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what do you think capoeira as a martial art

2006-10-21 12:46:31 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Sports Martial Arts

9 answers

Yes...Marco Ruas and Allan Goes were both Capoeira trained MMA fighters, although they also trained in Vale Tudo (basically BJJ and Muay Thai) as well.

Visually, Capoeira is a beautiful and dynamic art, but, as with many other martial arts, there's a difference between showing a bunch of "flashy moves" and actually using them. I'm not trying to knock Capoeira, but it's practicality in the ring (especially the MMA ring) is one that has yet to be proven. Back in 1993 there was a Chute Boxe (Wanderlei Silva's MMA team) versus Capoeira tournament and the Capoeira fighters were basically destroyed all within the first round.

Using a martial art against another practioner of the same art, or someone who has no fighting experience whatsoever, is one thing, but when going against an equally skilled fighter of another art being so flashy and dramatic with your moves is generally considered to be impractical. As asthetic as the moves may look, there's too much telegraphing and wasted movement for it be truly effective.

Don't get me wrong, I still think it's a great art, but it's definitely not in my top ten martial arts to learn if you're whole goal is to fight in MMA (or the like) style competition...

2006-10-22 08:24:17 · answer #1 · answered by Dano 2 · 0 0

i believe there was a MMA fighter who learned capoeira, but before entering in MMA he also learned some grappling and kick boxing. So when you see him fight he'll use a lot of kick boxing and some capoeira and he doesn't do the dancing ready stance.

now as capoeira as a martial art. it's gonna be hard. ^^ capoeira orginally had to be practiced secretly and in a dance like form so that ppl watching would not be able to tell it was a MA. that period of the capoeira has been long past and yet capoeira keeps this tradition. now, if capoeira wants to be a true MA it should keep evolving around an actual fight. however if it wants to be traditional and not let go of it's past, and stay loyal to a founder and his/her(i don't know the gender of the founder) teachings, then capoeira isn't a MA but something completely new, it's own being as a dance like self defence like community system. and in my personal oppion, as much as i'd like to see capoeira become even more effective system in fighting, i'd rather it continue maintaining it's own identity as it is right now.

2006-10-22 04:01:55 · answer #2 · answered by Jas Key 6 · 0 0

heres someone who did

jean silva used capoeira in at least one his fights
a lot of brazilians mma fighters probably have at least some knowledge in capoeira

i think capoeira can be very useful if used right.
Capoeira moves gives you great endurance and flexiblity and balance. Also playing capoeira in a roda you learn trickery you can really learn how to not telegraph your attacks and on the other hand you lean how to read other people to get a feel on how they are going to be attacking you.

But in a real fight there are some things you are gonna leave out like you're probably not gonna do the ginga, a lot of the handstang moves, flips, etc...i doubt anyone in mma is gonna do an au de cabeça during a fight...they'd probably get kicked in the head.lol...also another downside is use dont focus on punching too much and you need to be well rounded with punches and kicks.

but Capoeira is great to have as a supplement and you get advanced skills to use in a fight.

2006-10-25 07:30:24 · answer #3 · answered by Cnote 6 · 0 0

im not sure about the MMA fighters, but i have seen some kickboxers who use it.

just to clear it up, any one who says capoeira is usless, needs to see a mestre. some of the acrobatics are used for show, but some are not. capoeira is all about trickery and deceit. imagine a capoeirista and a karate student at a fight. the karate student would never expect a flying cartwheel in their face, which makes capoeira such a unpredictible martial art. it also includes fast and deadly kicks and takedowns, which can knock people out cold in a few seconds. the first mestre to open a capoeira regional school, challenged any fighter to a match, to prove capoeira could be used in a fight. many came and he defeated all of them. because of this he donned the nickname "3 hit man" if u see a mestre practicing their lightning fast kicks, you definitly wouldnt want to be facing them.

2006-10-22 14:58:30 · answer #4 · answered by bassomatic123 2 · 0 0

Jean Silva actually uses capoeira movements in his fights. He's currently living in UK and he's awesome!!
Check out his videos, notice his singular fighting style

By the way, many Brazilian MMA fighters learned capoeira before starting mixing other martial arts such as jiujitsu brasileiro and kickboxing. Just go to www.sherdog.com and type in the broweser the word capoeira.

2006-10-27 21:42:32 · answer #5 · answered by Sergio__ 7 · 0 0

None that I know of and I follow MMA very, very closely.

2006-10-21 19:46:03 · answer #6 · answered by Edward 5 · 0 0

you look like you couls use the excercice.

but be careful. I heard they can sesne bigots and break them in half!


2006-10-23 00:41:40 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Probably, but I have no idea who.

2006-10-22 14:01:11 · answer #8 · answered by yupchagee 7 · 0 0

i have pink hair

2006-10-21 13:09:51 · answer #9 · answered by ReD SoX #1 3 · 1 2

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