turn Iraq over to the UN and bring our people home. Over 3000 have died already for Bush's lies and Cheneys military contracts.
2006-10-19 04:44:26
answer #1
answered by desert_kats 4
The first step would be for us to broker a serious and lasting peace deal between Palestine and Israel. Otherwise, there will never be lasting peace in the Middle East. When there is no lasting peace there can be no democracy and there will be civil war between different religious and tribal factions. You can pore all the money in the world down that rat-hole with no results.
Once a true peace is brokered in Israel/Palestine, there should be a multi-national force in place in Iraq to make sure the newly elected government (whatever it is) and the ones that follow for the next 20 years are chosen by the people and are not violating the rights of minority factions. The US cannot enforce this on its own. It looks like the current administration's goal was to ruin Iraq AND the US economy and to keep us in an indeterminate state of war forever.
Only after real peace has been achieved, can the international community hope to come in and rebuild the infrastructure.
2006-10-19 04:56:45
answer #2
answered by Zelda Hunter 7
Unfortunately most Americans supported the invasion of Iraq and as such they must pay the price (so far about $330 billion and 3 thousand American lives) of correcting their errors.
You can't just turn the matter over to the UN. Why should non participating countries have to pay for the mess made by the US?
The toughest part is stabilizing the area. The result of deposing Saddam was to create partisan civil unrest and the country is now at the brink of civil war. They said they were after Al Qaeda then found they were no where to be found. They're there now though.
It's going to cost billions more to rebuild Iraq and those that chose to invade and destroy the infrastructure should pay whatever it costs. I have a feeling that you'll be there for a long time unless you choose to do what you did in Viet Nam. There you ran and left the innocent people to fend for themselves.
Some countries need to be ruled with an iron fist. It's what they're used to and have lived with for hundreds of years. Believe it or not, it's their security. To figure that the whole world wants to live like Americans is truly flawed and naive.
2006-10-19 05:00:51
answer #3
answered by Jack 6
We have to plan on either winning, or rolling over and becoming dead because Islam hates anyone who is a non-believer and we are their targets. People forget the nearly 2500 attacks against Americans by the Nation of Islam since 1980. The Marine Barracks in Beirut, the USS Cole, The two US Embassies in Africa, the first WTC attack, and of course, 911.
At what point don't people understand that radical Muslims hate non Muslims and want us dead????
We can either fight them now or sit back, and wait, and fight them on our city streets with our children dying, old people dying and innocent people spilling blood when they continue their reign of terror right here in America, if we don't win and win big.
Only someone crazy would actively want to Nuke Syria and Iran but hey, there are people like that. The big question people need to ask themselves, after looking at the facts on these attacks against us world wide, " do we cut and run, only to have to fight in our city streets, or do we stay and put a plan together to kick butt and take names".
It took our country from 1776 to 1787, 11 years, to get our constitution put together where everyone agreed and signed it. We weren't fighting a war either like Iraq is doing so why should we be holding them a much shorter time table??
2006-10-19 04:56:21
answer #4
answered by bigmikejones 5
Pick a point in time connected to an event, like the next election they have, or some holiday they can point to to say the Iraqi mission handled it so well that now we can go because that was all we were there for to start with, yep they are doing so well defending their country they don't need us anymore. We declare we have won because they can defend themselves, and we leave, if they can't keep it up its not our fault. Its pretty much what we did in Viet Nam and no one paid much attention except the Vietnamese. We were just so glad to get out of that mess. Now we trade with them and the world didn't come to an end, of course radical Islamisist are more interested in expanding their influence by means of force so it might be messier, but at least we will be out.
2006-10-19 04:51:05
answer #5
answered by justa 7
Give the war to the Muslim experts, Majority Democratically elected Iraqi Shia, who want to liberate their county on their own without any US military assistance. The Iraqi Shia want nothing more but to kill all the Sunni insurgents/terrorists who kill their people and blow up their mosqes. In 3 years of fighting the US miltary has shown they can't complete the job so why not let the Iraqi Shia do it?
It would certainly stop US troops from getting killed and the Iraqi Shia actully know what foreign terrorists and local insurgents look like. Iraqi Shia hate terrorists/insurgents just as much as Americans and want to see them all dead as well and they would NEVER allow Iraq to become a terrorists training camp. (Every terrorist attack attempted on the US from 9/11 on, has been by radical Sunni Muslims NOT Shia Muslims)
2006-10-19 04:55:02
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
At this point--nothing. If we leave, the country will fall into complete chaos. Iran might covertly infiltrate and influence it's future--that is downright unnacceptable and insane. If we can ever get a half-decent Iraqi army in place, then we can gradually begin withdrawl. Though, total withdrawl will not be possible. We will have to retain strategic airbases indefinitely.
2006-10-19 07:39:15
answer #7
answered by jothan_zev 2
We're doing it the right way now .
Concider this , if we just picked up and started leaving , the roads out would be a deathtrap . Every insurgent would line the routes , all the way to the borders . IED's every 100 ft ., ambush every mile .
It would be worse than fighting our way in , we could lose 3-4 thousand .
2006-10-19 05:02:24
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
Militarily if we want to get the job done and get it done fast, they will have to do 3 major things.
1. Double the amount of boots on the ground
2. Seal off ALL the borders and threaten Iran & Syria if they keep interfering
3. Impose a military rule until the insurgents are no longer a threat
2006-10-19 04:47:46
answer #9
answered by Kyle M 2
Hummm, let me think about this for a fraction of a second.... How about VICTORY. That would be a good way to get out of Iraq and make the sacrifices of our Military worth wild, ya think?
2006-10-19 07:32:27
answer #10
answered by Anonymous
I think its imperative for Bush to stop stepping on toes like N Korea where he must know they haven't backed down and actually have right to protect themselves since others can and refresh his allies. Try once more to get pres of Iran to cool off that we're not trying to hurt their religion just stop terrorists/radicals. If he continues on his rampage that he's going to wipe USA then Israel off the map then one ques remains - them or us go first? The bomb threats for this Sunday at 7 NFL stadiums may not be just a hoax. They subtly warned b4 9/11 and pres Iran said a couple of mos ago he had SEVEN sites in US targeted with informers already inside. True or not either we're going to be polite and let them go first or show our worth and really respond to their WTC caper since we might just believe them. I vacate the area for the day, just for fun.
2006-10-19 05:48:09
answer #11
answered by spareo1 4