The situation in Ulster is too complex-even if I explained it to you you wouldn't believe me but I will say that one side was as bad as the other and it just so happened that the media highlighted the particular event you are referring to. There is now a peace process that has brought an end to the conflict.
2006-10-21 03:09:25
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Ah - you're talking about the Drumcree stand-offs. The thing about the "cows" threw me for a minute. It involved Protestant Orangemen trying to walk down the Garvahy Road in Portadown, which is a mainly Catholic area. They were prevented from doing so by the police, and it caused a near riot during the 1990's.
The situation has calmed tremendously. Both communities started to talk to each other eventually, and even though they haven't quite resolved their differences, a police presence is hardly needed any more. The Orangemen are still not allowed to march down the Garvahy road.
2006-10-23 05:26:38
answer #2
answered by Woodpigeon 4
Unless you live in the situation day and night then you should be careful what you say, there are two sides to every story. Just answer me this...Knowing that their 6/7 year old kids are just about to be faced with angry mobs, what kind of parent forces their wee girl to walk through the mobs when the Authoritys had issued plenty of Free taxi's to take the girls to the school doors safely. The angry mobs were wrong, but there was a lot of wrongdoing on both sides.
2006-10-23 13:26:52
answer #3
answered by jaggyjones 2
There were Two Groups of People having Troubles--- Till Somebody brought out some Baseball Stuff and they ALL starting playing BaseBall and having Fun.
Satan Divides in Fear and Hate.
GOD Unites in Peace and Love.
Resist the Devil and he will Flee.
This Principle is a Spiritual Law and Works every time.
2006-10-21 03:26:39
answer #4
answered by maguyver727 7
As is the case in NI nothing is as it seems. Yes, you have the bones of the story. The children had to go out of thier way to get to the school using this entrance. It was done to antagonise the situation, If the parents cared for the children they would not have taken them through it. It is a load of horse dung
2006-10-21 03:11:57
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
That particular incident has vanished from the media anyway, but it still exists to a certain degree.
Which side are the stupid cowards? Apparently, the Catholic parents were taunting the locals, but i don't know the full details..
2006-10-21 05:31:10
answer #6
answered by ? 7
Yep, religion has divided the Northern Irish community
2006-10-21 03:27:29
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
There's no such thing as a Catholic cow or a Protestant cow, cows as far as I know profess to no Faith, they are just cows.
2006-10-21 03:12:05
answer #8
answered by Gazpode55 4
There is FINALLY progress toward peace in Northern Ireland. Why would you want to put things like this out there to destroy that? Your question exceeds sick.
2006-10-21 03:12:26
answer #9
answered by Spirit Walker 5
People that have to get up and go to work everyday have no time for such non-sense.
2006-10-21 03:17:46
answer #10
answered by Roadkill 6