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In an old black and white cartoon, a little girl is singing to Santa Claus telling him what she wants for christomas. The song goes:

I want a drum, a tinny cup,
a hobbyhorse, the lollipop,
A little *choohoon* that I can *choohoo* will make me happy.

At least this is what it sounds like, and the last line baffles me. Can someone help?

2006-10-19 13:01:11 · 2 answers · asked by flemmingbee2 6 in Society & Culture Languages

2 answers

A "choo-choo" is a child's term for a train, and it's also a child's term for the sound a train makes. It could refer, in this case, to a toy train.

2006-10-19 13:03:40 · answer #1 · answered by solarius 7 · 2 0

isnt that a vernerial disease of some sort? prolly not a good thing to want for christmas:)

2006-10-19 20:13:44 · answer #2 · answered by Syd 5 · 0 1

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