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Week one in new job and I am dead on my feet already!!!1

2006-10-18 08:31:29 · 14 answers · asked by Lily & Stu Too 5 in Society & Culture Community Service

14 answers

Me, me ! I'll tuck you in and everything : )

2006-10-18 13:02:49 · answer #1 · answered by Flibble 3 · 0 0

Once upon a time, in a town far, far away, a tired and slightly despondent young lady yearned for a bedtime story. She had tried all the usual sources, even contemplated ringing the Speaking Clock to lull her to sleep, but nothing really worked. So, instead, a kind person on Yahoo told her the tale of the tired little kitten. The kitten was the cutest, fluffiest kitten in the whole of Yorkshire, but couldn't settle down to sleep. Until his kind mummy gave him a BIG drink of warm milk. As as he drank his milk, his mummy purred gently at him, purring ever more loudly until the little kitten was soon soundly asleep, with droplets of warm milk still glistening on his whiskers.
And the kitten slept soundly all night, and had a wonderful, restful nights's sleep, snoring as loudly as he possibly could whilst dreaming gentle, soft dreams about white bunny rabbits chasing dandelion clocks across the fields.

Nighty night, sleep tight,


2006-10-18 08:52:46 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Girl ,please what you need is to thank god that you made it through the week,next whip out the candles run a hot bath bubble it up,submerge yourself don't think about anything /anyone let everything go. I bet you a donut too a dollar you can tell your own bedtime story. For a nightcap ..read Psalms 121....... I will lift my eyes to the hills from whence cometh my help,my help cometh from the lord.

2006-10-18 14:19:52 · answer #3 · answered by Renee F 2 · 0 0

Start my new job, next week.
Hope someone will be on hand to read me a bedtime story.

2006-10-18 08:41:23 · answer #4 · answered by lovelylexie 4 · 1 0

Do you have any children honey? :) Because they will want you to read them a bedtime story once they've grown to 3 or 4! :)

2006-10-18 08:50:30 · answer #5 · answered by Andreas K 2 · 0 0

Oh, well you looked after me so kindly last week I'd gladly oblige, as long as it's not War and Peace that you're after. What do you fancy? Miffy at the Gallery? Tracy Beaker? Dr. Seuss? Magic Faraway Tree?

2006-10-18 08:38:29 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

If you need a bedtime story then you're too young to be on here.

2006-10-18 08:34:28 · answer #7 · answered by bengimog 2 · 0 0

Just go straight to sleep instead, if your dead on your feet you will never hear the end of the story anyhow and how frustrating will that be, nite, nite.

2006-10-18 12:30:36 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

put a tape of a bedtime story in and listen to it - three little pigs is very good.

2006-10-18 08:39:34 · answer #9 · answered by Ally 5 · 0 0

Hope your new job is going well, sorry im out of stories and my fingers hurt to much to type. Goodnight.xx

2006-10-18 08:39:23 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Learn to read for yourself- It's so rewarding.

2006-10-18 08:33:21 · answer #11 · answered by Harriet 5 · 0 0

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