My sister is moving to Florida w/ her child. They have come upon hard times & I Mom lives in Tampa,Fl & is willing to take her in, but they'd have to sleepinher livingroom until she finds work & gets a place. She really doesn't have much of value to take with her yet she insists on lugging her tvs, kitchen table, chairs, microwave, etc with her--but she's BROKE & has nowhere to put it. I tried to convince her that these items are non essential & is better off packing most of thier clothes & just start all over. She stresses that she doesnt want to have to rebuy things she already has. She's nervous & maybe it's a sentimental thing shes hanging onto-but it makes no sense to hold on to those things. its a new life & i think she should just start w/ a clean slate. She driving her old car down there-i say, pack it up and keep it moving. She wants to hussle up some $ to get a self haul truck that will be expensive to move crap she just doesnt need. what can i do to help her wake up?
5 answers
asked by
vicky m
Society & Culture
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