My question in layman's terms are u a racists or not in regards to illegals? Your defense?
I did not call anyone a bigot I just feel that when we have any type of an opinion towards any given subject, we have reasons for that. If the reason is pure be it....everyone is entitled to their opinion.......if you truly feel that you dislike illegals because they are simply illegal and not for their color then that stance will be shown in your answer
There is much Racism in America. It is shameful. I agree that people being here illegal potentially cause a major national security problem. We need to know who resides here on our soil....but the have created the system that virtually makes it impossible to become legal. This system was left as such by our government to exploit and pilfer the people from Mexico.....our governments greed is what allowed the attacks of 911. In essence while trying to keep the North American Indians in their place where the white man still thinks they belong....... They created the perfect atmosphere for terrorist to come on our soil and kill. Possibly if the American Government had done right by our Neighboring Mexican Indians 911 would not have happened. I AM NOT A RACIST I AM A REALIST.
I am in agreement with many that we must control our borders. It is a national security issue and the drug lords freely pass drugs into the United States. Okay but we have problems on both sides of the "fence". The "fence" will not stop the corruption of US Officials who allow these drugs to be passed. These same officials will have a key to open that "border fence" to admit the drug lords but will not permit the passage of the poor illegal immigrant that came to clean up your buildings instead of blowing them up. Why do so many drugs come into the United States? The answer supply and demand. We need these illegal immigrants to work the jobs that our so drug addicted nation will not fill. WE NEED COMPREHENSIVE IMMIGRATION REFORM. We do not need to repair the damaged levy by placing our finger in the hole. We need to repair the entire levy. DON'T let these politicians keep you ignorant....This whole smoke screen/border fence is just a ploy to get them reelected. These same politicians know that we need this "illegal" work force just as much as they need us.....Think.....if it were not true would it have taken them so long to do something about it. NO it wouldn't have. The 911 incident caused us all to think....but did the illegal alien mastermind that event. No, he didn't so why treat him or her as if they did do it. STOP RACISM. HUG AN ILLEGAL ALIEN TODAY
Who cares build the fence. The American public has clamored that they wish for this atrocity to be built. Then once all those billions of dollars are sunk into the building of this shameful wall......there will be no money for mass deportations...You see this is why the government is building this wall... We all know that it will not serve the purpose for which it is built....They didn't even build a levy that could protect New Orleans..... the illegals crossing are just as unpredictable.....Build the fence so they will be able to say later well we don't have the money now for deportations.......Also you will see discounts on ladders on the other side of the border. You just need a ladder to safely scale the wall without a scratch.
People say that we came as legal ones.....if you want to consider the atrocities committed to the North American Indians as our coming here legal do so......The Indian did not have the concept of owning land.......The saw land as on loan by mother nature. Mother nature owned the land they did not. So when the White Man came requesting to buy land the Indian so much wanted to share all of the bounty of the land with the white man......The white man tricked the Indians into entering into written contracts of land purchase.......lands of hundreds of acres purchased with little in exchange.....was not money.......Beaver pelts, deer antlers....beads...etc were the purchasing items. The Indians not understanding the concept of a man owning land......assumed that they were giving the white man the same rights as they had to hunt fish and camp .... The white man saw the Indian as stupid and dumb and savage and fraudulently acquired his lands..... So don't say we came here as legal.... we came as thieves.
What Racist America needs today is a reality show. Now if u are not racist don't be offended. I am talking to RACIST. If the shoe does not fit DO NOT PUT IT ON!!! The Americans are spoiled. I am talking about my own race. I am American born. I am Irish German, Cherokee. Considered white. The majority of white people are mutts with the majority of them not even knowing anything about from whence they truly came. The African American & the Hispanics have a more true blood line than "White America" I have strived to educate myself.... we must do so to understand the concept of anything so that we can intelligently assess situations and form opinions..... The majority of the Americans do not care about the plight of others.... they are greedy and spoiled... and continue to claim something of which truly is not theirs. Why do I say this.....You say that we came as legal ones.....if you want to consider the atrocities committed to the North American Indians as our coming here legal do so......The Indian did not have the concept of owning land.......The saw land as on loan by mother nature. Mother nature owned the land they did not. So when the White Man came requesting to buy land the Indian so much wanted to share all of the bounty of the land with the white man......The white man tricked the Indians into entering into written contracts of land purchase.......lands of hundreds of acres purchased with little in exchange.....NO money.......Beaver pelts, deer antlers....beads...etc were the purchasing items. The Indians not understanding the concept of a man owning land......assumed that they were giving the white man the same rights as they had to hunt fish and camp .... The white man saw the Indian as stupid dumb SAVAGES and fraudulently acquired his lands..... So don't say we came here as legal.... we came as thieves. YEA WE NEED A REALITY SHOW SO THAT I CAN SEE MY RACE HUMBLE THEMSELVES... AND CRY.... IN DESPERATION OF HUNGER AND LACK OF COMPASSION I can see at the end of the show when they are called to be picked up........They will say....... Mom, Dad I have made some really good friends over here. They took me in, they clothed me and fed me....They loved me..... Can you possibly bring a bus so that I can invite some of them back to my home with me so that I can begin to show them the same love they have shown me.....AMERICA HUMBLE YOURSELF BEFORE CIRCUMSTANCES FORCE YOU TO BE HUMBLE
The Fence.
Who cares build the fence. The American public has clamored that they wish for this atrocity to be built. Then once all those billions of dollars are sunk into the building of this shameful wall......there will be no money for mass deportations...You see this is why the government is building this wall... We all know that it will not serve the purpose for which it is built....They didn't even build a levy that could protect New Orleans..... the illegals crossing are just as unpredictable.....Build the fence so they will be able to say later well we don't have the money now for deportations.......Also you will see discounts on ladders on the other side of the border. You just need a ladder to safely scale the wall without a scratch.
America on the white Horse
The land of plenty..... And wants to oppress Mexico the impoverished ones for what just for the privilege of being our neighbor... come on get off of the white horse before it falls in a mud hole.
Yea they need to do this as a reality show. The Americans are spoiled. I am talking about my own race. I am American born. I am Irish German, Cherokee. Considered white. The majority of white people are mutts with the majority of them not even knowing anything about from whence they truly came. I have strived to educate myself.... we must do so to understand the concept of anything so that we can intelligently assess situations..... The majority of the Americans do not care about the plight of others.... they are greedy and spoiled... and continue to claim something of which truly is not theirs. Why do I say this.....You say that we came as legal ones.....if you want to consider the atrocities committed to the North American Indians as our coming here legal do so......The Indian did not have the concept of owning land.......The saw land as on loan by mother nature. Mother nature owned the land they did not. So when the White Man came requesting to buy land the Indian so much wanted to share all of the bounty of the land with the white man......The white man tricked the Indians into entering into written contracts of land purchase.......lands of hundreds of acres purchased with little in exchange.....was not money.......Beaver pelts, deer antlers....beads...etc were the purchasing items. The Indians not understanding the concept of a man owning land......assumed that they were giving the white man the same rights as they had to hunt fish and camp .... The white man saw the Indian as stupid and dumb and fraudulently acquired his lands..... So don't say we came here as legal.... we came as thieves. YEA WE NEED A REALITY SHOW SO THAT I CAN SEE MY RACE HUMBLE THEMSELVES... AND CRY.... IN DESPERATION OF HUNGER AND LACK OF COMPASSION
God and Borders
Question asked by:SealRBorders’s
Can you answer me this???? I've heard MANY of you?
on here say, "God doesn't believe in borders". Oh,YEAH??? Then WHY does God tell the Israelites in Genesis 15:18, " On that day the Lord made a covenant with Abraham, and said, "To your decendants i will give this land, from the river of Egypt to the great river Euphrates." Sounds like BORDERS to me!!!!!!
Genesis 13:15 "And the land that you SEE i will give to you and your offspring forever." How FAR can a person SEE???? NOT VERY!!!! Genesis 17:8 "the whole land of Canaan.....i will give,as an everlasting possession, to you and your decendants after you...." this is ONE country!!!!
Numbers 34:11 "The BOUNDARY will go down from Shepham to Riblah on the east side of Ain and continue along the slopes east of the sea of Kinnereth." Numbers 34:9 "continue to Ziphron and end at Hazar Enan. This will be your BOUNDARY to the north." SEE???? MORE borders!!!!!
"smack" yeah Jesus said to give the less fortunate a helping hand,but he did NOT say to give them everything they are DEMANDING, INCLUDING your country!!!
La Gueta answers:
Hey tell Ms. Biblical Scholaress did he also tell them to build fences, walls etc? I appreciate your question. God also said. "Love not the world neither the things of the world.... for if any man love the world the love of the father is not in him." I think love is mentioned more than land boundaries... and correct me but I think that land, territories would be considered "Worldly possessions" and when God says love not the world would not "LAND" be included as part of the things that we are not to store in our hearts as possessions. Man you just opened such a large can of worms.......
bureaucratic monster IMMIGRATION
As I have mentioned many times before. ICE.... INS.... whatever they call themselves these days needs to be completely torn down and edified with specific departments with specific job details... They must be held accountable for their work ethics. You for example as a law abiding citizen (hopefully) do not have racist reasons for reporting someone does not even know who to report them too.... This bureaucratic monster of a department does not serve the Public in its work... nor does it serve its purpose in granting work permits for those who have applied.... what good are they? They have the attitude that I will get to them when I get to them not just to the people who they are supposed to serve .... But to the USA citizen who in essence supplies them with that paycheck that they do not earn..... Heads up...... Rebuild this monster of a department while building this wall across the border.
Young People Who know nothing
The children on here do not know the difference between EU immigrants, illegal immigrants and asylum seekers?
I have been working together with 6th formers, who study A-level languages. In this context immigration and racism is being discussed. And most kids really haven't got a clue, just some vague opinions based on Sun headlines and preconceptions...
No that is really scary for a long time I have thought that there were a lot of young people at this site with a lot of time on their hands. No dictionary…maybe. They give very short answers often with horrible grammatical errors to debates which warrant much broader answers or explanations….maybe just for the competition in regards to points huh? But at the same time never get best answers from various people. They obviously do not have a clue. You are not alone
I don't wish to offend you but I do wish to inform you..... There is no TAX Free money in regards to the majority of the illegals.... unless they work in cash paying jobs ... like construction for example... Lots of people hide in the construction business for that very reason..... illegals are just working in construction. We have American dead beat dads who work in it too so they get easy money under the table as we call it so as not to pay child support. Most industries pay with payroll checks. If an illegal works in an industry that does pay with payroll checks then the appropriate federal and state taxes are removed. I recently did a spot check on payroll checks from the main industry in my town from 4 different illegal pay stubs..... 2 from poultry and 2 from restaurants. I did an estimate based on those 4 pay stubs in regards to the shifts worked at each one of those industries. I had an estimate of State taxes paid in to my state of $64,000.00. I did not figure up the Federal Taxes but you best believe that they have been raking it in also. Please keep in mind that the county that I live in is not ranked among the largest in my state. I would love to be able to do a State wide survey, but the problem is getting people to trust you not to use their information against them. You may be surprised to also be informed that at least 2 of these people had health insurance for which they paid for & utilized, they also had an additional voluntary $5.00 taken out each week as a donation for United Way Fund. I did no guesstimates on those donations, but just these 2 people alone donate a solid figure of $520.00 @ year which has to be noted as community service. IT WAS A REAL EYE OPENER TO ME. Please understand that the illegal does not file federal income taxes.... he does fall in a low income category and would be eligible to receive most of his tax money paid in as refunds... now do you really think that our government wants to make them legal so they have to give that money back ..... NO, of course not. The fence is going to be a joke. Who cares build the fence. The American public has clamored that they wish for this atrocity to be built. Then once all those billions of dollars are sunk into the building of this shameful wall......there will be no money for mass deportations...You seed this is why the government is building this wall... We all know that it will not serve the purpose for which it is built....They didn't even build a levy that could protect New Orleans..... the illegals crossing are just as unpredictable.....Build the fence so they will be able to say later well we don't have the money now for deportations.......Also you will see discounts on ladders on the other side of the border. You just need a ladder to safely scale the wall without a scratch. .THE POLITICIANS DO NOT WANT TO SEND THE ILLEGAL BACK
The mixing of the Races.
Now statistically you are right that Mexicans have the custom of having large families THE REASON mainly being due to the fact that the majority of Mexico is still practicing Catholisism. The doctrine of this religion states that Birth Control of any form is a sin. I DO NOT FEEL THAT white people will be a minority compared to other minorities. What I mean by this is that the people of the great "USA" have learned to adapt over the years also...... They are an intelligent, proud people. They will not suffer the racism, poverty, discriminations that other "RACES" or cultures have faced upon arrival to this new and wonderful land. I feel that in the longrun the USA will accept graciously anything that we are handed in life's highway. NOW FOOD FOR THOUGHT FOR YOU.......Are the Mexicans becoming a "watered down" version of their former selves..... of course....... so as whites have become "watered down" for years. People see me they call me white only because of my skin color.... I am Irish, German, Cherokee...... watered down huh. Ask anyone White has ceased to exist....... This White "RACE" still functions after years and years and endurance of immigration to this country..... we have not become weak because of it...... we have become a stronger 'race' because of it.......... Mexicans were not the first to 'INVADE' US. Also please include in your thoughts that many of these Mexican Men are so "taken" by what they consider the White American Female that many of them are taking them on as wives.... having children with them. Watering down of the race has been ongoing for many years. Now as they marry these women they also begin to leave or alter some of their own does the woman alter and change her own customs so that they can live in a level of respect to each and his own. With marriage comes change even for people of the same skin color. NOW THESE CUSTOMS ARE SWIRLED TOGETHER WHICH IN ESSENCE CHANGES THE OVERALL MEANING OF THESE CUSTOMS AND THEY BECOME TOTALLY NEW CUSTOMS.
The Illegals and Low Wages, Chicken $10.00 a lb., no tax break
No the illegals did not create low wage jobs. They have always been here. Furthermore if we raise all of the low paying jobs salaries up to $10.00 an hour you will wipe out middle class America. Who could afford to pay $10.00 a lb for chicken? I don't wish to offend you but I do wish to inform you..... There is no TAX Free money in regards to the majority of the illegals.... unless they work in cash paying jobs ... like construction for example... Lots of people hide in the construction business for that very reason..... illegals are just working in construction. We have American dead beat dads who work in it too so they get easy money under the table as we call it so as not to pay child support. Most industries pay with payroll checks. If an illegal works in an industry that does pay with payroll checks then the appropriate federal and state taxes are removed. I recently did a spot check on payroll checks from the main industry in my town from 4 different illegal pa stubs..... 2 from poultry and 2 from restaurants. I did an estimate based on those 4 pay stubs in regards to the shifts worked at each one of those industries. I had an estimate of State taxes paid in to my state of $64,000.00. I did not figure up the Federal Taxes but you best believe that they have been raking it in also. Please keep in mind that the county that I live in is not ranked among the largest in my state. I would love to be able to do a State wide survey, but the problem is getting people to trust you not to use their information against them. You may be surprised to also be informed that at least 2 of these people had health insurance for which they paid for & utilized, they also had an additional voluntary $5.00 taken out each week as a donation for United Way Fund. I did no guesstimates on those donations, but just these 2 people alone donate a solid figure of $520.00 @ year which has to be noted as community service. IT WAS A REAL EYE OPENER TO ME. Please understand that the illegal does not file federal income taxes.... he does fall in a low income category and would be eligible to receive most of his tax money paid in as refunds... now do you really think that our government wants to make them legal so they have to give that money back ..... NO, of course not. The fence is going to be a joke. Who cares build the fence. The American public has clamored that they wish for this atrocity to be built. Then once all those billions of dollars are sunk into the building of this shameful wall......there will be no money for mass deportations...You see this is why the government is building this wall... We all know that it will not serve the purpose for which it is built....They didn't even build a levy that could protect New Orleans..... the illegals crossing are just as unpredictable.....Build the fence so they will be able to say later well we don't have the money now for deportations.......Also you will see discounts on ladders on the other side of the border. You just need a ladder to safely scale the wall without a scratch. .THE POLITICIANS DO NOT WANT TO SEND THE ILLEGAL BACK
White Racist….. Hispanic Gangs.
I can't even pretend to be an expert on immigration matters but sometimes I do know the answer. I consider myself a humanitarian who loves all color and races. I am "WHITE" American which is only a skin color not a race and often times am ashamed of what America has become. There are good and bad in all races. I just know that I cannot look at skin color to judge if a person is good or bad. I also know that we have problems on both sides of the fence.. For instance the "Whites" in this year of 2006 are still racists... not all.... but a vast majority......... The illegal came & I am highly Pro Immigration but we have some major problems in relation to gang assembly among the children of the Hispanic families that were born here.... why wouldn't we look at "WHITE" children they are killing other children in school.... Sometimes I wonder if it were all worth it for the Hispanic families to lose their children to this culture.
2006-10-17 09:22:42
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
They call it racism.. but 'they' are not correct at all. The 'White' Spanish of Mexico are the leaders of the Country and always have been. Were when the 'Supreme' commander was a Mexican Indian. White Mexicans come from Spain, for the most part, but the Mexican Indians came over the famous Siberian Land Bridge, and so.. are a variety of racial points. Racism got to be popular, and the Mexican Indian Tribes, (about 269 or so) were one race (not) and the Spanish were another. Mexicans, now, are claiming to be, and probably are, of the many Indian Tribes in Mexico. Mexico isolated those 'Indians' on reservations, and basically, those Indians spoke about 20% Spanish, and 80% the tribal language.. and did not join the mainstream Mexican Society. I think they are now coming out.. and heading for the U.S. Obviously, the Mexican Government thinks that is very, very wonderful too. And so does Obama.. they require welfare, and they have the ability to totally break the wage levels in the United States. THAT makes his economic picture look good. ============================ And, by the way, if an American Indian went south, the Indians down there had very, very nifty ways to kill them. There was NO trade.. and even the Yaqui did not come up here willy nilly. Keep in mind, the lands of this Hemisphere were overcrowded.. water was scarce and the time of the Hunter Gatherers was coming to an end.. but the Hunter Gatherers had NO idea what they could transition to. But the Mexican Indians were not allowed in this area, even if they could get up here. That desert south of Yuma is as bad as it ever was.
2016-05-22 08:04:30
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Your right on the money. I have been dealing with immigration issues both legal and illegal since the 90's and it is getting worse every year.
But, what is more scary is when a country let one group of people break the law it is only a matter of time when nobody obeys the laws then you have anarchy. That is where this country of ours is heading. Just look at our nations crime rate. It is growing faster then our immigration numbers.
300 million what a joke We pasted the 300 million a few years ago. But, then that is managed news for you. They also said only 2 million illegals enter the USA yearly. Just came out today it is 9 million illegals entering yearly. I rest my case.
2006-10-16 18:11:49
answer #3
answered by wild4gypsy 4
Criminal Records Search Database :
2015-10-03 19:33:13
answer #4
answered by Alvin 1
Because they don't. Look, do illegal aliens cause problems? Clearly. But there is an OVERREACTION to the problem of mexican illegals because people are racist, plain and simple.
How in the world do you explain that more crimes are committed by illegal aliens coming across the CANADIAN border (here's a newsflash: people with Arab passports CAN'T come across the Mexican border, period. They can across the Canadian border) and yet no one is screaming about building a wall between us and Canada.
I'm not saying the Mexican border is not a problem. But whenever people react in away that is not REASONABLE and MEASURED, it means you're wasting time and energy better spent on other problems.
And with all due respect to the last poster, the ACLU lobby is nto especially well funded comepared to coroporate lobbyists who are not basing their positions on what the FEEL is best for the country, but on what's best for their client's pocket books.
2006-10-16 16:45:35
answer #5
answered by mark r 3
As long as Washington plays to the lobbyists with big bucks like the ACLU, we will continue to avoid making laws necessary to keep this from happening. We will continue to grant amnesty and pay federal welfare with our tax money to criminals because law makers are afraid of being seen as insensitive.
2006-10-16 16:45:13
answer #6
answered by dbackbarb 4
Well there are alot of drug dealers, rapists, criminals and welfare recipient citizens as well. As before nothing will be done. This whole thing is a lure for votes that is ALL it is. Funny how no one cared about this last year.
2006-10-16 16:57:05
answer #7
answered by primamaria04 5
Make them leave and offer the new work visa's to the ones who never left Mexico. Make the employers be responsible for them.
2006-10-16 16:44:26
answer #8
answered by carolinatinpan 5
im with u but it all comes down to the vote
2006-10-16 18:30:04
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
Funny your previous posts seem to support he other side
2006-10-16 16:41:15
answer #10
answered by Anonymous