chronic everday headache since jan. 2001. headache starts as soon as get up in morning. pain in forehead,cheeks,upper teeth,nose,temples. pregnant in 2004.In 2005 headaces came back, the same as before. NO PAIN AT ALL WHILE PREGNANT OR BREASTFEEDING FOR 1 MONTH.Matter of fact i felt great while pregnant.!! neuorllogist says tension/migraine type. but tried so many type of migraine meds and either didn't work or did but came back next day. tried preventive meds...DON'T WORK. feel constant pressure, but not clogged nose unless lay down. can't breath when lay down. scalp is sore to touch, bending down makes worse as well as cold temperature, and high allitudes.
Heating pad and sleep only thing that takes pain away, besides being pregnant. decongestants work sometimes. (cold/sinus tablets). allegra-d worked for 2 months then stopped. allergic to cat dander, dust, ragweed. and milk.
what can cause sinus type headaches to go away while
pregnant? hormones food allergy?
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