A very long, long time ago Hartz sold high quality pet supplies and food. They set up a distribution system through supermarkets that worked very well and made them rich and successful.
Then a couple of decades ago, they sold their company. The new owners capitalized on the Hertz reputation and distribution set up. They reduced the quality of their products to the bare minimum (and sometimes not even that).
If you'd like to test this for yourself, buy some bulk catnip at a pet store and a package of Hartz catnip. Offer both to a cat on separate occasions. With real catnip, the kitty will become very playful and kind of blissed out. With the Hartz, I doubt if you'll see much of any reaction at all.
2006-10-16 16:48:47
answer #1
answered by beast 6
the cheapest hartz products only kills fleas, but it does not kill eggs, larve and coons. You will keep recieve adult fleas all the time because eggs falls into the carpet. I've heard a lot of sad stories about Hartz products and other products like bio-spot products, zodiac (some), they gave pets terrible reactions and they actually die or has to be put into sleep (too late for the vet to pull the pet out of that situation). Most pets are very senistive to the flea collars.
the best thing i can tell you is go to the Vet, some animal hospital will let you to bring your pet (dog or cat) to weight it so the vet can give you actual doses OF advantage, revolution and Frontline.
I just phoned my animal hospital office today, to ask them the differences between Advantage and Revolution, if your pet is indoor, settle on Advantage because it will just kill fleas and tick (all stages right away).... Revolution is more of parsite killer (stomach virus, heart worm, tapeworm) and also it kills ticks and fleas, which is good for outdoor pets including dogs and cats.
My vet said to me that my cat is indoor, i should settle with Advantage but since i just adopted my cat a week ago (three years old) never been outside or treated with vaccines so I decided to get him Revolution solution for about four months to kill those nasty virus/parsites then after that i'll settle on Advantage.
There are lots of information and answers related to your question that has been posted here (just click on next pages and forth) and you'll find a lot of people say NO to hertz or other cheap products.
I forgot to add, the top flea control is Revolution then Advantage and the next in line is Frontline. It actually depends on the area where you live. In my area it is high humidity in the summer and early Fall so Revolution/Advantage is better (according to my vet).
2006-10-16 16:53:47
answer #2
answered by Stanley T 2
I use frontline and find it very effective. I've heard good results on advantage as well. But Hartz products can be more dangerous for your pet, and less effective on the fleas. Go with Frontline or Advantage.
2006-10-16 16:39:36
answer #3
answered by Animaholic 4
Although Hartz is cheap, what you may wind up paying for is a trip to the emergency vet.
Most of the 'old style' flea control products like hartz are just that- old, outdated pesticides that have been replaced with better, more effective and safer products.
Everyone has a different preference with the good flea products- I like advantage, it works, it is safe, it has a low toxicity and it's easy to use.
2006-10-16 18:23:43
answer #4
answered by Dr. Max 4
Frontline advantage works. Hartz doesn't.
2006-10-16 16:37:03
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
The biggest difference between Frontline and Advantage is that Frontline kills fleas and ticks, and Advantage only kills fleas. So...I would say that if your cats are outdoors at all they use Frontline. If they are indoor cats then it's up to you. If Advantage didn't work then there is no harm in trying Frontline.
2016-05-22 08:03:36
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
Advantage for cats only works to kill adult fleas and flea larva. Frontline works to kill flea larva, flea eggs, adult fleas, ticks, and lice. To choose the best flea and tick product for your cat or dog, you have to consider whether the animal is indoors or outside most of the time. The cheaper Hartz products they sell at Target is just that- Cheap! You get what you pay for, so if you find that your cat still has fleas, then you know why.
2006-10-16 16:40:55
answer #7
answered by Shanti 1
Literally life and death, he tried it on our cat 2 weekends ago, the Vet bill was over $800 and at that time she was only given 60/40 chance. While she recovered luckily many do not. Do a search on Hartz and do a bit of reading....I wish I had before putting my little Jasmine through hell. I did a posting several days ago asking about people with similar experiences.
2006-10-16 18:25:12
answer #8
answered by Cherry_Blossom 5
I have always used advantage and it is well worth the extra bucks.It treats and prevents fleas as well as killing the larval flea stages in the surroundings of the treated pet.I once used Frontline and it did little for the dogs when they were in a flea infested area.But the advantage works regardless.
2006-10-16 16:51:00
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
frontline works best on dogs and advantage works best on cats. hartz can cause ur dog to get sick and lose their hair.
2006-10-16 17:09:33
answer #10
answered by Jacob S 2