You need to find a support group, talk to other people who've been through what you have. It's perfectly normal to feel overwhelmed, you've got a lot on your plate and you shouldn't be surprised that you need some help. The important thing is that you held it together while you needed to, and now that the crisis has passed you can afford to "lose it" for a little bit. You have to ask for help when you need it, and you need to let people help when they offer - you shouldn't have to do it all yourself. You need to stay strong for the next hurdle, and bless your heart, it sounds like there may be some more ahead. Good luck, my dear!
2006-10-19 09:22:18
answer #1
answered by woodlands127 5
Hey there,
Not sure exactly but it could be a phase of grieving that you are going through. You have been through a lot. Even though you were able to "hang in there" and do what you had to do doesn't mean that you weren't freaked out about it. Besides having taken up alot of physical and mental energy. YOu could be depleted.
Which can lead to mild to moderate depression. Maybe you might need a little help? It doesn't have to be long term. Meds, therapy, find a group?
Good luck...
Hey, and some of us feel "normal" and struggle with what you talk about without going through all the stress YOU have been under. You should be very proud that you have done this well....
2006-10-19 14:32:09
answer #2
answered by Psychogirlfrog 4
I've had to deal with several challenges in my life, and awareness of the following helped me through:
Imagine how much more meaningful the good and right deeds you do everyday become, by you doing them despite difficulty. In other words, doing good and right deeds, which are noble and transcending acts (even the very small ones), despite having difficulties, makes these deeds so much more noble and meaningful in the eyes of the Creator.
It could be the above awareness by itself will help you. It could be sometimes you need something like an anti-depressant to augment and assist the cognitive adjustments. Psychiatrists can prescribe the anti-depressants (I also understand some general practitioner doctors will also prescribe these).
I hope you and your son feel good soon.
2006-10-19 09:56:27
answer #3
answered by moty9000 1
Your reaction and the feelings you are having are perfectly normal. You lived on adrenaline, and it got you through the crisis. You had specific things that had to be done, and you just sort of "function."
The aftermath is your body trying to recover. Is there someone, a pastor or counselor that you could talk to - to help sort out your feelings. Sometimes you just need someone - not a friend - who can be a bit more objetctive and see around the obstacles that are getting you down.
I truly hope you get to feeling better soon, and that your son is able to enjoy his life and that his health is optimized.
2006-10-19 09:35:52
answer #4
answered by kids and cats 5
im 32 male and allI do is sleep. I can sleep all day, get up ,eat check, my mail then go back to sleep. I only work 5 hours a day and Im tyring to get another job to see if it will help since t would be a routnine and I would be out of the house but nobody will hire me . I think because of the economy, but I am seeing a doctor monday for that and ADHD.I had my thyroid checked an dblood and eveything is normall.
2016-03-18 21:53:47
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Try and hang in there. I know that sounds lame and trite, but I found that by relying on my close friends for support and on God, that you will eventually get out of your funk. Try and do some good things for yourself. Read comforting books. Music is also a strong transforming mood elevator. Writing in a journal also helps tremendously as you are going beyond thinking and actually seeing what is on your mind. This is also an effective way to communicate with your higher power (God) and unlike traditional prayer, it is permanently there by your hand, from your heart and head, on paper. I have several quotes posted around me and memorized like this one: "The best way out is through." That means that no matter how bad things get, don't deny or ignore or suppress the feelings. Go with it. Feel the pain, recognize it, don't escape into harmful things to coat it (drugs, sex, booze) but use this time to reach out to friends, God, and use their strength and love to comfort you. You will find that you have great reserves of strength that you weren't aware of before. Hang in there. I'll pray for you.
2006-10-19 09:22:31
answer #6
answered by Nose 2
Go & see a doctor, it is the classic signs of depression & you have certainly had lots of things to deal with. A therapist or maybe a couple of months of light medication will help you deal until you get used to the stress in your life.
You have too many responsibilities to try to diagnoise & medicate yourself with unproved natural herbs.
Good luck & God bless you & your family. I am sorry for your pain.
2006-10-19 09:23:48
answer #7
answered by Wolfpacker 6
You sound like you are very stressed out, maybe even depressed. Think about seeing a counselor. They can be lifesaving. Or, if you are depressed, seeing a psychiatrist is probably the best bet, as she/he can prescribe something for you to make you feel ALOT better.
2006-10-19 09:17:46
answer #8
answered by zoe 3
pray for support. do something that relaxes you. take some time off for yourself. go to a spa. watch a good movie. read a good book. have some fun. and if that doesn't work, try counseling
2006-10-19 09:13:34
answer #9
answered by princess 2
go to
It is a homeopathic website for herbs and meds.
Its all natural.
You can find items for anxiety, stress relief, focus...and so on.
its pretty interesting.
Best of luck to you and your son.
2006-10-19 09:13:00
answer #10
answered by Anonymous