Yes. Time.
2006-10-19 22:08:54
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
No cures, and the vaccines are just against the most likely strains to affect a population. If a different strain becomes prevalent or epidemic, current flu shots will be near useless.
Drug free treatments are generally for symptoms, not cures.
Dying from disease is a very natural, if sometimes painful, thing to happen - animals have been doing it for millions of years.
2006-10-20 01:25:35
answer #2
answered by Labsci 7
Warm, soothing drinks, light meals (prepared by someone else!), a good book for when you're awake and perhaps a TV and a remote control and plenty of sleep. Most of all TIME! lol Oh and as no drugs allowed then wet flannels on the forehead to cool down the high temperature.
2006-10-21 09:35:33
answer #3
answered by huggz 7
There is no 'cure' for a virus, the body must fight it off itself.
To help it do that, you have to REST. Take plenty of warm fluids, and take painkillers for the worst effects. Won't get rid of it before its time but it will make you more comfortable and less liable to complications such as chest infections.
2006-10-19 22:18:44
answer #4
answered by Michael E 4
It takes a very long time to get over the flu, with alot of suffering, if you don't die from it.
The best thing to do is get a flu shot to prevent getting the flu virus.
2006-10-19 22:30:05
answer #5
answered by FL Girl 6
There is billions of pounds waiting for the person who comes up with the correct yes answer to this question. there is of course a vaccination against this see your doc.
2006-10-19 22:21:51
answer #6
answered by Peter H 1
No - viruses can mutate and they bond to the bodies own dna unlike bacterial infections that can be killed off with antibiotics.
rest , fluids and paracetamol/ ibuprofen for temp are the best ways to get rid although it does take time.
2006-10-19 22:14:35
answer #7
answered by Nicky 3
hot toady works great makes you feel better instantly
2006-10-21 17:26:34
answer #8
answered by bobonumpty 6