I know where you are coming from with this because I tend to do the same thing. But, hey! The first step is realizing that we have this problem. I do my best to just keep telling myself over and over that worrying is not going to change the outcome. It is going to happen no matter what. Keep yourself busy. Call a friend. Maybe write your feelings down in a journal. Also, a doctor can prescribe medicine for anxiety if you cannot seem to control it on your own. No one needs ulcers or a heart attack. Good Luck!
2006-10-17 08:19:33
answer #1
answered by Lt 5
It is very natural to worry about things, but just ask yourself "what is the worst that could happen?" It usually is just in your head and the mind plays tricks on us. You have to realise everyone worries about something, just do not let it take over your thoughts. There are some breathing texniques and you have to find out why you get worried about things. It started when you were young and you probably were taught it from your parents, subliminary....“He who has conquered doubt and fear has conquered failure.” - As A Man Thinketh
I have come to believe that the greatest diseases of mankind are doubt and fear. That is not to lessen the seriousness of some of our other afflictions, but doubt and fear rob more people of more life than all the other diseases of the world put together.
Why do I think they are diseases? Well they are acquired, we were not born with them. They are communicable - much of the time, they are passed from one person to the next. But clearer is the Merriam-Webster dictionary which says a disease is "a condition of the living animal...that impairs normal functioning." Sounds like fear and doubt to me.
Doubt keeps us from going for the promotion that we certainly would have gotten had we gone for it; from asking for the big order that the next person got because they asked; from making positive and long lasting changes in our life because they "rock the boat."
Fear causes us to make weak and irrational decisions that sell out our future for the sake of today. It takes our happiness, our sleep, our very life.
In her outstanding book, Conquer Fear!, Lisa Jimenez lists "The Seven Truths" that can help us overcome fear:
”Truth #1
Fear is the dominant problem in your life today.
Truth #2
Fear is a gift that was instilled in you as a means of protection and a way to bring you closer to God.
Truth #3
When you run from or deny your fear, you leave the gift unopened.
Truth #4
When your fear of success or fear of failure is exposed, you break through their control over you.
Truth #5
Your belief system is the driving force behind your behaviors and your results.
Truth #6
Your everyday habits are broadcasting your belief system, your fear, and your unmet needs loud and clear.
Truth #7
Change your beliefs and you change your behaviors.
Change your behaviors and you change your results.
Change your results and you change your life.”
And that is worth thinking about.
2006-10-17 15:30:04
answer #2
answered by James 3
Someone once told me "Worrying is the biggest waste of time." Think about it, all the energy wasted on worrying can be used somewhere else. Worrying is not going to change anything------just exhaust you. So if you are a Christian, you may try giving to God. Best to you!
2006-10-17 15:14:08
answer #3
answered by lennienahra 2
Just read the post by James because nothing can top that. Well done and well said.
Remember, "Worry won't solve tomorrows troubles but will ruin todays happiness."
2006-10-17 15:52:18
answer #4
answered by Darcee 3
Overcoming anxiety/worry takes practice. At each time you worry about something, just grab ahold of it in your mind, discard it, and focus on something good and/or positive. After awhile, it will get easier.
2006-10-17 15:25:08
answer #5
answered by manabovetime 3
It appears you will be worried man for ever., unless you change your attitude and see reality and stop unnecessary worry about things which do not have any material impact in your life.
2006-10-17 15:48:52
answer #6
answered by khayum p 6
Yeah, check out www.hufa.org, the low blood sugar link. Your excessive worry may be one way your brain is trying to frantically balance your blood sugar.
Hope this helps.
2006-10-17 15:46:08
answer #7
answered by Pegasus90 6
I cant say that anything is wrong with you but if you keep worring about nothing honey you mamake your self have a stroke or something take it easy some some pot or something
2006-10-17 15:34:15
answer #8
answered by This is just my opinion! 4
i can tell you this much from personal experience , it is not from god. it is from the devil ! get your bible & go the book of psalms & begin reading & seeking god & find out how very special you are to him & how much he loves you. when you do this you will soon begin to realize who you are in him & you will know there is not a problem on earth he cannot solve, because he has all the answers, they are all there in his book, if you'll just take the time to find out what he is saying to you!! you are a child of the king.start praising god ,get praise & worship music on & your worries shall flee because your maker will chase them away. god bless you in jesus name
2006-10-17 15:21:56
answer #9
answered by joyous believer 3
youre wasting time worring about little things
2006-10-17 15:24:48
answer #10
answered by Arielle 2