The school my daughter goes to makes a big celebration on Halloween (YAY for them). Grades K-2 have a parade and grades 3-5 have a party and activities. I don't know of any schools that actually allow the kids to wear the costumes to school though because of safety issues.
There is a movie provided for the kids who are not allowed to partake in the festivities for religious reasons as well.
The parents that have some twisted idea about Halloween are simply brainwashed.
Halloween in my opinion should be spooky though! Vampires, witches, monsters galore! It's fun that way. I cringe when I see a kid in a winnie the pooh costume LOL
2006-10-21 01:24:55
answer #1
answered by KathyS 7
I think the reason why these groups are so against Halloween is because of the history of the customs. The original Halloween's origins go back to a Pagan Celtic festival that was celebrated in what is now Great Britain. It lasted for 2 days and began at sundown on Oct 31st. Ancient Celts believed that the veil between the worlds of the living and dead was at its thinnest during "Samhain" (the festival). They believed that this made a good time to communicate with the deceased to divine the future. The Holy Roman Empire soon reigned over the Celt-occupied lands and the Romans then incorporated some of the Celtic traditions with their own. The church then modified these events thus giving us All Saints' Day known as Nov 1st--it was celebrated with a mass, bonfires and costumed people that paraded the villages to honor the Catholic saints.
So there you have it--(hallow (means to sanctify or make holy)--first called All Hallows Eve--then eventually expanded to Halloween. The origin of a jack-o-lantern goes back to Ireland to the Celts--as they believed that carving and lighting the pumpkin and placing outside of their homes invited their deceased loved ones into the home and also kept away evil spirits.
It seems that our society picks and chooses the religions they deem as the most important. Unfortunately, this holiday is associated with several negatives, but Witchcraft being in the forefront. I see it as a fun holiday where people come together to enjoy life. What is the best part is the dressing up--a chance to be something else just for a short time. Plus, what is wrong with communicating with the "other side"--we don't know what happens to us after we die. Remember to always be kind to everyone and be the best person you can...for we really just don't know how we're connected on the "other side." Bless you.
Witch Dos
Real witches do believe in God.
Real witches honor all religions.
Real witches believe that they are all one with each other.
Real witches believe in prayer.
Real witches do follow certain rules.
Real witches do want the world to be a better place.
Witch Don'ts
Witches do not steal.
Witches do not fly in the sky on brooms.
Witches do not kill anything.
Witches do not tell lies.
Witches do not call themselves warlocks
Witches do not hurt people.
Witches do not work black magic.
2006-10-21 03:21:27
answer #2
answered by MicG 2
I think that part of the costume banning at school has to do with the complete disruption of learning for an entire day, plus some children are allowed, by their parents, to wear costumes that are not appropriate ( very bloody or very revealing) Also, the accessories to these costumes can sometimes be a hazard- and with the very real threat of weapons at school even fake guns and knives can cause a big issue. I am sad that such a fun day has been eliminated since I was in school. However, in the interest of safety and a calm learning environment it is probably better and it's only one day a year so it's not that big of a deal. We always have a church party and go trick or treating and there are other events they can dress up for during Halloween week.
2006-10-20 08:28:24
answer #3
answered by therealprinsess 3
I miss dressing up on Halloween at school. I'm a K teacher and it wasn't about the holiday, but about being someone different for the day and having fun. We always made sure there were no scary things such as vampires allowed, but had children dressed up as princesses, cowboys, etc. I know this was my favorite day of school when I was a child. Holidays are huge no-no's now in school. Makes me want to teach in a private school some days. And honestly, the whole disruption thing doesn't matter, these little guys are so excited anyways on Halloween that it is very difficult teaching them anything that day, like wise two days after Halloween (not the day after, they are too tired.) They are so sugared up two days after Halloween.
2006-10-20 18:37:53
answer #4
answered by Serena 5
I'm a born again Christian with four kids and they go trick or treating every year. I was raised in a Christian home and always went on Halloween. All of us are not against everything. But we do stand for the important things like keeping Christ in our schools and in the pledge to the flag on which this country was founded on. So to answer your question, no I don't have a problem with the kids wearing their Halloween costumes to school. But thank you for including me in the fellowship with my brothers and sisters in Christ.
2006-10-20 08:47:39
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
The school where I teach allows kids to dress up on Halloween but the students are strongly encouraged to dress up as what they want to be when they grow up! I think it's a great idea. I am not against Halloween in the least, but I think six year olds in Scream masks is a bit much. It's great to see the kids stomping around in little firefighter, nurse, and cowboy outfits.
As for the excessive candy issue, a friend of mine gave me a GREAT idea last year! A day or two after Halloween we take all of my son's candy and leave it out for the Candy Fairy. She comes and takes all of the candy and leaves a present in its place! I think it's great and my son loves it. Guess I'd better start thinking about what the Candy Fairy might want to bring him this year... :)
2006-10-20 23:20:57
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
Personally I think there are legitimate reasons for banning dressing up in school. It is difficult enough for teachers to keep younger students focused, add a costume, forget about it!
Halloween is also a way to unintentionally single out the differences between the kid who can afford costumes and those who can't. When you're a poor kid on Halloween, everyone else in in your neighborhood is poor.
As for the religious thing, it's been blown way out of proportion. For most of us, it's lost its original meaning.
2006-10-20 08:14:07
answer #7
answered by mediahoney 6
I was annoyed when I first read your question because I thought someone was seriously wanting to do that. lol. I agree with you. I am a Christian and I see no problem with Halloween or trick or treat. We used to always have Halloween carnivals at school (it was a great fundraiser) and at church. Now we can only have October fest. And I'm so sick of people who think it's ok to dress up as a clown or a princess but not a vampire. Clown's are way creepier than vampires in my opinion. Thanks for letting me rant.
2006-10-20 08:07:55
answer #8
answered by kat 7
I don't think religion has anything to do with it (at least not anymore). I find parts of Halloween disgusting. Small children dressing up as vampires with fake blood oozing down their faces---it's gross and disturbing. I'm a Christian and don't see anything wrong with dressing up and getting candy, but as for the witchcraft that goes on during that day and wearing the most disturbing costumes as possible--it's ridiculous and I don't want anything to do with it.
2006-10-20 08:03:16
answer #9
answered by CelebrateMeHome 6
It's Halloween, it's always been Halloween.
I'm sick of the "politically correct" Left constantly griping about someones' "feelings getting hurt"
That's tradition, and that's life, GET OVER IT!
Noones walking around the earth with "water wings" on 24/7 because, it might rain!
Life happens, buck up and grow a pair!
2006-10-20 08:08:56
answer #10
answered by alwaysbombed 5