My dad has a Master's degree and is very bright. He is a devout Christian. He actually had the nerve to ask me the other day why, if I love him as much as I claim to, and have so much respect for him, why I don't want to be JUST LIKE HIM?! I told him I am not his clone and he told me not to state the obvious. I told him that I pick and choose the good parts and ignore the other parts and he seems to have a problem with! I am my own person and have no desire to be just like him. He has many faults in my personal opinion. (He tells people they're going to Hell for example and that they're not really Christians for another example, he fought for and got custody of my nephew in a nasty custody dispute and I don't think he fought fair for another example) My point is I think he is being unreasonable and arrogant to think I should want to be JUST LIKE HIM if I claim to love and respect him so much.
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