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i used a bottle color (golden dark brown), with a 20 creme developer. i am naturally a dirty blonde. how can i get the red out of my roots? should i re dye with same color and only used a 10 developer? thanks for the help!

2006-10-18 06:38:46 · 2 answers · asked by locked 1 in Beauty & Style Hair

2 answers

That could work....or use a dye with an ash base..the green will cancel the red and just make it a neutral brown......dont put is on more than the roots though, if there are no red tones on the ends it can turn it kinda green

2006-10-18 06:45:02 · answer #1 · answered by nicole 6 · 0 0

You'd need to use a 40 developer to lift the color, but instead of using bleach, redye with the same color but add a drabber to it. Get that at a beauty supply shop for a color drabber that tones down red. If you keep lightening the red, it'll keep turning orange because reds are so hard to get out. Don't let the color of the drabber fool you, sometimes they are dark purple in color - your hair won't turn out that color.

2006-10-18 06:43:59 · answer #2 · answered by infernal_seamonkey 4 · 0 0

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