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I want to go to an apple orchard around Baltimore, MD and pick my own apples. These are the orchards close to my area. Since I have not done this before, I would like to know what's your recommendation or what's your experience been like. Thanks.

1. Colora Orchard
1265 Colora Rd., Colora, MD 21917

2. Lohr's Orchard
3301 Snake Lane, Churchville, MD 21028

3. Shaw Orchards
21901 Barrens Road South, Stewartstown, PA 17363

4. Larriland Farm
2415 Woodbine Road, Woodbine, MD 21797

2006-10-17 08:23:16 · 1 answers · asked by Hanna S 1 in Food & Drink Other - Food & Drink

1 answers

My sister's from baltimore and she always goes to Larriland Farm cause it closer to her place and she said its alright. What you can do is try to google each location and see what other people say about them. Or you can call and ask what apple varities they have. You can go to the one that has the most so you can enjoy your apples. :-) Good Luck

2006-10-18 06:37:20 · answer #1 · answered by wittlewabbit 6 · 0 0

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