Speaking from experience, I fell just as in love with the child as with the mother. I developed a great relationship with the little girl.
I think the most important thing for any guy to consider before dating a woman with a child is how he feels about raising that child. Even if the relationship does not work out, he still has to think about raising the child up front, because otherwise he is likely to hurt all involved parties.
Most guys are interested in the girl that they are dating, but may not consider the ramifications of pursuing that relationship. They do not always think long term, but I think that is changing.
I had no problem with the idea of raising the sweet little girl and would have been happy to do so, but my relationship with her mother did not work out.
Take care,
2006-10-18 06:16:57
answer #1
answered by tiuliucci 6
Before meeting the kids I would want to get to know the woman. I have dated women (one for 3 1/2 years) with children and I would do it again but next time I will be more cautious. She had two. A younger boy 8 at the time and a 14 yr old daughter. The boy was a terror and I overlooked that because I really wanted a relationship with this woman. It was him, well I can't put all the blame on him, but he drove us apart. He stole from us, sneak out of the house, he tried to act like he was 15 or 16. I think it had to do with having an older sister. He wanted to be older so bad. I would be lieing if I told you that it doesn't matter because it does to an extent. I will not waste anymore years on someone if their children are punching me in the head the first week they meet me or throwing my shoes across the lawn. Now, if the children are polite then there is no problem. Hope this helps, I just want to give you an honest answer
2006-10-18 06:12:33
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
I've had the chance a few times and always avoided it. For one, the woman seems to be looking for a supplemental income. She hooked up with a loser Bad Boy, got dumped, and needs financial help. And sooner or later, the new guy realizes he's supporting some loser's kid. Number two, the kid will always know that the new guy ain't his real father. Real discipline problems. Number three, too much child molestation nonsense. The new guy is always the outsider and thus always suspect. His only role is to pay his share of expenses, in exchange for which he gets a little sex now and then. And finally, you can be danged-well certain that the mother is gonna be sneaking off with Bad Boy whenever he comes around. Sound cynical? Nah, just realistic. Seen it happen too many times.
2006-10-18 06:07:52
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
The deal with dating a woman with a child is that it is a package deal. Not only are you required to love the woman, but inevitably, you have to love her child as well. For a married guy with a kid, this might not be a big deal, but for someone who has never had kids before, it IS a big deal.
Also age is a problem too. If she is a young mother, she will have problems finding a guy her age who would be mature enough to take on the duo. Most young guys have enough to worry about and dating a woman with a child would give him some responsibilities that he is not ready for, but cannot avoid if he wishes to date the woman.
Now if the child does not live with the woman, that is kind of another thing. Hope this helps
2006-10-18 06:04:26
answer #4
answered by b-rad 3
I myself am pretty impartial to the idea. I have dated women with children but I don't want to become that childs father...maybe a parental figure but not the father. My only concerns are how she treats her child...I've been with a woman before who was not a good parent and it was reflected on the childs behavour. Being with a woman doesn't necessarily affect my decision to become "involved" but it does make me wonder in what capacity does she want to be with me. One of the better questions posted here...I'd give you the 10 points just for posting it.
2006-10-18 06:05:56
answer #5
answered by coolguy 2
I'm old school, so I prefer that guys go for single woman only - but that's just my opinion. Guys are usually the same when it comes to woman on some factors, mothers present a bigger challenge because with the child comes a little more responsiblity and experience in knowing how to relate to/handle a child. Go figure.
2006-10-18 06:18:37
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
Who cares, guys do all kinds of stupid things. I'll bet you'll find many who do like dating women with children and find it sexy, and probably many who're scared of the commitment... All guys are different.
A better question for you is: Which guys would you like influencing your child? Children are mirrors of us, so pick the wrong guy and your child will suffer in the long run. Look for a man who has decent habits and plays a good role model.
First find the right man, then ask the question "do you like dating women with children". You may not even need to ask the question if he's a good enough man cause you'll see it in him.
2006-10-18 06:07:46
answer #7
answered by Empty Skies 2
It doesn't really bother me. As long as she is a good mother and I don't get caught up in something since we are just dating unless things go farther. I would hope that she would insist and make a child part of her life since it is her child. I wouldn't think to highly of her is she made her child second to me but over all I wouldn't have a problem dating a woman with children
2006-10-18 06:04:02
answer #8
answered by dmxdragon2 6
It would only influence a very insecure individual or a guy who only wanted you for sex...
Children are wonderful. If you are dating because you want a relationship, then children pose no problems and are, in fact, a wonderful incentive.
If you are dating just to get the womans knickers down, then a child might be a detraction.
Ladies, make your choice.
2006-10-18 06:03:50
answer #9
answered by hls 6
My only concern is where is the father of the child and how is the relationship. I do not want to get involved in a love Triangle..
2006-10-18 06:34:13
answer #10
answered by rao617 1