2006-10-19 10:17:50
answer #1
answered by EssLoves8ch 2
America is a very big player in end time prophecy. Those evangelicals that believe that America must be destroyed because it is not found in the book of Revelation are not rightly dividing the Word of Truth.
In Revelation 13 we see two beast rising, one out of the sea and one out of the earth. The first beast is a combination of church and state that seeks the worship of the entire world. In Bible prophecy, water denotes populated areas. (Revelation 17:15 The waters which thou sawest, where the whore sitteth, are peoples, and multitudes, and nations, and tongues). So the first beast rose in a populated region. Daniel 7 describes this same beast. Students of Bible prophecy have long ago identified this beast as Rome, first in its pagan phase and later in its papal phase. This is the antiChrist power spoken of by Paul in 2 Thessalonians, "the man of sin".
The second beast rises out of dry earth, in an unpopulated area. Consider these other points.
Rises in an unpopulated region (the new world)
Is a Christian or lamblike nation
Has no kings, no crowns on its horns
Rises up after the 1260 year rule of Papal Rome which ruled from AD538-1798
Changes character to speak like the dragon (this is happening now, see Iraq, N Korea etc.)
Is the strongest nation on earth at end times because it enforces the mark of the beast
Makes an alliance with Rome
Is also called the false prophet
Makes fire come down from heaven in the sight of men
Only one nation satisfies all these requirements. Sadly it is the United States of America, that renounces all its religious freedoms for the sake of safety, and forces the world to worship according to the mandates of the Roman Catholic Church.
2006-10-19 17:44:50
answer #2
answered by 19jay63 4
America was written about in the Bible in a Prophetic way. It is one of the procession of world powers described in the books of Daniel chapter 2 and 7 as well as Revelation13:1,2
2006-10-19 17:39:52
answer #3
answered by linniepooh 3
America IS in the Bible. It's in the Book of Revelation, in the passages that discuss Mystery Babylon.
2006-10-19 20:50:59
answer #4
answered by norcalnative@sbcglobal.net 2
The word "America". Is not in the Bible. The word "Trinity", isn't either.
There are too many scriptures that point to America as the New babylon. Do you believe it? Who cares?
.YOU are not in the bible either. Should someone believe in you?
2006-10-19 17:24:37
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Clarification; America is in theBible; but under a different description. It is the beast of Rev. 17. or the eighth king v11.
2006-10-19 17:52:22
answer #6
answered by jefferyspringer57@sbcglobal.net 7
Oh but it is, did you not read the gem in your last answer that said:
"He did tell His disciples to go out to all nations...
That would include well...The World. "
Anon A, does that mean the americas did not exist either at that time!?!?!
2006-10-19 17:20:06
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
Are you talking the bible or America ?
2006-10-19 17:17:12
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
Humm, last time i checked, i didn't find the internet in the bible - do you believe in that?
2006-10-19 17:19:34
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
I think you need to recheck your time frame. How could something be written about that people did not know existed at the time?
2006-10-19 17:18:44
answer #10
answered by violet 3
because the bible was written by a bunch of idiots who didn't know their asses from a hole in the ground.
2006-10-19 17:20:46
answer #11
answered by Anonymous