Food is pretty cheap as it is and obeisity levels are rising all the time-what'll happen if the food was free?
2006-10-19 02:47:30
answer #1
answered by curiosity 4
If you refuse to eat, then let me know how long it took you to die due to starvation? We earn, buy, eat, sleep, earn, buy, eat, sleep and so on and so forth.
If you don't like it, then don't buy nothing, you might as well die.
Better than nothing, eat healthy, excercise, diet, but still die.
The food that cats eat, are the foods we don't want. And that is a poor example you used. They can't earn money or anything. So for animals food is free. They don't have the same interlect as us humans, also the capability.
Also if foods and drinks were for free, it will be finished by now, or at least in a day, the supermarkets will be empty, due to people getting enough food to last them the whole month, or even a year!!
You have to pay, you don't see many other people complaining. Act like a real person, and live like everyone else. Stop being a moany kid, whinning about it!
Food should be free....only to the poor...but only a limited amount. Enough to last them the whole day, or week properly.
Last thing, go out on your hands and knees, on the streets, on a busy day, or whenever, with a sign saying 'feed the ugly kitty!'
2006-10-19 05:01:57
answer #2
answered by Mr Stick 4
My husband works for Pepsi, and no he does not get free products. They do have a sale every other week where you can go and purchase their soda, tea, and etc. at reduced prices. Sometimes he can get 2 liters for .12 cents. The products are usually things that are getting ready to expire, damaged, or if they made too many of a certain item in production.
2016-05-22 01:48:41
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
should be free.
but then there are too many "shoulda coulda wouldas" out there..
food and drink although "cheap" (not necessarily) are finite resources, therefore, given how the human society works, mainly based on trading scarce goods, it would be utopian. If we were able to create a source of inifinite andclean energy, maybe it would be moving in the right direction.
2006-10-19 02:59:49
answer #4
answered by j_J 2
It is free, for people who can't afford it. Food stampes. It is needed to say alive, that's why we have jobs to support ourselves. It isn't the governments job to take care of us, this isn't a dictatorship or a communist state. We rely on ourselves to support ourselves. If we cannot afford to, there are government programs that you can apply for and get things for free. However, programs like that are ment to be a temporary crutch to support us until we get back on our feet and back to the point were we can support ourselves like proud Americans.
I'm proud to be able to go to the grocery store and buy what I want to support myself. Not having to rely on any government program or handout to keep me alive.
There are a ton of things we need to live...not everything can be free, get a job!
2006-10-19 03:01:01
answer #5
answered by still_feel_gone83 2
Food for free? Ice cream everyday woo hoo!
2006-10-19 03:02:15
answer #6
answered by littlebabygem 1
No, but you can catch a pigeon, fox or squirrel if you want to start saving some money and have with some dandelions from the garden!
2006-10-19 02:54:08
answer #7
answered by Annie M 6
No you should not eat a cat off the street, you don't know where it has been or what it has been eating....try your rich neighbours dog, he might be tastier...probably fed on pork shops and stuff :P
2006-10-19 02:48:45
answer #8
answered by Tamara 2
Nothings for free these days
2006-10-22 09:34:14
answer #9
answered by Candy 5
yes,i think it would be ok to eat a random cat on the street.that seems perfectly fine to me.there just strays anyway.just be careful some of them have diseases.
2006-10-19 02:53:19
answer #10
answered by forest lover 2