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Ok the other day I picked my son up from his kindergarden class he had red, blue, and yellow paint all over his shirt. I was a little upset but went home right away and put spray n' wash on it and put it in the wash. After it was finished I looked and saw that the paint was still there. I was more upset because this was a new shirt, so I e-mailed his teacher and asked her why he came home with paint all over his shirt and that it seemed like he wasn't supervised properly during his art class. She then told me that she told me today was art day and if I didn't want his clothes ruined I should have dressed him in some old play clothes. I told her that yes she did say it was art day and that was all she said nothing more and if they didn't have an art smock for the children she should have told the parents to bring something for them. She did offer to purchase a new shirt, but she was very rude about the whole thing and never once said sorry and tried to make me feel that it was my fault.

2006-10-20 03:57:35 · 49 answers · asked by COURTNEY 3 in Pregnancy & Parenting Grade-Schooler

49 answers

I think you are completely within your rights to be upset. When my children are doing something in art that is messy their teacher always lets us know to send them with an over-sized t-shirt that they can ruin so they can put it on over their school shirts. Parents should not be expected to read the teachers mind and not every art project is messy. My children have art once a week and rarely do anything that would ruin their clothing. It would be courteous and in the end save a great deal of problems if the teacher would just send a note. Not to mention cheaper than replacing shirts.

2006-10-20 05:48:06 · answer #1 · answered by polgara5275 1 · 2 2

The teacher may believe that by offering to buy your son a new shirt is the same as an apology. A lot of people think an action is the same as the words I'm sorry. I do believe that if she was rude, she should apologize, b/c of her position. However, we don't know how you talked to her. This is just your version. You come across as the type that might speak down to someone without realizing. Parents tend to do that a lot. I work w/kids and I love that fact...it's the parents that make your job hard. You already admitted to knowing it was art day, which most parents acknowledge that to be a messy day. So, maybe you came across rude about things as well. You should try to look at it from her side. We often don't realize our own tone of voice, when we are the ones upset to begin with.

A smock would have been a good idea for the whole class. But some schools don't provide them. Sometimes you have more kids than you do smocks. Plus, I've seen kids wearing them get the paint all over them regardless.

Second...If you didn't dry the shirt, most paints that kids are given are washable...It's strange that it didn't come out. Shout usually works better...you should try it next time. :)

2006-10-20 06:39:40 · answer #2 · answered by alliecat138 2 · 0 0

First off. Did the teacher send home some sort of calender or agenda of what days were art, gym that sort of thing. Personally, I would have expected that art day might be a messy day. But true the teacher could have sent home a notice at the beginning of the year stating that on art days children should have an old shirt or smock to wear over their clothes. I see both sides of this issue. At this point I would just consider it a lesson for the future.

Does that excuse the teacher from being rude? NO. It is so hard because you child has to be in that class for the rest of the year. Personally I would not make a big issue of it from here on. I drive a school bus and have 10 kindergarteners and it is very difficult to supervise them all carefully as I also have to pay attention to the road. I have had parents mad at me because I have had to write up their children. They will say things to me like I could have just told them to sit down. I didn't need to write them up. But in my defense. How many times do I have to tell a child to sit properly. Or stop wrestling with other students....?? It is a hard to job to have a room full of young students. Try to give the teacher sympathy in that area. I hope this helps.

2006-10-20 05:49:45 · answer #3 · answered by goldensparkler61 4 · 0 0

Well, I can see how you'd be upset about this. But there are many things to consider. Sure, she might have been more informative about art class. But might'nt you also have asked more questions? I know you have a ruined shirt on your hands. But if you know what to expect for the future (what day art is and to send in a smock - or the painted up shirt) I'd say let it ride. Your child's teacher is dealing with a room full of 5 year olds doing all the fun messy stuff that we moms don't want to have to clean up at home (be honest). Don't you want your son to enjoy all that stuff? Certainly she might have been more apologetic, but maybe she had a bad day. Maybe she has asked the school to provide smocks and they didn't - which would leave her in a bad spot - not able to TELL you that administration fell down on the job. I don't really understand about the paint being not "washable", but who knows, maybe the school buys the stuff in industrial quantities and that's what they had on hand. Anyway, it's done, it's over. Let it go. Maybe if you approached her and said you were sorry for overreacting about the shirt, but that you appreciate her letting you know how to prepare in the future, she might sigh and apologize right back. In today's litigious society, everybody is directed to CYA. It's become second nature to us. Relax, and try to remember that she is your ally, not your enemy. By the way, did you at any point ask your 5 year old why he painted all over his own shirt? Some kids do stuff like that. My daughter drew all over her own body with markers (arms legs and face) when she was 4. And my son cut his hair in kindergarten. It wasn't the teacher's fault, it only took one snip... it grew back. He learned not to do it again.

2006-10-20 17:39:28 · answer #4 · answered by victronia 3 · 1 0

When I was in grade school, the art teacher told us to bring an old shirt to wear (over our shirt we'd be wearing), because we would be using paint & stuff. Everbody had an old shirt that they took in the art room. This teacher should have been told these kids the same or sent a note home. Who was supervising the class?? If you're gona be a teacher, you have to be able to supervise the whole room, not just a corner at a time.
If she's going to offer to buy a new shirt, she could be nice about it. Reminds me of some teachers I had in grades 6-8 . A lot could be be sh***y & rude at times.You say it's only a shirt? It's the principle of the matter.Have you people have any sense at all ?

2006-10-20 08:40:00 · answer #5 · answered by kb9kbu 5 · 1 0

Honestly, if I was a teacher I'd get cranky too, especially if she told you in advance that it was art day. The last thing a teacher needs to deal with are parents b*tching about ruined shirts. As a parent, though, I can see why you are upset - art smocks or old shirts should be provided or, at least, recommended for parents to provide. It just sounds like a break-down in communication, so I'd let it go. It is just a shirt, after all. Live and learn and make sure he wears old clothes on art day!!

2006-10-20 07:45:59 · answer #6 · answered by Shelley L 6 · 0 1

Okay I am riding the fence on this one because I am BOTH a mother and a teacher. So here is the best objective answer that I am going to be able to give: Accept the money or the new shirt and give you and her time to calm down. If you make a bigger fuss you could "possibly" make your son's experience in school harder than it needs to be. (some teachers are like that.) Think of it this way how many times have you quickly apologized when you felt that you were in the right?? She may still be steaming over this and that's why she didn't apologize. You can't expect a teacher/a normal person to act above the way you would act. Far too often teachers are seen as anything other that just a normal person with feelings, emotions and flaws, and that is really hard on the teacher.

I had a falling out with my son's teacher at the very beginning of the school year. She refused to accept responsibility for the situation and even went as far as to blame my pregnancy on the situation. (Sound familiar?) I still don't like the woman, but my son has gotten use to her and so far he tells me he likes her; as a parent his happiness is ALL that matters.

Good luck with this.

2006-10-20 04:23:02 · answer #7 · answered by Just me.... 4 · 1 0

I am a Teacher's assistant and I understand from both
sides of this. The paint should have been washable. To
not use any other is wrong. Especially with little ones with
active imaginations. If the teacher has more than she can handle then she should have an assistant. Of course it would be great is parents can be classroom parents and
lend a helping hand. Notes should have gone out at the
beginning of the year explaining "art day". Sounds like a
mis -understanding and the school owes you a new shirt
and the teacher needs to get clothes- friendly paint.

2006-10-23 11:25:44 · answer #8 · answered by Precious Gem 7 · 0 0

Be glad the paint ended up on his shirt and not in his mouth. Just send him to school with one of dad's old shirts that he can use as a smock next time...and remember what day is art day so he can wear less nice play clothes. Also, if it was a really nice shirt, why are you sending him to school in it?? He is a kid in kindergarden, after all...he could have gotten anything on it, like juice from lunch. The fact that there was paint on it doesn't mean that it was the teacher's fault. If it was juice, would you get angry at the teacher for not watching him eat his lunch?

2006-10-20 04:33:23 · answer #9 · answered by VAWeddingSpecialist 6 · 2 1

I had to handle a similar situation at my daughter's school last year, except that it was markers and glue that would not wash out, but it was still an "art day" mishap. Her teacher took the same kind of attitude with me. I went to the school principal personally and sent an e-mail to the superintendent informing her of the whole ordeal. Within two weeks I got a note that was sent home to all parents stating what day "art day" was on and that their clothes may get stained on this day and to prepare accordingly. About a week after that the art teacher made it a part of her class and had each student bring in an old oversized buttondown shirt(I sent one of my husband's old work shirts) and let the kids decorate them to use as art smocks. It worked out really well for me but only because the principal and superintendent cared and the art teacher decided it would be a good project for her students. You could suggest the old shirt idea to the art teacher, I'm sure you are not the only parent that has had a problem with this, but I would still notify the principal and superintendent because her attidude is not necessary. She may have the same snappy attitude with her students and that would need to be addressed.

2006-10-20 04:12:25 · answer #10 · answered by Michelle W 2 · 3 1

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