well if she's saying really mean stuff than she probably doesn't like you but if she is just picky at you a little and doing it with a flirty smile on then she likes you!
2006-10-18 09:47:13
answer #1
answered by bootyginger 2
Sometimes the direct approach is best, just ask. But if that seems too bold for your liking, look for the following signs. Pay attention to your conversations with the person in question.
1) Does this person show a special interest in having a conversation with you and, once started, make an effort to keep that conversation going?
2) Has this person taken a sudden interest in your life and hobbies? This is a sure sign that he or she is interested in something.
3) Other elements of body language include frequent eye contact, holding your gaze and looking down before looking away.
4) Does the person you're wondering about just plain smile at you a lot?
Just remember, take each moment like it will be the last. This I feel will be a good start for you in knowing. Good Luck!!!!!!!
2006-10-19 19:29:20
answer #2
answered by Wolfie 7
oh, i think she does.
but now, what happens further is uop to you. this girl, you know, she's testing you. she's testing ur patience. be patient.
she's testing whether you like her or not. you know, if she finds that when she makes fun of you, you are not hostile to her in return, she sees it as a mark that you like her too, and that's why ur being gentle to her.
girls really like the gentlemen types-those who can treat a girl right under any circumstance.
wait a couple of weeks, and when she makes fun of you again, just look her in the eyes, smile, and say- well at least i could make you laugh!
2006-10-18 09:48:08
answer #3
answered by thehelper 3
it depends on how she makes fun of you, if she does it constantly to make you notice her then ill say that she likes you but doesn't want to tell you directly because of fear that you might not feel the same way towards her.. girls can be pathetic at times... you know, we girls may hide what we truly feel by not saying anything... but every girl wants to be noticed by the guy they adore so i think if she makes fun at you, or of you, just to make you notice her- it is a sure sign that she wants your attention and she likes you a lot(",)!!
2006-10-18 10:05:04
answer #4
answered by yuki 2
Depends on what she's saying.
Before we started dating, my boyfriend would always make fun of me to try and get my attention. I knew he was just joking around and his jokes were funny, so it was okay. But if she's actually hurting your feelings, she's probably not into you...
2006-10-18 09:47:34
answer #5
answered by StarlightRedemption 3
No, she wouldn't make fun of you if she liked you. Would you make fun of her, does that answer your question.
2006-10-18 09:46:43
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
a girl is making fun of u probably they dont like u..
2006-10-18 09:46:09
answer #7
answered by avant1991 3
well usually when a girl makes fun or a guy than she probaly likes you
2006-10-18 09:47:20
answer #8
answered by ashley c 1
No. She is making fun of you to hurt you and make you keep your distance.
2006-10-18 09:49:09
answer #9
answered by S h ä r k G û m b ò 6
Yes she like you if the girl bother you every day then she like you so tell her I know you like me so why don't you admit it.
2006-10-18 09:45:59
answer #10
answered by Beunikia C 1