I think gynecologists will give birth control out as long as you're menustrating. I would go to somewhere like Planned Parenthood because they're experts. They can tell you what works best. The pill is statistically safest for not getting pregnant when TAKEN CORRECTLY. However, you have to use condoms for STDS. Please don't think if you go on the pill that you don't need a condom. Even if he says he's not sleeping with anyone else. Guys can have STDs and not even know it! Sorry, for the lecture but atleast I'm not telling you not to have sex. Oh, also the pill helps with acne and cramps. I've never used anything else but the pill and condoms. I bought a female condom once but it looked scary. There is also a new pill called Seasonale that you take like 4 times a year but you are probably too young for it. There is something called the sponge but I don't think anyone uses it anymore. Go to Planned Parenthood or a gynecologist. Good luck
2006-10-18 14:37:08
answer #1
answered by SHELTIELUVER 3
I do not think there is an age limit. No one birth control works better than another. Every woman is different. I took a low dose birth control and I am sorry I can remember the name. Just ask your doctor or call the health department. But if your thinking about having sex PLEASE talk to your mom. She loves you and I know you don't want to end up pregnant
2006-10-18 21:54:19
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
One should be on birth control once they become sexually active. Some as young as 12. Only your doctor can determine which birth control is best for you. If you are sexually active you should get your self on some type of birth control and you should still use a condom. Birth control pills do not keep you from getting a sexually transmitted disease.
2006-10-18 21:39:51
answer #3
answered by Baby boy blue 3
I started on birth control at 16 because my cramps were debilitating I couldnt move without being in pain. Your doctor is gonna have to tell you what kind to suggest you take. The shot, patch, and ring are great if you are forgetful. There are so many pills but you have to take them the same time every single day and not miss any. If you miss too many you could end up with a period twice a month. Good luck.
2006-10-18 21:31:23
answer #4
answered by Erin B 2
I don't think you have to be a certain age to take birth control. As long as you are having a period, you can take birth control. I think that the pill form is the most widely used. You'd have to talk to a doctor to get all the information.
2006-10-18 21:30:07
answer #5
answered by ♥dream_angel♥ 6
If you are under 18 you need a parent's permission I think. I've heard of girls as young as 12 being on birth control.
2006-10-18 21:29:49
answer #6
answered by Blue Jean 6
well i think the age depends on the state ur in....but depo works the best but you can only stay on it for 2-3 years max because of some danger it brings to females bones. but after that the pill takes way more responsibility but its sweet. i take yasmeen and its low hormones sur body wont be all outta wack...but just talk to ur doctor
p.s. when ur on depo watch out for the major weight gain. make sure u exercise regulary. but the best part (since deop has such high hormones) your boobs are guaranteed to get bigger;)
2006-10-18 21:34:41
answer #7
answered by socalsonja 3
theres no age limit, you just have to talk to a doctor about it. they wont just give it to you unless you get a checkup. planned parenthood is a good place to go if your young and dont want your parents to find out or something. and the only way to find out if one works better then the other is try them it yourself, its different for everybody. i tried at least 4 before i found one that i was satisfied with! hope this helps.
2006-10-18 21:31:12
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
You can be any age...the one that works the best is abstinence, and since you are asking about age, this is probably the one you should go with.
2006-10-18 21:30:47
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
Go to your doctor, get a pap smear, tell her what you want, she will tell you the best, it can be confidential...( depends on state I think not sure about that) but ask babe, and i recommend yaz, or yasmin, they work great, light periods, and no weight gain. i like them, been on it for months. Be careful go to a doctor not a backyard house just to be secret. take care.
2006-10-18 21:31:51
answer #10
answered by old 4