Has his hearing and eye sight been tested? Is he diabetic?
If everything is normal, then try doing things with your son at home that require him to pay attention and then reward him with praise. For example, you could buy a puzzle and then both sit at the table to finish it. When he seems to be getting distracted, bring his interest back to the puzzle by saying something like, "Oh my we are almost there and then we can see the picture!"
Do tasks with him and keep him focused until he learns to do it himself. At first he maybe quite easily distracted so it might be trying for you, but keep at it and soon he should be able to complete a task in a given amount of time.
It is important that he learns to focus as without that ability he will learn nothing in school.
Good luck mom!
2006-10-18 12:29:10
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
The first thing to do, if you have not already, is to totally DISCONNECT him from all electronics such as TV, video games or computer games. These games overstimulate kids minds, make concentration difficult as school tasks are usually not as stimulating as the constant glare of those above mentioned electronics. Also, if his attention wanders, make sure he is getting to bed earlier. Studies out show that most children and teens are sleep deprived, and for elementary school kids, this sleep deprivation appears a lot like attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Those are schedule changes that might be more effective than any exercises. We are a TV culture with 30 minute attention spans, even adults. TV can be an easy way to occupy kids but it also has detrimental effects. Hope these work for you!
2006-10-18 12:30:20
answer #2
answered by gahrahstah 4
Play games with him, and spend a lot of time with him... Most kids who have the short attention span, or what they call A.D.D ( which is an excuse and not real ) have a lack of environment and attention. They need to do things, play games, stay active, and most importantly get attention from the authority figures in their life.
With no authority comes no direction, no one to follow, which in turn creates a lack of intrest to focus on something that you cannot follow or adapt to...
ADD is crud. Your kids perfectly normal. He/She just needs more of you.
2006-10-18 12:25:36
answer #3
answered by Danlow 5
be consistent! whenever you tell him to do something and he begins to start on something else, make sure the first thing is completed . this will keep him focused on 1 thing at a time; whether it be cleaning his room, doing his homework, or watching tv. make sure he completes one task at a time. this will also give him a sense of accomplishment.
2006-10-18 12:36:15
answer #4
answered by Say It Again M'am 3
have you ever tried one on one tutoring? this can supply him extra interest. or consistent with hazard even a coaching coach to offer him all the encouragement he desires basically like an athlete who trains all 12 months around to alter right into a extra effective athlete.
2016-10-19 23:19:21
answer #5
answered by comesana 4
2006-10-18 12:33:38
answer #6
answered by Anonymous