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For those of you who keep saying over & over again 'BECAUSE IT'S ILLEGAL" why aren't you so upset will all the other crimes in this country?

We've had black on black homicides going on for years! What is the avg. life expectancy for a black male in the USA today? About 40? Why aren't we screaming about fixing that?

What about the proliferation of drugs not just in our cities but in the suburbs? In the rural farm towns? EVERYWHERE!

What about the rich people who hide their money to avoid having to pay such a big chunk to Uncle Sam? Why aren't we all in a tizzy about that?

What is it that makes a man - regardless of status - so terrible because he has within him an instinct to survive? It's a God-given instinct to try to help yourself out of poverty and starvation.

So I ask, what makes illegal immigration worse than murder? What makes it worse than selling drugs? What makes it worse than tax evasion?

2006-10-19 19:05:13 · 26 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Immigration

Why don't I see people in this forum rallying to "shoot on sight" people who sell drugs? Why not "shoot on sight" the murderers? Yet they are the VERY ONES we leave in our jails - us as taxpayers paying for their every meal, their clothes, their education - everything while they exhaust our judicial system with appeals trying to GET OFF - dragging it out for 20 years. And we FIGHT for their RIGHTS to keep appealing to MAKE SURE we don't execute and innocent man. Yet you want to shoot on sight an illegal immigrant? Does that make sense?

2006-10-19 19:08:17 · update #1

wildcobra427...You lost all credibility and my ability to believe ANY of the statistic you posted when you said:

"Those working illegal aliens who are paying taxes are doing so by use of stolen social security numbers, a felony."

I know MANY immigrants who came here LEGALLY, received a VALID SSN (our gov't stamps right on the front "valid for work with INS authorization", over-stayed their visa making them ILLEGAL and they continue to pay taxes with their own legitimate SSN. I've seen it with my own eyes.

2006-10-19 19:33:57 · update #2

One Big Daddy...I couldn't care LESS about points! Email me if you want to hear more of my story. I've walked in these shoes. I know of what I speak.

2006-10-19 19:37:16 · update #3


2006-10-20 14:26:48 · update #4

Dear wild_cobra - you send me an email and don't have a valid address for me to reply to? You are so brave in making your point.

Here is my response:
Trembling in my boots here. Really....I am. Bowing down right now to you, my intellectual superior. Bask in the glory of knowing you place yourself in a higher position than almighty merciful God. How superior does that make you feel?


2006-10-20 18:11:01 · update #5

26 answers

Their vehement protests stem from a subconscious fear that that these 'illegals' may do unto them what their own forefathers had done generations ago - while mass-murdering and annihilating the native Americans [Red Indians, as they wrongly called them ?!] in the 'name of God' (!) and greedily plundering their lands...
In a nation populated by the progeny of equally 'illegal immigrants', who now praise such callous murderers and usurpers as 'pilgrim fathers', why be surprised at their descendants fearing that these 'new and improved' versions of 'pilgrims' will not do unto them, just as their ancestors once did to the real sons of America's soil ?!

2006-10-19 19:23:30 · answer #1 · answered by Indychen 6 · 6 13

Because just looking at education alone, it costs $10,000 per year per child to educate a child in grades K-12. Poor people don't make nearly enough money to cover the cost of educating their children. We make up the rest, and education funds for our children are stretched to cover theirs. Theirs tend to not speak English so their education slows education for the other students and is also disproportionately expensive so that the families contributing the least funds are taking the most. Programs for our children have been cut across the board, and schools are gang ridden in areas where illegals concentrate.

This is our children's future we are talking about, yet we are being told it is 'racist' to fight to keep the funds for those who SHOULD be here. We are told it is a 'little' problem. It is not a little problem. If there were a handful of illegals it might be a little problem, but there are 12 to 20 million, and it is a HUGE problem. And our government has been acting like it doesn't matter.

So we are really mad.

It is not in itself worse than murder or selling drugs, but those crimes and others disproportionately are associated with illegal immigrants when you examine population / crime statistics. It is essentially the same as tax evasion in that they break the law to not pay their way and to make us pay it as well. However, it is not separate from tax evasion, at least according to a recent study in Florida that indicated that half of the illegal immigrants there did not pay taxes.

Take an issue that really hurts people,and is against a law which is not enforced to protect people, and then tell the people they are racist for caring about it, and you have a pretty good recipe for major anger.

2006-10-20 02:42:52 · answer #2 · answered by DAR 7 · 3 0

I live in Arizona and the facts are that the illegal alien is costing my state much more money than they bring to it in cheap labor.I am a business owner and I know what is happening in my state as well as my country.I employ 30 people .a small business but my husband owns a big company that employs hundreds.WE do not hire any illegals for any of the jobs .We have many different races ,heritages and cultures,that we employ,but all are legal Americans.That have the legal right to work.

The $1.3 billion in costs incurred by Arizona taxpayers is comprised of outlays in the following areas:

Education. Based on estimates of the illegal immigrant population in Arizona and documented costs of K-12 schooling, Arizonans spend approximately $820 million annually on education for illegal immigrant children and for their U.S.-born siblings.

Health Care. Uncompensated medical outlays for health care provided to the state’s illegal alien population is now estimated at about $400 million a year.

Incarceration. The cost of incarcerating illegal aliens in Arizona prisons and jails amounts to about $80 million a year (not including the monetary costs of the crimes that led to their incarceration).

The unauthorized immigrant population pays some state and local taxes that go toward offsetting these costs, but they do not come near to matching the expenses. The total of such payments might generously be estimated at $257 million per year.

The fiscal costs of illegal immigration do not end with these three major cost items. The total costs of illegal immigration to the state’s taxpayers would be considerably higher if other costs such as special English instruction, school nutrition programs, or welfare benefits for American workers displaced by illegal alien workers were added into the equation.

Say what you will but you cant dispute the facts here in my state.
Indychen.I live in the present world not in the past.I harbor no guilt towards any one,I also have no fear of any one or any "race" you need to get over that antique thinking.This is almost 2007 I live and work,and funcion in this century not in the past.My ancesters all came here in 1702,they fought and died for this country and thats a fact.I cant change the past and neither can you .

2006-10-20 02:29:13 · answer #3 · answered by Yakuza 7 · 4 0

So your "reasoning" is that because illegal criminal invasion isn't as serious as murder, we are supposed to overlook it? Get real. You're not making any sense. Who said we weren't upset about the other crimes? You must have an illegal boyfriend or something. Otherwise, why would you be a traitor? Remember May 1st when the CRIMINALs were flipping off America, the people who support these freeloading leeches? Oh, how quickly you forget something like that. Why the hell should I feel sympathy for a bunch of freeloaders who only want to take over my country and call it Mexico? Why the hell should I feel anything for disrespectful and rude people such as those? I have news for you , it's not up to our country to fix their country. If Mexicans weren't such cowards, they would fix their own country instead of coming here and freeloading off of the American working people. Seeingclearly is right. And as far as your religious BS goes, I have noticed that it's the same type of people who try to shove religion on us while trying to justify their LYING AND STEALING to live over here (stolen SS numbers and cards, many fake names) and insulting and cursing anyone who doesn't agree with them. They should GO BACK TO MEXICO

2006-10-20 00:24:03 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 6 0

The answer is that many (i am not saying ALL) people in these forums are hiding behind the whole "illegal immigration" issue, to cover up the fact that indeed, they have hate towards mexican, central american and other hispanic people.
Some are ignorant in grouping all hispanics into the "illegal" umbrella knowing that many have lived legally in this country for many, many years...how do they know who is legal or not as they walk down the street?? This has become a race issue... notice that not all illegal immigrants are hispanic (asian, african) but they always mention the mexicans?? IGNORANCE and RACISM... there is a lot of it here and people hide behind the "illegals" issue... thats the best they can do...

2006-10-20 07:05:00 · answer #5 · answered by ljohgt 2 · 0 2

First, it is on MEXICO'S Southern border, not the U.S. Southern border that illegals are shot on sight. While Mexicans may think that is a good policy, I have not heard anyone suggest that for the U.S.

Second, I missed the "Support Murderers" movement. When did that happen. However, are you suggesting we should execute innocent people? In Illinois we had 13 innocent people in a row set to be executed before some students proved their innocence. Did you want them killed too.

Third, the life expectancy for black males is around 70 which is similar to their white counterparts.

Fourth, the drug dealers do control the U.S. Southern border so closing the border is a necessary first step in stopping drugs.

Fifth, the U.S. cannot support Mexico, either as illegals or as a separate nation. If Mexicans want to work, then demand the changes necessary in Mexico so that they can get jobs. Mexico is NOT a poor country it is just a poorly run country. There is no reason why jobs are available 1 mile North of Mexico and nothing is available 1 mile South of the U.S.

It is not the instinct to survive that U.S. citizens find unacceptable it is the instinct to mooch off of us that is unacceptable. There is no reason why the U.S. should support the illegals, which is what we are doing, and which is causing millions of citizens to have to go without to pay the illegal's bills. Our health care crisis is caused by illegals using services for which they don't pay. The prison crisis is caused in large part because of the 500,000 Mexicans in U.S. prisons for felonies unrelated to their status.

So, illegal immigration is not worse than murder, tax evasion or selling drugs. However, ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION IS A MAJOR FACTOR IN DRUG DEALING, TAX EVASION (no they don't pay their fair share of taxes) and MURDER.


2006-10-19 19:41:42 · answer #6 · answered by rehabob 4 · 6 3

I don't really think anyone is overlooking the issue of other crimes in our country...But please realize where you are posting (Politics and Government > Immigration. Illegal immigration in the US is a serious matter. The illegal aliens come into our country and take advantage of our system - which in the end raises our taxes. We are already paying enough for the murderers and other criminals to remain in the prison system (you are right about that). Why should we have to pay even MORE taxes to support people who don't even belong here. We can't help if someone was born in Mexico. Maybe they should make a go of coming here LEGALLY and learning the English language before they get here. I don't think it's worse than any other crime you posted, but it is one that takes away from my children and family. If you don't want to learn of others opinions on this subject, by all means, pass the whole immigration forum by. It's our right to have an opinion just as it is yours.

2006-10-19 19:25:47 · answer #7 · answered by Christy 2 · 6 3

A lot of the issues you brought up are also committed by illegals. How do you think the drugs get into this country in the first place? Did you know that the Mexican government helps the drug dealers in South American get their drugs in here? Do you know that a high percentage of domestic violence that leads to murder committed in Arizona are illegal aliens? And that they just skip over the border after the crime? What about those victims? Why are we going to burden an already over populated prison system to people who are not here legally?

2006-10-19 19:20:07 · answer #8 · answered by yiqqahah 4 · 7 3

Why aren't we upset about all crime?

WE ARE! And something is trying to be done.

Here is a little spin on things: Why are you choosing what crimes are fine to commit? Because the illegal immigrants are poor? So are most of the felons in the prisons today. Economic status/condition is the number one element of crime today. And illegal immigration is just another one of the crimes poverty causes.

And they are productive members of soceity? So if a child molester molests children, but is a hard working janitor cleaning the toilets of the elementary school that he works in, we should forgive him his crimes? I mean, after all, he is hard working, and no one else wants to do the job he is doing. . .

Nothing makes illegal immigration a worse crime than any you listed. It is a crime, and it should be punished - just like all others are when they are caught!

2006-10-19 19:21:16 · answer #9 · answered by volleyballchick (cowards block) 7 · 7 3

Well people who murder and all other legal citizens go to jail, Whilst Illegal immigrants get away with it, unless they're deported & yes, It does come down to the fact it is against the law..
These people can find a better life IN Mexico, There are hundreds of other places they could take up residency, But they come to the U.S where they know they can get welfare for their children and jobs from scum employers.

& by the way, mexicans can be murderers aswell.. Some do come here to sell drugs and most evade tax too & what happens when they commit a crime against you, or run into your car, they're not documented they don't have insurance, how the hell is that justice, People need to be legal for a reason.

2006-10-19 19:07:46 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 8 4

I am upset with crime etc. I'm sure the rich pay a lot more than you do so quit gripping about that. What makes you think the government should get more of the money people work hard to make and punish them for succeeding???? I am not rich and I work in the ghetto with poor kids. What are YOU doing about problems beksides b*tching???
Phoenix AZ has a very high rate of crime now, and it sure is not blacks that are doing those crimes it is illegals. And our schools are worst in the nation because of illegals kids in our schools who can't speak English being part of our test score standards.
I'm sure you don't live in a border state or you would understand this.
If you want to give them YOUR job or YOUR money or YOUR neighborhood go ahead!!!

2006-10-19 19:15:07 · answer #11 · answered by inzaratha 6 · 6 4

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