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Ive got to the point in my life where i am thining that i was cursed when i was born and everytime i get back on track i get thrown back down to feeling nothing... and thats my problem... i get that upset angry and jumbled up that nothing matters anymore...

I cant start over again ... i dont have the energy anymore...

I sat outside lastnight... tears streaming down my face but with no emotion.... im empty and want my world to stop... i dont want to wake up everyday and when i do... i have to think how i can cope with this next day... I know this isnt a question but im at my witts end here... i just want to know that ending it... isnt the right thing to do...

Dont say go speak to your gp.... ive been on pills had the councilling.. and they tell me im fine... how can i be fine when i feel like this....

2006-10-19 00:49:46 · 39 answers · asked by Cat ( " , ) 3 in Health Mental Health

39 answers

I can relate to the way you feel,for a few years i felt the whole world pulling against me ,nothing could go right i consulted my gp who prescribed me pills,i felt fine for a while but it all came flooding back,i found myself a hobby(golf)to vent all that inner anger upon it helped a great deal but i still have my lows .I too felt like ending it was the only way to go, but you need to think about what pain you leave behind,you may think people dont care but they do ,also try not to feel like your on your own ,there are many people like us who suffer from depression its a hidden illness that can only be felt on the inside,you are not alone but i can only let you know that ending it is definetley NOT the right thing to do ,i go to a favourite place and put all the world to rights and just chill ,that is a major help .Hope i helped cheers, Darren.

2006-10-19 01:13:43 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 2 2

Hi Cat, I to have been struggling, I am just coming out the other side, it has been a test for me but I am getting there. What you have to try and remember (what my dad tells me as he has been thru it too) is that you will get better, i know its real hard to believe right now but you will. Do you have family, friends anyone close you can talk to ? I found talking about it scary and faced many fears i didnt realise i had but it really helps.

Nobody can explain to you why or how or what you feel, i couldnt describe how i felt, helpless and totally alone, its hard chic but you will get there, honestly. If you want to chat or mail me im on lupyloo73@yahoo.co.uk

try not to listen to people who tell you to snap out of it, because i know how that feels and i know that if we could we would. Things will get better.

Most importantly or more like famous last words ... take one day at a time .. you wont be like this forever .. trust me ... tomorrow just might have a little sunshine for you.

Here are a few passages from a book i read that have alot of understanding ...

Your journey ... there is a journey awaiting you ..the most precious and painful passage is the journey to yourself ... you will travel to places never visited before, where you meet unspoken fears and unearth buried truths .. you will explore forgotten waters held deep in the sea of your soul ...you will be stranded in the wilderness and find the way thru pathless lands ..you will learn to walk slowly step by step ... it will be impossible to see beyond what is infront of you ..you will be lost before you are found and empty before you are full... you will cry the deep sobs of the earth and tears of rain will cleanse the house around your heart .. you will begin your new growth ..at the journeys end you will find peace within yourself ..

heres a great big hug to you ..


take care.xxx

2006-10-20 10:43:23 · answer #2 · answered by lupyloo73 1 · 1 0

Ending it is not the answer. You may not feel like it now, but you will not feel like this forever. Anyone who's lost a relative to suicide knows that one of the hardest things is, 5 years down the line, you realise that had they lived they would probably be perfectly happy. The majority of suicides (especially in young people) are not planned for more than an hour before hand; they are acts done in the heat of the moment, when the "red mist" comes down. It's temporary.

Some things which I have found helpful in the past:

1 When it's all too much, take time out. Get a change of scenery, take some time off work/college, go on holiday, or visit friends. Use the time to take stock and try to work out what you want out of the next couple of years, and how to get there. They don't have to be very big goals, but everyone needs something to aim for.

2 Treat the cause, not just the problem. Medication can be useful in the short term, but it doesn't get to the root cause of why you are feeling bad. You don't mention any past traumatic events or insurmountable problems, so i wonder if you are feeling bad because your brain is processing information in a biased and unhelpful way. If you tend to overgeneralise, such as "I had an argument with X this morning, so she must really hate me / everyone hates me / I am totally unloved and unloveable" etc, then you might want to ask for a referral for cognitive behavioural therapy. "Therapy" and "counselling" aren't neessarily the same thing, so don't be put off one because the other didn't work. CBT is highly effective in helping you to change your unhelpful thought patterns which can not only treat depression but can prevent relapse, as it gives you the tools to recognise the unhelpful thought patterns and stop them in their tracks.

You might not be able to get a referral straight away, but you could try and use some techniques from cognitive behavioural therapy. For example, when you have an upsetting thought such as "my life is going nowhere, my life is over", say silently to yourself, STOP!. And think to yourself three times,"Things aren't going too well for me now, but I have a lot to give and I'm sure I'll find my way eventually" sort of thing. By doing this you are replacing the unhelpful (and untrue) thought with a more realistic and positive one. It's simple, but it really works. It stops a little setback from spiralling into a big depression.

3 Count your blessings. Actually write them down on a piece of paper, and keep it to add to whenever you think of something new. There's probably more than you think.

4 Always remember that however bad things feel now, you will not feel like this forever.

2006-10-19 02:32:23 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

I understand just how you feel, I've been there too many times myself.

To say that you were crying...but with no emotion, crying is an emotion, sadness. Anger is another emotion, a very healthy one because it can help clear out what's getting you like this in the first place.

Don't give up on yourself, you need to focus on something simple to start with: a sunny day, children laughing, an accomplishment at work, sometimes even a simple hug from someone you love can help.

You say that you have tried counseling, perhaps you need to find a different one, second opinions, even third and fourth ones can be of help. This does sound like a chemical imbalance, and if that is the case, there is medication out there that can be of help to you. I understand that you're tired of taking the pills, but perhaps you were given the wrong one for you, this is an individual thing, what works for one person might not work for someone else.

Please don't give up. As hard as life can be sometimes, the alternative isn't the answer. Keep trying. I know it sounds cliche', but tomorrow can be a better day, if you make even the tiniest effort.

If you need/want to contact me further for whatever reason, please feel free to do so, I'd be more than willing to "converse" with you if you need it. Here's a lifeline, feel free to make use of it.

2006-10-19 01:21:44 · answer #4 · answered by Laurie K 5 · 0 2

i feel alot like that at the moment t.oo. have been on pills too. GPs are not the people to see for that and Psychiatrists only really give pills. A good psychologist or councillor should not have fobbed you off. This kind of therapy helps but it does take alot of courage, honesty, openness, commitment, time and money. There are some voluntary organisations that are available to listen. Exercise and creative activity - even if you're not talented at it can help. You may need care in a specialised clinic to help a hard part of your life. Don't end it. It's not fair to yourself. You need to believe in hope and happiness in the future for yourself. make them happen. have you good family support or nobody? Good luck. i know it feels horrible and its hard to keep going. eat a balanced diet and vitamin B as it can help your mood. Try and get good sleep and occupy your time with people.

2006-10-22 06:55:06 · answer #5 · answered by cherub 5 · 0 0

We all have problems and sometimes we feel overwhelmed but we must keep on keeping on if things aren't going the way that you want them to and you feel stuck anything is better than ending it all. Just think you can jump on a plane and be in another country or state in less than 10hrs you can start a new life or just let some time pass until you realize that life is good again. I am going through hard times too and every time I feel like you are I first think of how bad others have it. Then when I really feel like things are sucking really bad I remember the taking a trip thing if things get that desperate. But I am sure that there are many people who love you and want the best for you if your counselor cant help you get another one I went through 4 before I found one to give me some perspective on life that I can live by.
Good luck and if you need someone to talk to you can email me if you like.

2006-10-19 00:58:55 · answer #6 · answered by shawn_mauldin 2 · 0 2

hi, i do not know you that well, in fact, i don`t know you at all, but you have the same thing i had in the past, feeling the same you feel when you wak-up in the morning, i went to hospital, GP`s, all they did was keep me in a mental health section for about 2months, and that was absolutly inesesery, all i did was nothing, when i was relised, i started tackling the problem on my own, askink myself some questions:
why am i feeling this way?
what was the cause of me feling this way?
when did it start?
also i avoided being alone too much, i mean having conversations with people, i also went i visited people in hospital to realise the level of happiness i should really have, some people could not walk, eat, see, hear, thank god you can see and have a sound mind, you are computer leterate , there are really wors people than you and me, you should look in the bright side, there is an old saying "I WAS COMPLANING I HAD NO SHOES, UNTILL I MET A MAN WITHOUT FEET" you should look at what you have and sharish it, go and do something you have never done in the past, i don`t know, like rollacoster or something, you will feel better, if you have a partner
go somwhere nice, still go even if you do not have a partner, have fun, also god created all of us in this world to fullfill a duty, that is to help ourselves and others, to be pationt, tolerant to one another, we all have a purpose in this life, so wakeing up in the morning is a blessing from god to all of his creations, we have aour sight, and legs and so on,
in the morning you should say:
you do not have to be muslim to say it, but at least belive in it, and it will work, with god`s will.
if you need help, we are here
hope to answear your next questions
c you
please ignore spelling mistake ;)

2006-10-19 01:21:08 · answer #7 · answered by THE WISE MAN 2 · 0 1

I Think u need a good friend to talk too to help u through this, without u goin into detail it's easy to see ur suffering and u need someone to point to the positives in ur life.
u sound lonely, ending it is not the answer, all u can do is dust urself down learn from whateva it is thats happened and move on, break ur problems down, deal with em one at a time, maybe a fresh start is wot u need, a change of job or where u live, there's a whole world out there, u know u can come through this you've done it before only this time you'll come through it stronger

2006-10-19 01:01:20 · answer #8 · answered by KIPPAX 2 · 1 2

Hi Cat,is that short for Kathy, Down the list of ans.here I gave Nana---Viki a check for a good ans.You have expressed a very close feeling to someone I know.Age ,which you didnt give here is somehow important as it may have to do with lifes experences not just one or more matters.You probaly heard this said often and its this that ending a life doesnt answer anything,and I have to agree that its true although at times it seems the thing to do.Other than encouragement its not right for me to bumble into your life with a lot of words however I suggest give nana_ Viki,s suggeston a try and remember your family and friends are rooting for you in the best way the know how.

2006-10-19 01:22:02 · answer #9 · answered by hunter 6 · 0 3

Your fine because you feel like this, every normal person has their up and downs. There was a point in my life that i just wanted to die and felt if i did it would be easier on my family then having me around them feeling the way i did.

But I realised that because i thought negatively and looked for the negative things in everything i did or wanted to do. I would never achieve anything and i would always notcie the bad things because i was looking for them instead of looking at the postive things i was achieving. You need to change the way you look at things.

Your already doing postive things by asking for help and admiting that the hole you got yourself in is now too big for you to get yourself out and that you need a hand.

You should be proud of that.

2006-10-19 00:55:42 · answer #10 · answered by janetlouise24 4 · 2 1

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