well... the bad thing about it is that stupid people with blocked minds (blocked byu tv and the government) think they do wrong just cus they want to make theyr life better just6 cus this ****** country is in lack of jobs cus stupid polititians give it all to theyr stupid friends and the real normal people dont get a chance to make it and they have to go out and search for oportunitys out there but if course that jerk (dubya) has never been through bad times and doesnt understand... dam im gettin mad at him again, i still hate him!
this is just another... eeehrm im out of stupid ideas to write here... answer by this jerkass guy named:
Saint Jimmy
P.S: if i could do anythin in the world i would kill bush and hang him from that "liberty statue"(or whatever that spells) so everyone could be happy cvus of his death
P.S2: i finally killed that stupid bird!!!
2006-10-17 10:14:40
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
You're joking around, right? If it doesn't bother you that they enter illegally you must not be effected by the impact they have had on the nation. When they enter illegally, they have to do other things illegally to get by. For example, they cannot get a drivers license or insurance for their cars and some steal social security numbers from legal citizens to receive benefits. I could go on but you can draw your own conclusions.
They do work for half of the wage. Will this benefit you when you are looking for a job as a legal citizen? Probably not.
affirmative action is not the only bad thing about illegal immigration. It could take hours to answer this question so I will leave it at this.... They lower the standards and quality of America.
2006-10-17 17:42:57
answer #2
answered by asdfjkl; 5
You entered into a fire storm here.
People have a multitude of reasons why the "illegals" are so awful. Some are ignorant engough to belive that they can collect social services - that isnt true. If you are not a citizen you can not get welfare.
I do believe that the boarder states have a larger crisis on their hands than the rest of the country. My experience is that Mexicans dont want a free ride. They want a better life, hope and stability. They wont find that in Mexico. They want respect. Simple human desires and needs.
There is information pouring from both sides; some say the illegals put millions of dollars into our economy & others say that the cost us millions. Both sides calim to have proof.
Some say the illeglas take jobs from Americans but unless you have a career in toilet cleaning, are a restraunt cook or you pick fruits & veggies for a living- odds are no Mexican has taken your job.
I find that the root of the issue is not their illegal status. People have come here since the beginning of our great counrty & not done so leagally, they have eventually gotten amensity. The root of the issue is hatred. Hatred, pure and simple.
People make a big deal over them coming here legally as though that is possible. The prospect of coming here leaglly is laughable. Call Any immigration attorney and they will tell you that it is a near impossible task to get legal status here in the US. I married a Latin American, and even being married will not get him legal status.
Yes, affirimative action is racist.
Good luck on coming to your own opinion about the 'illegal' disaster. Hopefully you have sence enough to ignore the hatred, and the opinions & propoganda that are expressed out of it. Good luck!
2006-10-17 18:17:47
answer #3
answered by Anne A 4
One thing that's so bad about illegals is that they take jobs that are badly needed by citizens who don't get the opportunity to go to college. They also drive down wages and make it extremely difficult for citizens to make a decent living in ares where they concentrate. This has nothing to do with racism or disliking diversity. I'm sure that many of them are fine, hard working people, but that does not entitle them to come here illegally in huge numbers and demand rights instead of doing it legally. The focus on Mexicans is not racist either, as they are on our border and a great proportion of our illegals come from there or through there. We are not unaware or happy about illegals from other countries.
2006-10-17 17:23:42
answer #4
answered by DJ 6
This just came to me by E-Mail.I live in Arizona so I sign up for lots of things.This will be on the news tonight on the Lou Dobbs news program.You might find it of some interest to you.
The House Homeland Security Subcommittee
has released a report on the increasing violence on
the Texas border related to drug and alien smuggling.
The investigation makes several startling
claims: Among them, Venezuela is emerging
as a staging area for
terrorists entering the United States, the drug
and alien smuggling cartels are actually strengthening their hold over some area of the border, despite the deployment of the National Guard and more
Border Patrol agents, and smugglers are increasingly including U.S. gangs in their operations.
When one lives in a border state there are many issues to consider.Before you condemn others for their views perhaps you need to think about cause and effect.
I am college educated,I'm not some race related hate filled nut case.I own a business and here in my state its a very big problem.
2006-10-17 17:28:25
answer #5
answered by Yakuza 7
Illegal immigration is bad in mass numbres. There is nothing wrong with being certain nationality or race. I believe illegal immigrants who are already here AND pass certain standards should be legalized. The rest should be put in jail if they have criminal records(not sent back since they would only mess their home countries up even more) and those who don't pass the standards and are not criminals should be sent home. Then after all this "immigrant organization" takes place, we should enable stronger (way stronger) border security to avoid more people from flooding in.
2006-10-17 17:39:17
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
You'll probably never see this, since it's so far down on the answers list but in case you read it all...
I never really understood why people we so against illegal immigrants either until we moved to a small town in southern California.
After seeing the "shanty-towns" that many illegals live in and the working conditions of most - I realize that the reason it is wrong is because it allows (really, ENCOURAGES) businesses to exploit people in the pursuit of over-the-limit profits.
Businesses need to lower their profits (making 300% profit is ridiculous) and pay live-able wages.
Low wages hurts our own economy - lower/middle class have less jobs and less money. Plus, tax payer end up paying for illegal immigrants who have no medical/auto insurance, raising costs of education, let alone paying for deportation. It is a downward spiral for everyone involved.
2006-10-17 18:07:09
answer #7
answered by kmcdonald 2
I don't think you've been reading this carefully. The argument is about criminals, not Mexicans. It happens that vast majority of those crossing the Mexican border illegally are Mexican, but others do it too and they are just as unwelcome.
If you illegally cross the border (or overstay a visa) you are committing a crime and should be deported. You should also be refused re-enter for a period of years to deter others.
2006-10-17 18:49:50
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
first lets look at the results,jobs that use to pay good wages are lost,for example,carpet ind. once was paying $3.50 a square yard to lay now,$1.50 to lay,that's less than half the rate of 10 ten yrs ago,any job that you no longer see,white men,or black men,or Americans of Hispanic descent do,but now is done by mexicans,is because wages were cut in have by mexicans willing to work for half the going rate,now trucking is starting to be affected,do you really want illegal mexicans,to be on the same road as you,and yes they do get D.L.,thanks to what liberals call sanctuary cities.
2006-10-17 17:21:52
answer #9
answered by truckman 4
What is wrong with illegal immigrants (any of them) is that they do not pay into social services, but are able to reap the benefits of our economy. Our nation is founded on diversity, and I think it's great that people want to come to the USA for a better life and better opportunities, but they need to do so LEGALLY - get valid social security numbers etc, and pay into the system just like all other citizens. If they do not want to this, I have no problem with them being here and working hard, but they shoudl not be able to benefit from things like social security, unemployment, schools, libraries and social services that are funded by tax-paying citizens.
2006-10-17 17:23:40
answer #10
answered by bmt330 3
Well, join the club of people that are tired of how the whole business has been treated for about the last 20 years, or so.
The problem is thus: liberal policies(not liberals, because so-called 'conservatives' have been right in there endorsing liberal policies) have put us in a bind where we've got umpty-odd million illegal aliens running around in the country. Yes, illegal aliens, not illegal immigrants or the recent favorite 'undocmented workers'(ptui, ptui), but illegal aliens, somewhere between 12 and 20 million running around in the country largely uninvited but kind of intentionally ignored. And, yes, most are indeed, from Mexico.
Problem: social services are pushed to expand and expand and expand, to the point where hospitals have been forced to close for lack of funds, largely in the border states. Too many damn people all at once has started to cause a breakdown in some places, people moving out of some communities en masse because the neighborhood's headed downhill, seemingly for good.
But, despite the money shortages, despite the overcrowding, eventually we'll figure out how to manage...we always seem to,
and this will be one more hurdle to overcome to get to 'the future'.
Nonetheless, a cynical eye needs to be cast towards 2-3 decades of shoddy border enforcement, and some pretty unscrupulous employers out there need to be curbed in their illegal hiring habits. Also, we do need that border fence. Now that we're officially 300 million( I think that happened a while ago, but statisticians, you know how they are, kind of slow), it's time to make some Hard Choices.
At the beginning of the 20th century(check CNN if you don't believe me), there were under 100 million people in the US. That's about 100 years ago. in 10 decades, we've tripled our population, roughly. India's I believe doubled in that time, and so has China. 'Go forth, and multiply', indeed...only problem is, now we're into exponential growth, and accordingly, exponential demand on resources, land, water, food, electricity, and so forth.
If/when the lights start going out on a regular basis, people are going to start losing their puppy-minds. That would be 'bad'.
So, to forestall socioeconomic disaster and bad grooming, it's probably kind of important to put some forethought on how we handle the 21st century. Make that REALLY important. The Old Ways just aren't going to cut it anymore, and that's true regardless of your ethnicity, background, or what country you're from. It's time to get that thinking cap threaded on properly, and start working this problem...sometimes, 'help' doesn't, ironically enough, because if you wanna get your Jesus on, it's better to teach the guy to fish than to keep just feeding him.
We live in a Brave New World, where they say that like 40 countries or so are close to having the Bomb. Yes. The Big One. The Big Ka-boom. The Ultimate Resource Getter. The Real Conversation Stopper...and it bears remembering that a lot of countries out there really don't like their neighbors very much, and chances are don't even like themselves that much, and therefore juuust might be inclined to use the damn thing, were an opportunity to present itself. So, maybe instead of trying to in-fill the world with 6 billion MORE people this century, we need to start 'thinking globally' like they say, and kind of put the brakes on, here, a little bit. And, that would include strong regulation on immigration. It's a harsh wake-up call for some that things have gone as far as they have, but you learn something new every day, if you're not careful....here's hoping that people keep trying to learn more about how to solve problems instead of getting in a deathmatch competition for that last ear of corn...
2006-10-17 17:26:05
answer #11
answered by gokart121 6