There is no site specific way of losing fat... the old myth about working your abs to burn belly fat isn't true. To get rid of love handles, you need to lose overall fat. That happens with exercise and watching your diet.
The most effective way to lose fat is aerobic exercise in the "moderate" fat-burning range, ideally first thing in the morning before you eat. When you wake your body is ready to burn fat and your levels of growth hormone are highest at that time. Later in the day it can take up to 30 minutes just to put your body into a fat-burning mode.
Another overlooked way to burn fat is by lifting weights. Skeletal muscle has very high caloric needs... almost twice that of adipose (fat) tissue. Put on a little muscle and you will burn calories all day even at rest. Be aware that skeletal muscle weighs more, so with this approach you may see your weight increasing while your body fat is melting away. Not realizing this often stresses folks who think they should be losing weight as a measure of fitness. Forget the scale, look in the mirror and you will be happy.
To lose a pound of fat, you need to eliminate about 3500 calories. You can do this by burning more with exercise or by modifying your diet to reduce intake. If you do a Google search on say, "swimming calories" you will quickly find a website with tables of calories burned for a given exercise. You can use such lists to estimate how many calories you are burning up with your routine.
For diet, keep a diary for a couple of weeks counting calories, grams of protein, and grams of fat intake. It is easy with online sources of nutritional information (type the name of the food and calories into the Google search engine) and packaging labels. That will let you quickly figure out where the fat is coming from in your diet.
Fat gives you 9 calories per gram. So take the number of grams of fat, multiply by 9, then calculate what percentage the fat calories are of your total daily calories. Restricting the calories from fat to about 20% of your total intake is ideal for a maintenance diet... that isn't overly restrictive. Of note, you need some fat in your diet. For instance, the body uses fat to produce hormones. Once you have a picture of how to modify your diet, you can drop the diary and just go back to it occasionally if you are wanting to tweek things further.
There is a subset of questions that goes further and asks about "How to get a six-pack?" The answer is the same. Six-packs are 20% abdominal exercise and 80% diet. There is one caveat... abdominal muscles will form in the position that you work them, so be certain to pull them tightly toward your spine while doing crunches, etc. Also, during most lifting, the "core is active" which means that you should be stabilizing with contracted abs then too. Fail to do this and the abs will form, but bulging outward and the result is not attractive.
If you are trying to build muscle as a way to lose fat, then you may need to increase total calories and specifically your protein intake. I target about 0.8 g of protein per pound of body weight each day when actively building. That is far more protein than most people need in their diets.
2006-10-20 02:06:09
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
2016-10-10 04:15:04
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
There is no doubt about it, obtaining this elusive goal not only takes hard work, but also demonstrates that you clearly know what you are doing in the gym. You're going to have to work really hard...Learning how to get a flat stomach is definitely not the easiest thing in the world but it's also not the hardest, as long as you follow the right steps. Focus on your diet - Try and focus on consuming enough protein to keep your appetite under control, supplemented with healthy fats for satiety and fruits and veggies for energy. Perform a variety of exercises - make sure you change up the exercises you perform on a regular basis. The main reason for this is because your abdominal muscles adapt to change very quickly. Do your cardio - All you really need is a few quality sessions of cardio work a week. What's high quality? Sprint sessions. Skipping. Hill running. Anything your body is not efficient at. Best of luck!
2016-03-18 22:05:07
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
as much as you are going to hate this answer, you have to exercise and watch your meals. yes it's the truth and it sucks, but you can't succeed by not doing anything.
step 1: the first rule, exercise, while crunches are the obvious solution, it won't give you a flat tummy in 2 weeks, unless you are willing to whing 1000 crunches every day for 14 days. even then, it's no given solution. running on the treadmill for an average of 30 minutes with speed of 6-8 mph everyday works. sounds easy? it is if you balance it with the right amount of calories.
step 2: try to limit your calorie intake to 1300 a day. that would allow you to have an average of 2 slices of bread (or the equivalent of carbs) per meal. easier still, 1 serving of carbs (or anything else) should measure about the size of your palm. make sure you have no more than 6 servings of carbs a day. that's the biggest contributor for calories. stock up on loads vegetables that help fill you up and not cost any calories. stay away from juices because sugar equals unwanted calories, equals not flat tummy in 2 weeks. just as long as you keep your calories low enough to burn excess when you work out, your should achieve your goal.
this is the very basic to a flat tummy in 2 weeks. there is no guarantee you will have washboard abs, but it will certainly trim the bulge a little more than usual.
try keep up at this regime everyday. if you have the discipline, you will be rewarded heavily with wolf-whistles and envious stares. and good luck!
2006-10-19 17:46:22
answer #4
answered by miss_nads 2
Diet (watch what you eat). But don't starve
You can start of by finding a good balance --- so that you won't be overeating.. and yet have enough energy for the day to include some cardio workout. keep adjusting this food intake over the days. Remember that whatever calories you don't use up, will convert to fats.
2nd tip: Don't eat just before you go to bed. Don't supper. Have at least 3hrs gap from your last meal of the day till the time you go to bed. that way, hopefully your last meal would have used up, though not completely
3rd tip: Heavy Breakfast, 2-3 SMALL meals for Lunch, and light Dinner
4th tip: Long duration workout.. walking is good at burning fats. Basically do low intensity.. don't run too fast (you'll be working another system in your body..not fat-burning). Instead, do light jogging.
Good Luck!
2006-10-19 18:03:06
answer #5
answered by arevoir 3
Few weeks is Not much time, lets get started.
First start by getting up earlier than usual. Around 5:30 am to do some of you workouts. Getting up early shocks your metabolism because the body needs more energy to get going. Right? This will start your system on the road to weight loss. That early start with about 10 minutes of stretching. Have a cup of coffee to get the blood going also.
Do all the situps you can. Just do them. 15 or 20 whatever, we don't have alot of time to work with. Rest 1 minute repeat, do this for 6 sets. Already you are breathing hard and feel worn, because the body is working extra hard at being up earlier and then going right into exercise. If the early morning hours lets you get your cardio in, go ahead and do it. 30 minutes. Diet. Cut all current meal portions in half, just cut them in half, nothing fancy or complicated, CUT IN HALF! Cut out all bread products, all gravies, candies, chips, night snacks,etc. If you crave at night eat a banana, other fruit or best a non-fat yogurt. There are some tasty ones out there.
In the evening do another 6 sets of situps maxing out each set. Cardo again. The trick is to stay with getting up earlier. Yes its hard, thats why it is so effective. Why do you think the Army gets up so early, it is intense training to the max.
I believe you will make it, best of luck to you, stay tough!!! Get mean!!!
2013-09-13 04:10:39
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
How to lose bellyfat
Losing fat is not an easy task, but gaining fat is very easy. You need to keep a check on the diet and do workouts for your abs to lose tummy fat. You also need to do aerobic exercises like swimming, jogging etc. Here are some points to keep in mind to lose belly fat:· Consume less sugar, processed foods and sodium. · Eat fiber rich foods like green leafy vegetables.· The diet should contain protein, carbohydrates and little fat.· Drink plenty of water and fruit juices.· Eat in small quantities for five to six times a day. · Do at least 30-60 minutes cardiovascular exercises at least 4 times a week. · Do strength training and ab exercises at least 3 times a week.
Tummy fat is not good for the body as it increases the chances of many diseases like diabetes, heart attack etc. A whole body workout is required to lose weight from your tummy, spot reduction is a myth, you cannot lose fat by doing stomach crunches or ab workouts only. A complete workout, which includes cardiovascular exercises, helps improve metabolism and you will be able to lose tummy fat quickly. Try to lose weight naturally by doing hard work and controlling your diet.
2006-10-19 19:55:11
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
Hi, If you really want to get a flat belly you must watch this video at to learn how you can lose belly fat and get six pack abs in a short period of time. It will blow your mind. I was able to lose the belly fat and get ripped in only 6 weeks.
This has nothing to do with pills, powders or potions, silly exercise gizmos, fad diets or any other crap the multi-billion dollar diet industry has been hocking at you for years.
The diet industry's empty, irresponsible promises and band aid fixes have left you tired, frustrated, and fed up. I get that.
The surprising nutrition truths I'll be sharing will empower you with new fat-burning knowledge that can change your life….
2014-08-30 02:25:36
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
pray ....... it isn't going to happen in two weeks but.. you can make some changes
When discussing fitness goals with clients ( one of the most requested objectives is "a 6-pack or flat, toned, sexy stomach like...(underwear model, athlete...take your pick).
Here are some tips to help you get the quickest results possible
Myth #1: You need to train your abs everyday. When it comes to training, your abs are like every other muscle.
Fact: In order to get the most benefit, you have to train them hard and allow sufficient rest between sessions. You also have to make them work harder. They also grow just like any other muscle and training them disproportionately will cause them to grow disproportionate to your other musculature.
Myth #2 : Doing sit ups, twists & sidebends will trim your waistline.
Fact: You can’t reduce waistline fat simply by doing ab exercises. Spot reduction just does not happen! You need to do ab exercises to develop the abdominal muscles. They need to be strengthened just like your glutes or your biceps but in order to actually see those ab muscles, you need to strip the fat that's covering them.
Myth #3: You need to do many more reps for ab exercises.
Fact: Not so. The most common training mistake when it comes to the abs is poor technique. Not feeling it even after 100 sit ups? You’re probably working your hip flexor muscles instead of your abs. You may also be using too large a range of motion and failing to keep tension on the abdominal muscles throughout the entire set or may be using momentum.
Quick tips:
1. 20-30 minutes of cardiovascular (aerobic) exercise 3-5 x a week (depending upon your fitness level and lifestyle) will help you strip the fat covering that flat, defined stomach that you are looking for.
2. Limit sodium intake - this will reduce bloat and water retention - (sodium comes from surprising sources so it pays to read the nutrition labels).
3. Watch Your Portions - Americans typically eat 2-3 times a true serving size. Keeping track of the amount of food that you eat will yield amazing results. There is a link below to help you out with determining how much of what you need for best results
4. Drink plenty of water to help kick in your body's fat burning mechanism and help to eliminate water retention.
5. It's quality not quantity - focus on keeping constant tension on your abdominal muscles while performing each exercise.
6. Avoid form mistakes such as letting your shoulders touch the floor or ball during crunches, arching your back, using momentum or bending at your hips instead of your waist.
2006-10-19 20:25:08
answer #9
answered by My Personal Fitness Coach 3
run like hell.
crunches are your friend
but only if you do them the right way
eat right
kill the bread dear
starchy foods.... bring on the fat and flabb of our stomachs
try substituting water...for other drinks
green tea boots metabolism
the more muscle you gain
more cals you burn. even if your just sitting there
so yeah
exercise is keeeeeeey
2006-10-19 18:32:35
answer #10
answered by leslie__christine 3