The reason diets are so hard to stick to is because most require you to avoid certain foods. After a while you start to feel deprived, then the cravings start, then you go back to eating the foods you love, regaining the weight, and probably a few more pounds for good measure. The very best diet, that carries the highest success rate, with the longest lasting results, is making a healthy lifestyle change that includes regular exercise and ALL the foods included in the FDA food charts, but in healthy measured portions.
2006-10-20 05:26:04
answer #1
answered by IAINTELLEN 6
First of all, don't sweat it if you don't lose all the weight at once. And if you gain? All the better! I'm serious. Working out more often than the usual all of a sudden will build you some serious muscle. You'll be toned and feel great---until you see the number on the scale. Muscle weighs more than fat---so you'll have packed on a few extra pounds. All experienced dietitians know that this is a sign that you're doing great! I know you'll question if you;ll ever lose it. The answer is yes, after a bit you'll lose the weight the muscle packed on.
Next is the fact that you might be setting unrealistic goals. Set your ambitions reasonably. I cannot tell you exactly how much weight you should lose in a week, but taking it slowly is just fine. In fact, more gradual diets work much better than fads. They are ten times more successful. So set a goal for yourself for a smaller amount of weight loss per week. Chances are you'll reach higher than your goal and feel great!
You call your project a diet. Does this mean you are only eating right? Because that is not enough. You see, I like to call my weight loss projects "fitness campaigns" rather than "diets." Your goal should be to become fit, active, and physically in better shape, not to become skinny-skinny and at an unhealthy stage of thin. Trust me, being sporty feels much better. So you should be working out, too.
Jogging one to two a day and then increasing the distance will work. Make sure you stretch before any workout. Each session should be about forty five minutes to get full benefit. I strongly discourage the Stairmasters- it is hard to do well on those because it takes quite a while to reach just a mile and you will be very discouraged by how much you have walked or jogged after all the time you spent. Also, the lack of sights is just...boring! I suggest driving around your street or neighborhood to find a good distance for you with interesting sights and surroundings. make a routine out of your path. Jog it every day. If you are tired, speed-walking does have its benefits also! Do not set a routine near the local pastry cafe or restaurant. You know it will be a recipe for useless fitness.
Make time, too. Set a certain time each day for your routine. Make it at least forty-five minutes, and then leave time for a shower and nourishment. If you absolutely cannot find time, then go ahead and get up early! Get up at five or five thirty, depending on your schedule. Then you will have time to stretch, complete your routine, cool down with a few additional stretches, shower, and eat a good, healthy breakfast.
Ah, stretching. Very important. In the beginning of your workout, try to stretch every muscle possible. Do the butterfly, touch your toes, kick it up, high knees, quick feet, etc. Do not stretch for more than four counts in the beginning of your workout. Researchers have proven this to wear out your muscle and deny you your highest performance. When you are cooling down, stretch yuor hamstrings and get loose. Go ahead and stretch for ten seconds on these stretches. Stretching well and cooling down has been proven to actually remove stress and tensity, ensuring you a better day!
I suggest you do your routine in the morning. It leaves you feeling great and stress-free for the rest of the day! Some say there are two kinds of people: morning people and evening people. But I disagree. Morning workout sessions are the best for you and your day.
Enjoy. Get fit. Feel great. I wish you the best in your fitness campaign and hope I have been a help.
2006-10-20 12:48:55
answer #2
answered by Jamie 2
Because 'diets' don't work. It has to be a lifestyle change otherwise the weight you lose will just return plus some extra poundage when you stop the 'diet'. Just reduce your portions - eating 5 or 6 small meals a day increases your metabolism and avoid eating high fat and high sugar foods regularly....and exercise 30-40mins per day 3-4 times a week. Ditch the diet rollercoaster.Good luck.
2006-10-20 12:28:59
answer #3
answered by Nikki 2
It depends on what diet you are doing. Basically there is no perfect diet. You eat right, take the right vitamins and be active. DONT TAKE DIET PILLS. Ive tried everything trust me. I finally lost weight by changing my whole lifestyle. I found that the more energy I have the more likely Im gonna stick to a good eating plan. You can take a look at this web site it help me out.
2006-10-20 12:26:23
answer #4
answered by KMGSP 2
Because most people make the same mistake, they drastically change how and what they eat overnight. That is the wrong way to do it and makes its virtually impossible to stick with. Change how you eat SLOWLY. Gradual changes in the diet until it because a habit and a natural way of how you eat. Start with the fluids you take in. Start to gradually cut out all sodas and sweet teas and replace them with either diet sodas, water or sugar free teas like "Crystal light". Then start working on the food. You can't go from eating no vegetables to 7 servings over night. Your body isn't going to like it and is going to make it an unpleasant thing. Cut out one of your back snacks and now eat an apple. Something like that. Your taste buds will slowly start to change to liking the things that are better for you but you can't expect it to happen overnight or even in a week. It generally takes 6 weeks for something to become a habit.
2006-10-20 12:27:17
answer #5
answered by Sheila V 3
Most likely because you've gone the major deprevation route, completely cutting out things you like that are yummy and trying to replace them with crap you wouldn't eat under normal circumstances. You are not enjoying yourself. Forget a "diet". Identify the healthy food that you like, really like and eat that. Have treats in moderation. Read, French Women Don't Get Fat.
It's a great guide on how to eat sensibly for enjoyment. And if you must diet try weight watchers. It's great. Eat whatever you want. I mean whatever. It's good for people who can't follow those nutty fad diets with all their assinine rules and food combining and whatever.
2006-10-20 12:51:15
answer #6
answered by inquiringmind 3
I can tell you the way I did it.I just ate 3 small portions a day of what I might be normally eating,and the rest of the time when I got hungry,and still do ,I eat pretzels,or popcorn to satisfy my hunger.It cheap,and simple to get,and will work wonders.You can also add fruits,and veggies to your diet and it will take you a month or two but be patient,and dont give up!
2006-10-20 12:29:46
answer #7
answered by gibbyguys 4
When you find out please email me! lol
Aside from all-or-nothing thinking, Mandel says, other common reasons for diet burnout include:
Unrealistic goals and expectations for weight and body image
Trying to stick to a fad diet
Hitting a weight plateau
2006-10-20 12:23:22
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
you have to learn how not to each so much and how to keep exercising keep motivating yourself by thinking that you really wanna do this becuase everytime you do it helps and also think about how everyone is going to look at you now and how boys will be all over you
2006-10-20 12:28:14
answer #9
answered by dns_bllrd 1