tell them they shouldn't be telling you to shut up stand up for yourself and if it gets physical get up all in their grill and beat the m o t h a f u c k i n s h i t out they a s s!!! only if they're a guy though but yeah stand up for yourself i know people make mistakes but make them learn from their mistakes only if they get physical with you but keep telling them not to tell you to shut up GOOD LUCK
2006-10-18 14:35:39
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
having close people to call us names are pretty usual but not 'negative' names cause it will only put the friendship/ relationship even further and eventually will tear apart. being called by names that are positive will only build one another even closer and up together. to have close ones to tell us to shut up is rather unusual cause if they are that close to us they should be every ready with listening ear for right or wrong cause if they can't do that then you should re categorise people around you or think if they are even worth to be with and having you put in your time being with them. apart of living a mature life we also have to be wise with people around us. discerning is important.
2006-10-18 22:15:45
answer #2
answered by - 5
People will treat you the way that you allow them to treat you. You need to stand up for yourself and tell these people that you do not appreciate being talked to like that. If they continue this behavior, they aren't worth being friends with.
2006-10-18 21:34:40
answer #3
answered by ♥dream_angel♥ 6
The people that do this are not your friends, they are acquaintances at best. Outside of having someone to do things with when you are bored, they are of no value to you because these same people will not be around when you need help, because they do not value your friendship.
2006-10-18 21:35:43
answer #4
answered by kny390 6
well mayb u should shut up or tell them something back
2006-10-18 21:35:26
answer #5
answered by mersa jo 1
i think you might be befriending the wrong people? name calling and put downs are very hurtful, stay away from those people who choose to be nasty. stand up to them when they say mean things, no one deserves to be treated like that
2006-10-18 21:36:14
answer #6
answered by leolady0765 4
u can either
A: ignore them
B:say things back to them
C:dont even get close to them
2006-10-18 21:34:58
answer #7
answered by chicka 2
Just kick them in the nuts if is a guy, punch her in the chest if its a girl.
2006-10-18 21:36:00
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
just shut up
2006-10-18 21:34:05
answer #9
answered by jassy 3
Alot of people are mean out there
2006-10-18 21:35:38
answer #10
answered by kooimanlora 2