They make small incisions and remove the teeth. You have a couple of stitches which disolve in a few days. Your mouth will be a little sore where the teeth came out and you won't be able to eat that day - your stomach may be a little upset as well.
All your teeth won't fall out or the dentist would have his a$$ sued.
2006-10-18 17:07:37
answer #1
answered by Black Parade Billie 5
No worries. I had 4 impacted teeth pulled when I was 14. I was put under general anesthesia, although afterwords the surgeon said I woke up during the operation and actually helped them by telling them what I felt. Don't remember a thing at all.
Woke up with a swollen mouth and numb pain. Lots of blood, and the holes continue to weep blood for quite a while (at least 2 days). I remember I took codeine right after the operation, which got me high, but after that I stopped. It really wasn't that bad.
After the bleeding stopped, there were four large gaping holes in my mouth. The gave be a water pick and told me to be sure to flush out the holes every day. Truly, the was the most disgusting part - tons of food particles got in there, and it smelled like a putrid dump every time I washed them out - rotting foodstuff mixed with blood. Eech. But it didn't hurt by this point.
After about two months the holes had filled in to the point I didn't need the water pick. After another month they were completely gone. That was about 25 years ago, and I've never had any problems at all. At this point I couldn't even tell you where the holes were or if there's any scare tissue - all trace of the wisdom teeth are completely gone.
So it really isn't that bad at all. Nothing, and I mean NOTHING, compared to a root canal.
PS Don't smoke, drink alochol, or take ANY medications for AT LEAST a month, preferably 2, prior to the operations. The last thing you want is dry sockets.
2006-10-19 04:07:10
answer #2
answered by ZenPenguin 7
After your tooth is pulled, the Dr. will probably put stitches or maybe not but you will have a little pain and disomfort. After a few days the area starts healing, you might have some discomfort when eating but it will be alright, just take your pain medication that u were instructed to take in case u have pain. The area starts to heal and this area fills up with bone after awhile. Your other teeth will be fine, the reason these teeth are taken out are because our jaw is small and all teeth do not fit well. With time u will not even feel u had a tooth there.
2006-10-23 15:22:21
answer #3
answered by justmmez 3
I've had my wisdom teeth removed because I had this "mystery" pain in my jaw. The teeth weren't the problem but the pain eventually went away on it's own. Okay, to have my Wisdom Teeth removed was a pretty minor ordeal. Yes, it was surgery, but it was done in the Orthodontic Surgeon's office. They put me to sleep and someone had to drive me home. I had packing in the holes till bedtime. I had a couple of minor rituals for a few days and then it was over. However, I am a big baby and I did have to rely on prescription pain meds at first. Have the surgery if you need it, but ask around and get a doctor that has a happy staff. If the staff is sour looking, the doctor is probably a jerk. Good Luck!!
2006-10-26 18:04:45
answer #4
answered by gimmygirl 1
if they do all 4 at once, yes they will put you out. I had only 2 at a time done due to insurance. Your other teeth will not go bad. Though it does hurt quite a bit, but they give you good pain killers. Good luck and don't wait til you're in your 30's like I did, it makes it a lot more painful due to the nerves growing so far down and too close to the central nerver that goes from one side of your jaw to the other. But it wasn't too bad, and after a few days I didn't even notice.
2006-10-24 17:51:26
answer #5
answered by sircbstp 3
Everything will be fine! If you leave your wisdom teeth, they will always give you some type of problem. Being put to sleep is great, b/c when you wake up, they'll be out and you'll have some pain meds to help you the first couple of days. After that, you'll forget about them!! I had all of mine out on a Friday and was back at work on the Monday! Good luck! OH! Leaving wisdom teeth in can cause damage to the teeth next to them-even if they are still in your gums. They can damage the root on the tooth next to it. If they're out, they can cause gum problems and tooth decay on the tooth next to it as well!!
2006-10-26 00:22:13
answer #6
answered by lilmamavid 1
you'll be fine. for the worst part, you wont be able to eat anything solid for a while and you'll have to be contented with soup and anything soft. since you git 3 wisdom teeth to pull, healing time will probably be longer than the usual and there will always be some pain but as they heal, the pain will subside. just dont forget to take in some food before taking in your pain medications as pain meds usually cause stoamch upsets.
2006-10-25 23:10:21
answer #7
answered by lei,md 1
I had them out... since my immune system is bad, I got sick after.
You need to take their advice seriously about not using a straw for several weeks afterwards and taking all the antibiotics.
I went under general anesthetic and the process wasn't bad at all. waking up kinda sucked... I couldn't walk :) It was kinda funny--I was doing a terrific limp noodle impression.
So yeah, expect a kind of crappy first day, and then take it easy for a couple weeks just to be safe.
2006-10-24 17:51:51
answer #8
answered by Eve 4
If I were you I would be more affraid if they didn't want to put you to sleep. When I had mine out, my doctor was in another doctors office, so for insurance reasons they couldn't put me to sleep. I got so sick, I through up all day. The next summer I had four more teath pulled for braces, they put me to sleep and I went to Cedar Point (the ammusment park) the same day. Trust me you don't want to be awake for this surgery. Get it done, but take the appropriate time for your body to heal.
2006-10-19 13:49:00
answer #9
answered by Heather D 2
theyll be fine i had all 4 of mine cut out and they give you good pain killers for the pain and make sure to keep them clean and dont smoke or suck on anything(straws,suckers,etc.) and theyll be fine i got dry sockets in all 4 of mine it hurt but they just packed them with some kinda gause and gave me a plastic surrenge that wasnt sharp and had me mix 50/50 water and mouth wash and rince it after i ate there really wasnt any problem with it just keep in mind once there out they will eventually heal and then the pains gone keep em in and it will never go away good luck
2006-10-19 00:10:46
answer #10
answered by llamasrocknroll 2