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I was walking and there was this female. She was o.k. but I could tell she was one who thought she was all that, however, I was dressed really decent, said hello, how are you doing with a nice smile? Just being friendly, no advance, Just a friendly hello. She turned her back toward me, and looked the other way and didn't even speak back. I was thinking in my head you stuck up female. You know what I really want to say, but in my head I thought it. What was that all about? Females tell me what that was all about, because you females know each other like no other. Guys if you know let me know too. I had breath mints so...no my breath wasn't bad either, and I had on the smell goods.

2006-10-17 06:31:38 · 25 answers · asked by Anonymous in Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

25 answers

She didnt want to be bothered. For someone not to return a hello is rude. That or she has a very strict policy not to talk to strangers.

2006-10-17 06:39:00 · answer #1 · answered by sparky_butt 3 · 0 0

She's probably not having a good day, and was not approached at the right time. You sound like a nice dude, so I wouldn't worry about it. Either she's really arrogant or something bad had just happened in her life. Either way, you'll meet some good women if you keep actin like that

2006-10-17 06:38:18 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

It obviously was not a case of love at first sight on her part.
Maybe she was in a bad mood. Maybe she is paranoid.
Maybe she didn't like your looks. But she could have said hello and kept walking. You didn't say if this happened in New York, where such a reaction is normal, or in Hicktown Iowa, where it is not normal.
When you figure out how women think, please let the rest of us know.

2006-10-17 06:41:28 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

She thinks she's God's gift to a man so forget about her. Plus she was being rude and unfriendly. Its alot of those type out here and sometimes they need to be brought back down to earth. Thats what you shoulda down, brought her down a notch. I mean damm, all you was doin was sayin hi, whats wrong with that? There are men who act the same way, so dont just think its a chick thing.

2006-10-17 06:40:25 · answer #4 · answered by superbad~honeydip 4 · 0 0

perhaps she really didnt expect it, happened to be day-dreaming or something had caught her eye for her to turn away. I wd't dwell on it coz having gd manners & acting gentlemanly isn't a bad thing. :) If i were her, i'd have smiled back or spoken. perhaps she's shy. i'm a girl yet i've had similar treatment from other girls when i asked (smiling) which floor i should press for them, in the lift! some people just have bad upbringing!

2006-10-17 06:47:45 · answer #5 · answered by salut 5 · 0 0

It's more of a sad statement of the condition of our society. We are generally not accustomed to friendly people like you so we are taken off guard when a stranger offers a friendly Hello.
It wouldn't have killed her to return the greeting in kind.
She was just RUDE!

2006-10-17 06:41:22 · answer #6 · answered by No More 7 · 0 0

Maybe she mistook your "hello" as an attempt to try and hit on her or maybe she was just having a bad day. Or if she is in fact the "I'm all that" type, then you'll just have to except the fact that's the way she is.

2006-10-17 06:40:41 · answer #7 · answered by melcar12345 4 · 0 0

She was most likely hit on buy a construction worker on her way home, and then you smiled and she had the men are pigs reaction. Nothing to do with you, she was just having a bad day.

2006-10-17 06:41:27 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

She sounds like a snob to me.....and you can find someone better than that. If she is so snobby then she is probably very high maintenance too and would turn your bank account into a pile of dust.

2006-10-17 06:40:46 · answer #9 · answered by julygirl75038 3 · 0 0

Maybe she didn't hear you say hello to her or maybe she wasn't paying attention
I know sometimes people will say hi to me and i don't hear them
And sometimes someone will say hi to me and i won't know it theyre talking to me or someone else so i don't answer them
Like i would rather not say hi to someone at all that say hi to someone who wasn't even talking to me in the first place.

Then again she could have noticed you and was to shy to say hi to you because maybe she thought you were cute.

2006-10-17 06:43:18 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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