I use Emfamil with Lipil...
2006-10-19 18:34:33
answer #1
answered by Ash 3
I've had 3 kids, and 1 with reflux, one wibth severe allergies to nearly everything so I've tried about all of them out there. The brand isn't important. It's just the name on the can. If you want to go name brand, I reccomend enfamil over similac or carnation good start. Similac seems to give my babies & friends babies a bit of gas.
Honestly my favorite is Parents Choice made by walmart. I've found that when shaken it's less bubbly and the bubbles in the bottle settle a lot quicker.
2006-10-20 01:47:38
answer #2
answered by starscrossedluv 1
Don't listen to these people, but Nestle Good Start Supreme with DHA and AHA or whatever it's called is the best, my babies hated all other kinds, and when I stirred the bottles the milk got so bubbly with enfamil and Similac, and that meant more gas for my children. Good Start hardly has any bubbles, and it's gentle on the tummy. Nursing doesn't work all the time and you are not a failed mother if you can't nurse, all these people have different children, my son ate more and he couldn't latch on so I pumped and it never was enough.
2006-10-20 09:00:13
answer #3
answered by fourcheeks4 5
I truly believe that this all depends upon your baby. Mine started out on Enfamil Lipil but started spitting up a lot, so the doctor said to try Enfamil Lipil AR (essentially lipil with added rice starch). This worked out alright, but I noticed that my baby was very gassy and wiggled her body a lot during feedings, almost as if she was fussy, so the doc suggested trying Similac Isomil advance. I've got friends whose babies are on the more expensive Similac Alimentum and they do well on it. I've also got cousins who swear by Nestle Good Start. Again, it's all up to your baby. Unless the doctor thinks it's going to be harmful to your child, I think switching and trying out different brands til you find the best "fit" would be the thing to do. Good luck!
2006-10-20 02:08:10
answer #4
answered by M-M-and-m 2
Nurse your child - you will get him on the right track for life. The best thing about nursing your baby is the wonderful bond that you will create with him. Mother´s milk is a natural process and it is meant to be given to your baby. Your chid will grow strong and healthy. No hassle with washing and sterilizing the bottles, no risks for his health. Mother´s milk will protect his health. Formula milk is artificial and processed. Give your child the best - you are.
2006-10-20 02:16:10
answer #5
answered by Agua 3
I used Carnation Good Start with iron because it contains comfort proteins that begin the digestion process and ease spit-up.
You may have to try different kinds because some babies might not like the taste of all of them.
2006-10-20 01:36:00
answer #6
answered by dbackbarb 4
the formula "Good Start" worked great for my baby.
2006-10-20 02:32:20
answer #7
answered by Jayson M 1
Actually any formula is good...even the generic if it contains ARA/DHA (Enzymes found in breastmilk to aid in brain development)
2006-10-20 01:36:49
answer #8
answered by Ryan's mom 7
both of my boys were preemie's but the doctor had me use Enfamil with Iron with the first one and Enfacare with the second one, choose which brand is best for your baby.
2006-10-23 02:18:49
answer #9
answered by sweetheart 2
Give yr child breast milk if you can. It is the best source of all the vitamins as it comes from the food that you eat. Baby who take breast milk seldom fall sick but remember to eat healthy.
2006-10-20 01:40:50
answer #10
answered by Game 2
talk with your babys doctor. theres enfimil w/iron thats good or the more pricey stuff.
2006-10-20 01:36:08
answer #11
answered by evilella 3