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Just to let you all know, my girlfriend left me last night for a woman. How can a man compete with that? Thanks for all your advice to those who answered my previous questions about our relationship. Do you have any idea what I could have done better to make things turn out differently? Should I chase her and try win her back?

2006-10-18 15:08:19 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous in Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

Perhaps send her diamonds

2006-10-18 15:35:30 · update #1

17 answers

hey it's me again your (stalker)
I think you are very intelligent, funny and cute. I am very sorry that you are going through a hard time but let her go. If it will make you feel any better I will leave my girlfriend for you. lol no I am not really stalking you but I do enjoy answering your questions. I feel like I know so much about you already... lol I still wuv ya

2006-10-22 10:09:22 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

you are just like ross freom friends
your girlfriend was a lesdien you can not change that about a realtionship. Its ik there are so manny good weman out there just get back on your feet. If you need some tome to get over her that is okay to it is better off geting all of your hurt out nawthen taking it out on another woomen you donot want to hurt somebody diffrent you will be fine and dont think of what could have been or what you should have done you will never move on just know that you did your best tokeep the realtionship going as long as posible,

2006-10-18 15:18:07 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

So sorry to hear about that, she must be crazy to give up a nice guy like you for a woman. I'm sure she will tire of that soon. How boring to be with the same sex. In the mean time, you should just move on - she didn't really love you. You deserve alot better than that. Hope you find a good one next time 'round.

2006-10-18 15:15:58 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

There are millions of women out here looking for a nice guy. Her lost....let it go and enjoy life....in time you will forget her and attract other with you positive attitude and glee for life.

***Diamonds? , Dawling don't get carried away with the prince charming bit, that gril did not love you enough to deny her lust, so most likely she would accept the dimond and still walk. Find someone else, unless you just have a threesome fantasy?. Guard your heart and let her go discover herself.******

Trust Me!!!!!

2006-10-18 15:13:35 · answer #4 · answered by ☺Inquisitive 1☺ 3 · 0 1

If she left you for a woman, I highly doubt you can win her back. She wants to be with a woman not a man. As much as it may hurt, it's time to let go.

2006-10-18 15:10:20 · answer #5 · answered by ♥dream_angel♥ 6 · 0 1

No don't compromise your dignity. Let her be and when she gets tired of the pu$$y, (I suspect this might be a "phase") she try to come back. Move on and try to find someone worth your time and efforts. Don't let this experience sour your view of women in general.. there's lots of good women out there. Don't settle for less!

2006-10-18 15:12:07 · answer #6 · answered by Lesleann 6 · 0 1

I'm sorry to hear about that. The most you can do is let her know how you feel and that you still want her. Then you have to leave it alone. Maybe she's experimenting. Has she ever been with another woman before?

2006-10-18 15:10:57 · answer #7 · answered by It's Been Cool 2 · 0 1

I don't think you should try to win her back. It must hurt, but you should let go and move on. Obviously she was confused about her sexual preference and made her choice.

I hope you find the right person.

2006-10-18 15:11:40 · answer #8 · answered by leaysa 3 · 0 1

Well if ur little girlie prefers to munch that carpet there is not much you can do about it... This is where u collect ur self respect and walk away. There are a lot of women out there that are pure Hetero and not confused... Find one of them... or maybe she will find u first

2006-10-18 15:17:06 · answer #9 · answered by FoReal! 2 · 0 1

I think it's safe to say that horse has bolted, no use trying to shut the gate now...If she likes women then there's a good chance that you don't have what she wants...actually...you have something she doesn't want :P

Try and be friends with her if you want to be, but anything more than that will only end in disaster.

2006-10-18 15:12:47 · answer #10 · answered by fatcat 3 · 0 1

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