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Why do we live? Are we just some pawn in gods control? Do we have resons for our actions? Is there really a god? What is really space? Is there somthing else around us that we dont know? If we die, is there a real heaven or hell? And AM I CRAZY TO BE TYPING ALL OF THIS!

2006-10-21 05:24:32 · 23 answers · asked by ▐▀▀▼▀▀▌ ► Randy ◄ ▐▄▄▲▄▄▌ 3 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

23 answers

life is what you make it, it can either be a shrine or an empty tomb.

2006-10-21 05:26:48 · answer #1 · answered by Hannah's Grandpa 7 · 4 1

Whew! that's a FEW questions... ok, one by one...

What is the purpose of life? To get back to God the Father, find God, know God and to become the best person that we can be.

Why do we live? We go through this brief period of time to give us a chance to get to God, it's that simple, and the way to God is through His son Jesus, who said "I am the way the truth and the life; no man comes unto the Father except by me." He also said that "unless a man be born again... he cannot enter the kingdom of God."

Are we just some pawn in God's control? That depends... you are a free moral agent; you may choose to live freely in God's kingdom or be a slave to the devil's game. But it's one or the other...

Do we have reasons for our actions? Yes, and there are reasons sometimes to restrain; What you sow you will reap!

Is there really a God? Most definitely, but there are also many claiming to be God who are not. There is only one time God became a man so that we could see him in the limits of our own flesh, and that was Jesus, so if you really want to know God, read the New Testament and get to know Jesus.

What is really space? That's a good question, one I am still attempting to understand myself.. it is definitely more than just emptiness...

Is there somthing else around us that we dont know? Oh yes, there is a whole world of invisible beings who can see into our dimension without us being able (most the time) to see into theirs, coexisting with us on this plane of existance. Some are demons and some are angels. And you also have a guardian angel who is your personal bodyguard. (At least one, maybe more)

If we die, is there a real heaven or hell? Yes!

And AM I CRAZY TO BE TYPING ALL OF THIS! No, I just hope you can sort through the answers and come up with the truth. Jesus loves you, Read the book of John and the book of Romans. God bless!

2006-10-21 13:09:02 · answer #2 · answered by skypiercer 4 · 1 1

Randy, you are not crazy, as another person mentioned, philosophers have been asking these exact questions for a long, long time. And will continue to do so, as it's a subject without established 'concrete' answers. Here are my beliefs, at least a touch on some of them;

I believe we are here to experience everything that we are 'not' on the 'other side, heaven, nirvana'. Through experiencing all of the negativities we suffer through being human here on earth, our souls can collect an understanding for all that we are - which is utter perfection. If we don't know what we are not, how can we understand what we truly are? I understand I am a woman, because I have man to use as a reference point. If the world were ALL women, would I ever truly know the difference?

I do not believe that God 'controls' us. In fact I believe that which we refer to as God does the exact opposite. We are all a tiny, TINY morsel of God, and with all of these particles of God living, creating, experiencing on earth - God, him/her/it-self, gains experience.

As human beings we all have reasons for our actions. I eat because I'm hungry. Sleep-tired. Work-to earn money to pay for the things my family needs...ALL human experience. The 'meaning' will be what my soul takes with it when my body no longer works. Like a rusty car who's engine just blew, I the driver, will step out and move on.

Sorry, my phone has rung, so I can't fully complete this answer. I do agree however, that we can consider this right here, this right now, Hell...full of it's turmoil and endless complications and struggles. I also believe that soon enough, in the blink of an eye, we leave this behind and move on to a different spot.

Sorry to cut this short, I hope you recieve more insights to your questions.

2006-10-21 14:00:32 · answer #3 · answered by suedoubleyou 2 · 0 2

(1) We live because we volunteered for the job and wanted to experience what it was like to live as a human on Earth
(2) We are the pawns of our own oversoul, which is similar to our Guardian Angels, but it is the higher spiritual part of ourselves
(3) We think and have free will, therefore we do things for any numerous reasons
(4) Yes there is a God
(5) Just as science describes it, but with many many mysteries to yet be uncovered
(6) There are other dimensions all around us, and there are other ways that physics and science works that we have not experienced yet so we keep stumbling in the dark
(7) There is a heaven - and Earth IS Hell - read the texts, it's pretty darn explicit
(8) No you are not crazy, you are undergoing the spiritual awakening of your soul. Explore the mysteries of the Universe!

2006-10-21 12:29:31 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 1 3

you are asking WAY too many theoretical questions to even expect a good answer on here... In my metaphysics class it we have spent for class periods just on "what is space and what is time" .. I will answer them all the best I can though.

1.) You will get different answers depending on peoples religion. But my belief is that there is no ONE purpose of life or meaning of life. The meaning of life is different for each person to find on their own.
2.)Who will ever know if we are or not? People in certain religions will tell you ..no that we have free will but it is "our duty" to do and live certain ways. And even if we were pawns..How would we know?... We might PERCIEVE that we have free will...but that could be an illusion... personally I say no we are not.
3.) We have personal reasons for our actions. I believe that not many actions/happenings are pre-ordained..there might be a few which some people are led towards accomplishing...but even that isnt a 100% certainty.
4.)I cant even begin to answer what really SPACE is. anyone that tries in a short sentence is wrong.....theres about 100 pages trying to argue what space really is in my text book. its just one of those things.
5.)Theres alot around us that we dont know...not going to begin to explain it here. Just learn to get in touch with tthe things around you and youll start to see.
6.) I believe that you decide what happens to your own soul... If you believe there is a heaven or hell...then there is for you... If you believe you get reincarnated..then you do. That is why people have experiences of heaven and hell...why people remember past lives ..etc.
7.)..no you are not crazy for wanting to discuss this ...but you picked a bad way to do it. Feel free to contact me if you want a non religious, intellectual conversation on any of these topics. Take care.

2006-10-21 12:33:49 · answer #5 · answered by swyftsilver84 2 · 0 2

The purpose of life is to give us the choice whether or not to accept salvation through God's Son. For those of us who do accept it, then we enter into God's eternal purpose for our lives, which is a mystery and completely individualized. For those who do not accept, ever, this purpose is lost to them.

Are we pawns in God's control? No. God does not micromanage our life. God gives us a choice to receive him or not. If we do not, we are on our own, living in self-will and attempting to construct some meaning for ourselves that makes life tolerable. If we do, then God takes possession of our lives and guides us, as we seek his will. If we stop seeking, God will let us stray, with the hope that we return and, again, give our lives and wills back to our creator to do with as he sees fit, for his good purposes.

When you ask if we have reasons for our actions, are you asking if we ourselves have the reasons, or if God has reasons? It is hard to tell from your question. The best I can answer--given my confusion on this point of yours--is that every action echoes in eternity.

Yes, there is really a living God who created all things, who loves us, who calls to us, who will guide our lives if we seek his will, and who will judge all souls at the end of time.

Space is space. What type of definition are you seeking?

Yes, there are things around us that we cannot perceive. There are spiritual forces at work in the world that we cannot see with our eyes.

Yes, there is really heaven and hell. Heaven is an eternal reflection of one's choice to live in God's will. Hell is an eternal reflection of one's choice to live apart from God's will.

No, you are not crazy. You are asking sane questions.

2006-10-21 12:32:17 · answer #6 · answered by Gestalt 6 · 1 1

BikeRBee, I sense a paste...

Solomon, the wisest man to ever live (aside from Jesus) summed it up at Ecclesiastes 12:13: "The conclusion of the matter, everything having been heard, is: Fear the [true] God and keep his commandments. For this is the whole [obligation] of man."

If we do that, our lives will have meaning. God created us, knows what's best for us, and if we follow is guidelines we can live happy lives, even in this imperfect world. Then we also have the hope of living forever in a perfect world soon to come.

2006-10-21 12:30:33 · answer #7 · answered by Epitome_inc 4 · 2 1

After fiddling around with Yahoo Answers for quite a while, I've come to the conclusion that the purpose of life is simply to post the same old question What is the Purpose of Life.

2006-10-21 12:36:20 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2

I'm sure most have had the same questions cross our minds at one time or another. Since I became a believer in the Bible as the inerrant word of God and accepted His Son as my saviour I understand our purpose of being here to my satisfaction. We were created to have fellowship with God. Since God is Holy we must first have our sins dealt with in order to do that. In the book of John (Chapt.3) it says that in order to inherit the kingdom of heaven we must be"born again". We are born physically as a baby and we get born spiritually when we accept Christ as our Saviour. God says He will send His Holy Spirit to dwell within us when we accept Christ. So when we die we can stand in God's presence as He will not see us in our sins but will see us cleansed by the blood of Christ, spotless!. Yes we do have reasons for our actions and we are accountable for them. Since we are born of a sinful nature (the "Fall", Adam and Eve's disobedience) we commit sin. As a "Believer" we can have our sins removed.You bet there is a real heaven and hell. How do I get to heaven? "Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ " how do I go to hell? reject the Lord Jesus Christ as your saviour.

2006-10-21 12:43:02 · answer #9 · answered by Steiner 6 · 0 1

The primary purpose of life is to know God. If you want, you can take up a secondary hobby, such as teaching wild foxes how to talk and play chess.

2006-10-21 12:26:34 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

You have asked all the important questions. Questions that God wants to see His creations ask. Because through these questions you will find the Truth! You can get answers to some of your questions below. Good Luck in your search!

2006-10-21 12:35:41 · answer #11 · answered by ATK 3 · 0 2

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