Wouldn't that depend on the horses? There are simply too many variables. I can tell you that when our boys are at the far end of a pasture and it's feedin' time, the 26 year old Quarter Horse beats the 9 year old Thoroughbred to the barn nine times out of ten and our smallest pasture is 1/8 mile long..
2006-10-17 08:01:29
answer #1
answered by vwhobo 4
Yes. 95% of the time a Quarter horse can outrun a Thoroughbred in the quarter mile. But there are some fast Thoroughbreds. Quarter horses have a running start where as Thoroughbreds have a standing start which gives Quarter horses an advantage over Thoroughbreds. As sprint runners the Quarter horse is trained to break from the gates at a run speed is everything in a Quarter horse race. Thoroughbreds are distance runners, they are trained to pace themselves., leaving the gates on top is not always an advantage, they generally save their energy for the last stretch of the race where they need it the most.
2006-10-17 09:45:34
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Yes. The best quarter horse against the best thoroughbred sprinter will win. 440 yards is what AQHA's were bred for, and they will prevail. It is not what breed is the best, a Quarter Horse would be demolished at even3/4 of a mile against a comporable TB. Why do people persist in this pointless dispute?? Last thought, if this "question" has any validity evenlly matched (age, training , breeding, BREED) will determine who wins. At 1/4 mile, the Quarter Horse, at over 660 yards, the Thoroughbred. End of story .
2006-10-18 21:55:35
answer #3
answered by lolita 2
like the others said ,depends on the horses and conditions.on record believe it or not the thoroughbred will win.world record for a quarter horse (stakes race) is 20.94 set by Evening Snow at Turf Paradise in 1996.Turf Paradise is an extremely fast track.Thoroughbred record equaled 4 times is 20.8 most recently at Calder in 2000.The only races at 2 furlongs (quarter mile) by thoroughbreds are run by 2 year olds.The better thoroughbreds never run the distance as all the races are at more distance.BUT the splits are always given for each race and it not uncommon to see a horse run a 20+ to 22 first 2 furlongs in a race.
2006-10-17 18:43:59
answer #4
answered by tujungarocket 3
Everything else being equal the answer is yes. But difference of opinion is what makes a horse race. Races have been held in which a man is pitted against a Thoroughbred.
2006-10-19 02:01:33
answer #5
answered by Jabberwock 5
All things being equal, yes. Quarterhorses are bred to be sprinters, using fast twitch muscle groups to produce explosive power and speed. Thoroughbred horses are bred to be endurance athletes, sprinting for distances up to 1.5 miles, which uses more slow twitch muscle fibers and produce less explosive speed. Thoroughbreds do not have to go from 0 to full speed out of the gate but can work their way up to an all out effort. Quarterhorses must be at 100% effort within the first 5 yards in order to be competetive.
2006-10-17 08:41:22
answer #6
answered by george_o_jones 3
yes a quarter horse is a sprinter and a thoroughbred is a distance runner
2006-10-17 07:59:51
answer #7
answered by tjhand5094 3
depends on the horse i say Ask Pete and Griswold in one hell of match race i think they both laid down for six months Ask Pete got him at the wire hes a Thoroughbred seen at Santa Anita live 6 years ago it is more like 11years ago but they tied the track record and Julio GRAZIA was on Ask PETE probably one of best gate crashing jocks of all times santa anita aint no down stream track there notno running starts i quater horse racing the ladies got some houge watching buggies running start your eye
2006-10-17 11:39:08
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
Improve Your Running Technique Now!
2016-08-01 10:52:35
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
All other things being equal then yes.
2006-10-20 02:47:10
answer #10
answered by jen 4