2 things: One, if you are truly scared of getting hit, but enjoy the kickboxing workout, switch to a Cardio Kickboxing class. The only hitting is you hitting a punching bag.
Two, if you are in the class for the long haul, you must realize that turning your head takes away your defense, seeing the incoming punches. With an opponent that throws a flurry of punches when you throw one, try feignting (throwing a quick 1/4 to 1/2 a punch) then when the opponent throws the flurry, you are already stepping back (45-degrees, not straight back). When the flurry ends, you follow immediately with your best punch or kick combo, as a flurry is usually followed by at least a second or two (or more) of recovery time. Hope that helps!
2006-10-21 13:09:36
answer #1
answered by washingtoncrunch 2
Have a GOOD partner go really light contact & slow the pace a little. FOcus on not turning your head. Gradually increase the speed. THe contact will be harder as the speed increases. Then up the power as you get better. Do alot of drills that make you have to keep your eyes on your opponent. Not a quick fix, but it should help.
2006-10-23 03:54:25
answer #2
answered by BigDan73 2
Hit yourself lightly in the face a couple of times, then get someone else to do it. Sooner or later u'll realise that punches to the face arent nearly as bad as we thing they're gonna be.
2006-10-22 01:13:37
answer #3
answered by coolman9999uk 2
Have a training partner you trust lightly hit you in the face as you fight the urge to turn away. Keep this up until you can take medium shots with out fear. What you are experiencing is natural but you can overcome it.
Be Blessed
2006-10-23 00:35:44
answer #4
answered by dogpreacher@sbcglobal.net 3
hey listen u turn your head because of 1 of 3 reasons
1. ur afraid to hurt the other person, easily fixed by training your knuckles on hard surfaces until u can control yourself)
2. your afraid of them blocking, fixed by sparring more (practice fighting)
3. your afraid of getting hit as a counter...if this is it then PAY ATTENTION, u need to concentrate more one thing i find is to tighten up the muscles if only for a second to be more focused on the battle
just remember control your speed and your stamina if you outlast your opponent they *may* surrender so u don't have to hurt them or waste time in a match (time u can use to rest)
2006-10-21 19:41:57
answer #5
answered by james2dougy 1
i remember a stiuation like this one, where the person was actually scared of the kicks that would come non stop at the person. what his master did was have him stand very still and did faint kicks around his body until he became used to seeing kicks coming at him and was able to over come his fear.
i think this type of training might help you(only with punches not kicks of course), only as you see the hands coming try to imagine yourself defending when those punches comes in. and eventually start practicing those defences as somebody punches at you slowly at first and put up the speed as you get used to it.
2006-10-22 04:09:13
answer #6
answered by Jas Key 6
Sounds like you have a bad instructor.
Maybe after you get knocked out you'll learn to keep your eyes on your opponent.
2006-10-21 19:46:57
answer #7
answered by Edward 5
Same problem. So Dhon tells me, does it hurt less when you look away? No. You also have to see where you are making contact. Don't be scared. If they hurt you bad they will get it worse than you most likely. email me sis at karate_chic_28@yahoo.com if you have anymore questions
2006-10-21 16:19:47
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
Get a guard block up, dont turn away
If he dont go up and down ur ok
Just get into a cross block, or ur normal Muay Thai stance thats sorta a block 4 ur face
2006-10-24 16:41:35
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
unfortunately, you'll never get over the feeling of taking a hit to the face because it's a natural reaction to protect your face, the bigger question is being able to "read" your opponents movements before they throw the flurry of punches, so you can be ready for a counter of your own.
you will take a hit eventually, but you just have to press ahead with your counter strike.
2006-10-21 15:32:26
answer #10
answered by quiksilver8676 5