. It is backed up by scientific evidence and facts. It is not an atheist agenda, it is merely the result of people trying to find answers to the many questions of life.
2006-10-21 23:33:57
answer #7
answered by JZ 5
If we decended from monkeys or apes why is there still monkeys and apes?....i dont buy it for a minute. I dont think its an atheist agenda...i just think its a bunch of people with nothing else to do than to question every little thing about life....i say let bygones be bygones. There are alot more important issues society needs to be researching and spending time on.
2006-10-21 23:38:02
answer #8
answered by Jill D 3
I believe evolution is a bunch of junk (check it out, our DNA is more closely linked to worms then apes, go figure), and Darwin was having doubts when he died, I guess he felt there should be so many missing links they should have found one already. By the way have they found one? I also feel, since evolution is a THEORY, that creationism should be taught side by side.
2006-10-21 23:36:48
answer #9
answered by jess1978 3
Well, if we evolved from either monkeys or apes, then they should all be human by now, like us. Why aren't they "caught up" in the "evolution" process of becoming human by now? Why are there still monkeys and apes roaming around? Why are they clearly lagging behind??? So the movie 'Planet of the Apes' is based on a true story then?! WOW!!!! lol.
2006-10-21 23:34:16
answer #10
answered by Loathe thy neighbor. 3