I am 38 and just been to the doctor and found out I have mumps!
27 answers
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➔ Diseases & Conditions
➔ Infectious Diseases
My doctor said... that it is mostly people over 21 who can catch it.
Of course the MMR injection was not available when I was a kid.
As a kid when 1 of the other kids had measles, mumps or chickenpox we used to have parties so that the other kids could get it young and therefore be immune. I remember going to both a measles and a chickenpox party but never a mumps party.
I have jaw pain, swelling and earache =(
10:09:40 ·
update #1
I had it twice aged 9 and 36
The first time it caused me to spit a custard cream half way across the room and the second it made me miss a party.
2006-10-23 01:38:07
answer #1
answered by Amanda K 7
i had mump when i was 9 years old long time ago but last march at the age of 44 yes 44 i was fine one day and woke up with my right jaw aal swollen up and pain full and was deaf in right ear and bad pain thought it was my ear playing up as i have an inner ear problem so went to hospital and was told i had mumps, said no way had that when i was 9 and whouldnt my left side be swollen as well well in 2 days my whole face was up i looked like a chipmonk hubby and son laughing was told had to sleep separate rooms for 14 days but how when you dont have sp[are room, found out was infectious before the swellling and i had been going around doing things and not infectious when swelling comes out , you get some funnny looks when you about with swollen face , funny thing is my sons friends had mumps i had them but not a thing my son and hubby got off lucky for my hubby as hes on transplant drugs and immmune systen is really low as he had a kidney/and pancreas transplant 5 years ago , all now is to catch chicken pox or measles again
2006-10-21 00:58:09
answer #2
answered by marie the cat lady 2
Hello, I was a year old when I caught the mumps. At age 3, my mum realised I had a hearing problem and took me to hospital where they discovered that I was fully deaf in my left ear. The doctors were not sure if the hearing loss was from birth or because of the mumps. Make sure that you rest and recover well. Good luck
2006-10-20 01:27:38
answer #3
answered by geronemo 2
I was 6 and still remember the jaw pain. I hear it's a lot worse when you are grown up. I got german measles when I was 30. I thought I had had it as a child. Lucky I wasn't pregnant at the time.
2006-10-19 21:55:17
answer #4
answered by casey54 5
I was about 7 or 8 and I can remember it vividly. My face was huge and I could only sip drinks with great difficulty. I lived on bovril for about a week.
Poor you, its much better to get this sort of stuff out of the way when you're young! Get well soon.
2006-10-19 21:55:35
answer #5
answered by huggz 7
I was 12, but you can be any age. Anyone who is not immune from either previous mumps infection or from vaccination can get mumps.
2006-10-19 22:04:57
answer #6
answered by Chariotmender 7
HAHAHAHAA I got my MMR (measles, mumps and rubella) shots when i was younger. Course i need the booster shot soon
2006-10-20 03:11:18
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
I have not nor have any of my children had mumps the children all had there MMR (Measles, Mumps and Rubella) vaccinations.
Get better soon.
2006-10-19 21:56:49
answer #8
answered by carla s 4
i was 9
2006-10-23 03:04:47
answer #9
answered by \ 5
I was about 7 years of old.
You must be in agony and feeling a bit run down please take care of yourself mups is nasty when older and good job you are not a man as it can cause infidelity in men. So stay in quaranteen for a while not sure on the length of time though.
Hope you are feeling better.
2006-10-19 22:03:03
answer #10
answered by momof3 7