I'm shy too, believe me it's hard to meet a guy. just be yourself. I know everyone says that but it's true. Be natural and try and go out of your way and be outgoing. Being assertive and letting a guy notice you is the first step. Go places with friends, like the movies, fairs, carnivals, parties, school events, the mall, there are guys everywhere. If he sees what he wants, he'll jump for it. Good luck girl!
2006-10-21 18:25:06
answer #2
answered by shortskirtmakeitwork 3
Get into a friendly conversation. Be friendly, approachable, confident, and happy. People like being around positive people. Make eye contact. If you can do this a few times, he will know you are trying to make a social connection. I'm not a big believer in being pushy or overly foward. I mean, this guy might like people like that, but if you really don't know him at all, first impressions are important, so I would be friendly but not overbearing. Good luck!!!
2006-10-21 18:17:42
answer #3
answered by fried_twinkie1 7
Many guys like shy girls ,,,,to show him you like him ,,since you
are so shy ,,,,use your eyes ,,,and smile ,,let your eyes speak ,,,
let them twinkle along with a smile ,,,since you like him , this shoud
not be hard to do ,,,,if you can hold your gaze just a wee bit longer
than normal , that would give him a hint ,,and then watch how his
eyes respond and that will give you some sense of how he sees you,,,,other ways are ,,,if you know you are going to see him at
your work or wherever you meet him or see him ,,,carry a beautiful rose in your hand ,,it will make you feel good and he
might notice you by that rose in your hand ,,,,,if you are in a
position to talk with him ,,office ,,wherever ,,,you might ask him
a question ,,,ask him what a round house is in martial arts,
all guys love martial arts ,,,,,,,and if he asks you why ,,just say
I was watching some shows on martial arts and they mentioned
a round house and it sounded so out of context with martial arts,
just thought you might know ,,,,and if he doesn't know ,,just say
thanks anyway ,,,I was just curious,,,,,good luck and blessings
2006-10-21 18:27:11
answer #4
answered by josephine s 2
that is a pradoxical statement, you don't want to be obvious...why not? be obvious, flirt with him, stare in his beautiful eyes, give him seven hugs during a conversation, one when you see him five while you are with him and one goodbye.., most guys love hugs and don't always say so, if he likes you his hugs will be responsive if not then atleast you know!
2006-10-21 18:16:32
answer #8
answered by Beano4aReason 4