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many people have said that martial arts isnt good in the streets as you are paniced in a real live senario but what if you were the robber???you would be calm and ready

2006-10-20 01:23:26 · 11 answers · asked by blackavaritia 3 in Sports Martial Arts

yes but even if both the victim and the thief both know martial arts the thief would still have the upper hand right???

2006-10-20 01:36:19 · update #1

11 answers

There's two problems with your question.... One is the myth that having a "black belt" makes someone invincible. Two is that a criminal is calm and ready.

Proper study of a fighting art (that includes proper study of both the physical, mental, and spiritual aspects) can lead someone to greater confidence and competence. If you train for sport, then the street fight will most definitely hold some surprises not trained for. However, if the choice in selecting an style/method is focused on sincere self-defense (my preferences lean toward Krav Maga, Filipino arts, or some of the more brutal versions of Jujitsu) then a defender will be better able to deal with a true self-defense situation.

Keep in mind.... In the scenario you're asking about, a robber will be amped up to some degree with his/her own adrenaline too. He doesn't want to get hurt either unless the pay off is better in his mind than the injury he thinks he may incur. What some unfortunate black belts have learned in these circumstances is that the chaotic and sometimes unrecognizable patterns of movement that can be encountered seem to negate the training they've undergone.

As far as the meat of your question.... Who benefits more? The one who trains harder and acts smarter. "Fortune favors the prepared mind."

2006-10-20 03:24:18 · answer #1 · answered by Shaman 7 · 0 0

if that were the case our millitary and police wouldnt bother learning it either...also there would be a lot more women,daughters and wives and kids that didnt "get away". Its been around so long for a reason and that reason is that its proven and it works. you dont always cary a gun or a knife with you. Yes some traditional styles are over kill and or out dated BUT it was from those old styles that mma came to be. that is the future of selfdefense. there is also a difference between being a martial artist and just studying martial arts. You are just a student. no offense. maybe you would think differently if you thought on a broader scale and of others that might benifit from it not just what might happen to you with a drunk...that sounded a little myoptic of you. try some other styles...try them all .

2016-03-28 02:24:16 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Martial arts training should help you keep calm in that situation. They aren't really much use in committing a robbery - you need to scare the person into giving you what they have. Much easier to do this with a knife than by doing some flashy kata to prove you're really able. However, if your training allows you to stay calm and defend yourself then that's very useful.

2006-10-20 02:45:10 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Part of true MA training is the training of the spirit. Being able to control your emotions & do what is necessary regardless of circumstances. If someone wants to learn a martial art to use to commit crimes, no respectable instructor would accept such a person as a student.

2006-10-20 07:50:13 · answer #4 · answered by yupchagee 7 · 1 0

I can't imagine that all criminals are calm and ready, nor can I imagine that all victims are panicked into inactivity. The anxiety that releases endophins and adrenalin into your blood stream prepares your body for action, so the stress is actually preparing you to deal with the attacker, enhancing your strength and reactions as well as your perception.

As with any fight, the better trained and prepared you are, the better chance you have. In a straight up fight, the better fighter will always win.

2006-10-20 10:44:20 · answer #5 · answered by Jerry L 6 · 0 0

If you've ever done any martial arts, you'll know that you don't think about the actions you want to do, you react.

If someone goes to grab you by the throat, you react and kick out the knee into a wrist lock (For example). You don't think about what you could do, you just do it.

2006-10-20 03:06:08 · answer #6 · answered by Slappy 3 · 0 0

just as spidertiger said, most of the people that study Martial Arts usually don't get in to crime, because it gives them a better sense of themselves and better self esteem. and the people who do get into criminal activities usually think that it's a waste of time to study Martial arts in the first place.

And with time and training you'll learn how to focus yourself and stay calm in a fight. but the adrenaline and "fear" you feel help you to stay alert to help you perform your techniques properly and survive.

not to say that you won't get hurt in the fight with a few cuts and bruises, but you'll more than likely survive the confrontation.

2006-10-20 10:31:21 · answer #7 · answered by quiksilver8676 5 · 1 0

Martial arts tend to take years to develop, most of your criminal type people tend not to have the conviction for this training.
If they did have ideals like self-respect, self-discipline, loyalty and other traits required for real training than they wouldn't be criminals. they may be rough necks who try to pick fights, I have seen these types. But these types usually only look for other thugs to tangle with, they get no satisfaction out of pounding someone who is not a "trophy".

2006-10-20 05:34:52 · answer #8 · answered by spidertiger440 6 · 1 0

Yes and no.

Martial arts is a tool. Simply the knowledge of how to fight. How you use that knowledge is up to you.

The situation where it is better to NOT know martial arts is one in where you recieved crappy and unrealistic training that gave you the false impression about knife or weapon disarms. It is possible to endagner yourself with this false sense of security which all it really does is make you lose respect for weapons.

2006-10-20 06:15:20 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

A martial artist is less likely to get into crime. No, not because of the self esteem thing, but because a lot of criminals seem to think their pseudo-boxing is enough (and in most cases, it is).

2006-10-21 12:53:08 · answer #10 · answered by MBG 2 · 0 0

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