For the same reason children usually prefer empty cardboard boxes :) Kittens and cats are weird. I probably have over 50 cat toys for my 6 cats, and what do they play with? Anything that's not considered a "cat" toy!
2006-10-16 09:43:37
answer #1
answered by KL 5
As someone who has had cats all her life and just lost the oldest of my cats a few weeks ago aged 16 I can tell you even if they are old with no teeth like mitzey was they still want to play with anything that makes a noise or moves. I always leave a small box somewhere around my house and I can be sure at sometime during the day I will find my existing cat Poppet whose is aged 9 either curled up asleep of playing hide and seek or jumping in and out.....I often wonder what is on the cats mind while they are playing......all the cats have given me hours of amusement with boxes, paper, wool, string, empty toilet rolls, cotton reels in fact anything that costs nothing....this time of the year to watch them outside chasing the leaves as they fall off the trees is a wonderful sight and keeps both cat and owner amused.
2006-10-16 12:05:12
answer #2
answered by jaycee1940 2
She has chosen her toy for the time being. Put away all the other toys and bring them out periodically. When she is a little order she will broaden herself and pick out the ones she likes and let you know which ones she doesn't.
The Laser pointer that is so popular is not popular with my two kittens.
They only like the feather teasers and the one he goes crazy over is a Qtip. He got a hold of it and buries and chases it all around the house. I think I will have to make a trip to the Dollar Tree for more.
Don't worry she will change and will always play with what she chooses at the moment.
2006-10-16 10:39:41
answer #3
answered by Hedicat 3
All of my cats and kittens have loved boxes. They are things that can be jumped in, hidden in and hold surprises. Try flicking scrunched up bits of paper into the box, I bet your kitten will enjoy the thrill of the hunt, or hiding things underneath it then lifting the box and putting it down quickly - this will keep them amused. I think it is the same as a child, if they can be creative it's much more exciting. I even used to push things under rugs for them to dig out - but make sure it's an old rug and not something you treasure!!!!!
2006-10-16 09:56:53
answer #4
answered by debzc 5
Every cat I have ever had usually plays with a box or a bag. I think it is more of an exploration thing. If i were you I would avoid buying any toys. They like things like boxes, bags, crinkley things, hair scunchies, bottle caps. They are like small children you could put the most expensive toy with all the gadets and gizmos infront of them and a large box and majority of the time they go for the box! As for you toes, they wiggle! lol sometimes it is their way of bonding and testing their limits with you. GOOD LUCK!
2006-10-16 09:47:59
answer #5
answered by star_angel_1713 3
That's Murphy's Law. You buy expensive toys and all they want is a scrunched up piece of paper and a box. Cute little things aren't they? Well take a toy out at a time so she doesn't get bored with all the choice. And if the popcorn box is safe and works then enjoy.
My cat loves scrunched up piece of paper (he plays fetch with that), a big sheet of newspaper (he hides under it and thinks he;s invisible) and then he also likes a study laundry basket (kinda of works out to be a Wendy house for HIM).
2006-10-16 09:51:13
answer #6
answered by buzybee 4
Cats are naturally very curious and extremely independent creatures. The box is more exciting and she is letting you know that she will do as she pleases, when she pleases and how she pleases. When you are not looking she will investigate the toys and will play with them when she wants to, not when you want her to, just as a show of independence. Enjoy your kitten.
2006-10-16 10:29:17
answer #7
answered by blondie 6
not all kittens or cats like toys. its good that it is playing though. think of a child , you might buy them a really expensive present and they'll play with the wrapping! some cats love to play in and around boxes - hiding playing with the corners or getting inside.
every cat has its own personality just like humans
2006-10-16 09:47:04
answer #8
answered by Mr Cynical 5
My cat's the same-leave an empty box around that He'll only just fit into,and He's curled up in there licking himself..I bought him scratch toys,and He'll still use the sofa or bed headboard..
2006-10-16 17:44:34
answer #9
answered by Devmeister 3
Why did I spend 70 dollars on a toy for my cat, when a string would do the same thing. Cats like things that catch their eyes. If it moves, like your toes, she will attack. A turbo scratcher is a GREAT toy. Both of my cats loved and love it!!
2006-10-16 09:49:09
answer #10
answered by Anonymous