I like McDonald's better, just because it has more variety (like salads and all) and because I've been to McDonald's wayyy more than I've been to BK.
Slurpee, because they don't have as much crunch, like Icees do. Slurpees have more flavor than ice, and Icees have more ice than flavor.
Milk Chocolate. I think dark chocolate is a little bitter, and if u bite it, it's not too good, but sucking on it makes it taste better. Milk chocolate tastes good no matter what.
Mozzerella cheese because I think it tastes better, and cheddar is EVERYWHERE, but mozzerella is not. So it's a nice change.
Milky Way because it's not as crunchy and gooey. But Snickers and Milky Way are verryyy close.
Cool Ranch Doritos because I like the taste and flavor better.
2006-10-19 11:38:36
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
McDonald's, more tasty burgers
I'd go with Icee
Milk chocolate better taste, Dark Chocolate finest taste
Both snickers and Milky Way depending on the moment
Nacho Cheese Doritos by far 'cause of the hot cheese.
2006-10-19 11:43:46
answer #2
answered by costas_peppas 2
Burger King, Slurpee, Dark Chocolate, Cheddar, Snickers, Cool Ranch Doritos.
Because I like them!
2006-10-19 11:39:56
answer #3
answered by Bluealt 7
1) neither. I accept Subway, its healthy and 2nd competitor of McDonalds.
2)Slurpee, taste better than Icee.
3)Dark chocolate, Its healthy, and lowers cancer & blood levels.
4)Mozzerela Cheese the traditional, because the flavor on pizzas
5) wheres the 100 Grand??? My favorite brand with nuts!
6)Cool Ranch Doritos. mhmm... the feeling of making you thristy.
2006-10-19 11:42:13
answer #4
answered by Red Panda 6
McDonald's -- better fries
Icee -- smoother
Milk Chocolate -- melts smoother
Cheddar Cheese -- more flavor and not all chewy
Milky Way -- dont' like peanuts
Nacho Cheese Doritos -- sticking w/ the classics
2006-10-19 11:36:45
answer #5
answered by Sugar Pie 7
Burger King, I love the "flame broiled taste". Milk chocolate cuz dark chocolate is nasty and not really even sweet.Milky way cuz it's so smoothe and yummy. Nacho cheese doritos cuz they ju0st taste better and mozzerela cheese for cheese sticks and cuz it's on pizza and italian food.oh, icee are better
2006-10-19 11:44:32
answer #6
answered by LeighAnn D 4
Burger King xcept the Mc Flurees
milk choclate
milky way
nacho cheese
2006-10-19 11:40:54
answer #7
answered by Zeynah 1
Mickey D's for fries (crisp) and BK for burgers (flame Broiled)
I never liked Dark chocolate until I tried Dove chocolate, now I can't decide. It's chocolate, it's all good.
Snickers (nuts and more substance)
Don't like Doritos's or snack foods.
If I had my own choices, it would be
Mousse and Devil's food
Kit Kat
Honey Wheat Pretzels
2006-10-19 11:41:22
answer #8
answered by Cinderella 4
You said one is fine, so I want to say something about cheddar cheese. Oh, yeah, mozzarella is great for pizza, but did you ever make a grilled cheese out of cheddar cheese?
Delicious!! Butter the bread on the outside of the slices, slice the cheddar and put it between the bread slices, and lay it in a medium hot skillet to 'toast' and get crisp and melt the cheese.
You just can't beat the taste of cheddar! (Thank you for your kind support.)
2006-10-19 11:44:31
answer #9
answered by NANCY K 6
Milk Chocolate (really all chocolate)
Milky Way (no nuts)
Nacho Cheese (this one was close)
2006-10-19 11:47:19
answer #10
answered by miss m 4